
What does bodily oriented psychotherapy do?

Body-oriented psychotherapy is one of the directions of this science, which is based on the fact that positive changes in the state of mind can be achieved using body effects. This includes dozens of different schools and areas that combine the same view on physiological functions, which are an integral part of the whole personality. Thus, psychocorrection in this direction is carried out using physical contact, as well as bodily functions, including breathing, body tension, movement, etc.

The founder of bodily-oriented psychotherapy may consider William Reich, departed from psychoanalysis and engaged in the study of the impact on the body. Adherents of this theory believe that everything that happens to the soul leaves an imprint on the body, which remembers almost all feelings and experiences since birth. Therefore, working with physical sensations can affect the deep levels of the unconscious, which will help to find solutions to problems of the physical and psychological plane.

The child loves to move and knows how to listen to his body. The main thing he pays attention to is the pleasure he receives from the movements. So, when frightened, children run away when they feel hurt or hurt - they cry, when they are happy - they jump with pleasure. However, the older a person becomes, the less he shows his emotions, learns to live by the rules and norms of society, restraining bodily impulses. As a result, muscle tension, not getting discharge, becomes chronic. Body-oriented psychotherapy calls them a muscle block (sometimes you can find the term "shell"). He does not allow you to fully understand the suppressed feelings and emotions, being a kind of defense reaction. To maintain this "shell" is spent a lot of strength, on that body gradually loses its liveliness and flexibility. As a result, there are problems of a psychological or physical plane.

The main task of this area in psychology is to help the patient to establish a lost contact with the body, as a result of which processes that can improve and restore the body are activated. The techniques that are used here are as safe as possible, since the body can not be forced to do what is not characteristic of it.

Among other techniques that are used here, body-oriented exercise therapy uses the following:

For the beginning participants of psychocorrection should get acquainted with the simplest muscle clamps, following the example of "tension-relaxation". Parts of the body (arms, legs, neck, back) alternately strain, then relax. No less interesting task - "Shadow". This exercise requires two participants. One takes on the role of Man, the other - his shadow. The last in the end should not only repeat all the movements, but also to guess the thoughts and feelings of his partner. It is worth paying attention to the exercise "Justify the pose". To perform it, participants walk around in circles, and on the leader's command they freeze. You need to find an explanation for your posture.

Some classes use techniques and techniques that dance-motor therapy can borrow . Exercises taken from here differ in apparent simplicity externally, and their essence is quite important for the general well-being of the participants in the psycho-correction group.

Body-oriented psychotherapy has such an important concept as "grounding." This means that the patient should stand firmly on his feet, that is, feel contact with the ground (for tasks usually asked to take off or have shoes with a thin sole and without a heel). This is especially important if the classes are conducted for people who have alcohol or drug addiction.

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