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What do bear tattoos mean?
What is a tattoo? In fact, it is not only the decoration of the human body, but also the self-expression of the individual. The picture characterizes its owner, tells about habits, passions, hobbies and even hidden
Meaning of tattoo
Bear can symbolize different things. Everything depends on the traditions and culture of peoples. The Japanese ascribe to the bear wisdom and discretion. Therefore, this heavy animal should not necessarily be associated with malice and aggression. Even Russian folk tales often showed these character traits from a bear. He, despite his slowness and sluggishness, always judged the rest of the beasts in the forest wisely and fairly.
But for the inhabitants of North America bear tattoos mean freedom. Indians
The Chinese always associated the she-bear with motherhood and care. And this is quite logical. It is enough only to remember how anxious animals treat their offspring, protect and protect it from enemies. As you can see, bear tattoos do not always have aggressive overtones. Therefore, do not take literally the drawings on the human body.
In addition, you need to carefully choose the place for tattooing. In principle, the master will be able to make the desired tattoo anywhere. The desire of the client is the law. However, there are parts of the body where it is not recommended to make art tattoos. The bear is better represented in the technique of realism - this is what any professional will tell you. So the character traits of the animal are better transmitted, its
So, where is it better to look like a tattoo? The bear on the shoulder, chest or back will look the most spectacular? All these places are quite suitable for drawing. However, it is better for a lean physique to apply a pattern on the back or shoulder blades. But a man of good build with powerful hands can afford a tattoo on his shoulder. By the way, women such images are also quite suitable. Only they should give preference to the bear with their offspring. This will characterize the owner of the picture as a caring, faithful and loving mother.
Since realism is a rather complicated style, it is necessary to check the availability of the selected master in this technique. Otherwise, the end result will greatly disappoint you, and money will be wasted.
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