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What can be the allocation at 35 weeks of pregnancy?

For thirty-odd weeks, the expectant mother gets used to her condition. Behind the first trimester together with endless anxieties and toxicosis. The next 12 weeks passed imperceptibly. Many note that the second trimester is really a golden period in the life of every pregnant woman. And now you are on the home stretch. Soon a little miracle will be born. Again, there are reasons for concern. Allocations at week 35 are more abundant and in each case are individual. Today, we will help you figure out what is the norm, and in which case you need to immediately consult a doctor.

Why are there selections

The mucus is continuously synthesized by glandular cells, which are located in the cervix in large numbers. And the intensity depends on the hormonal background. In the first phase of the cycle, as in early pregnancy, progesterone is produced. That's why the secretions become thick, viscous and opaque. In the second half of pregnancy, estrogen prevails. This immediately noticeable future mother. Allocations are now liquid and abundant enough. With hormonal failures, other variants of the development of events are possible, but these are special cases that are discussed in the doctor's office.

What will have to face every woman

Transparent or white discharge from the vagina always causes inconvenience, but is a physiological process and, in addition, a faithful assistant. On them you can judge the state of your body and call the doctor in time. Especially attentively to such signals it is necessary to concern in the period of bearing of the kid. Allocations at 35 weeks of pregnancy are not always a pathology, although it is better to tell the treating gynecologist about them so that the doctor decides on the need for correction.

Abundant selection

This is noted almost everything. From the first day of pregnancy, a woman begins to notice that the nature of vaginal discharge is changing. Most often they become more abundant. The fact is that after conception the work of the organism is completely reconstructed and subjected to a number of metamorphoses. Allocations at 35 weeks of pregnancy vary, but require constant monitoring. If an unpleasant color or odor occurs, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately. It is especially important to react quickly if there is blood, there are painful sensations. The norm can be called abundant liquid discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy. They should not be accompanied by itching and burning, unpleasant odor.

Watery discharge

If you are already 35 weeks pregnant, mucous discharge on the laundry should not be surprising. Now daily hygiene pads should be worn constantly. If you notice that they have ceased to save, then be sure to contact the consultation, perhaps leaking water. There are special tests that you can buy at the pharmacy, if you want to conduct express diagnostics. White watery discharge is called leukorrhea. They should not cause fear, unless accompanied by other anxiety symptoms.

Liquid discharge (35 weeks gestation, as we see, in this regard should be paid the closest attention) at this time are the norm. Leukorrhea - a kind of protection of the fetus, which forms a slimy cork. It protects the crumb from getting infected. And the number of secretions will depend on the genetic characteristics of the female body. The more they were before pregnancy, the more abundant they will be and during the bearing of the baby.

Remember that now your peace of mind is the guarantee of the normal functioning and development of the child's body. So if the general condition does not cause fear, and the analysis of the smear does not show pathologies, then worry about the clear watery discharge is not worth it.

Habitual leucorrhea

White discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy should be the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. However, thick mucus can only be a sign of changes that occur in the female body. After all, such discharges are typical for the onset of pregnancy. By the third trimester, they become more liquid, although they can retain their previous appearance.

White discharge at 35 weeks gestation also often indicates a number of different diseases. All of them require medical intervention, and timely. We will try to describe the symptoms in as detailed a way as possible, so that it's easier for you to orient yourself. However, they are very similar to each other, so it is important to inform the attending physician, and not to go to the pharmacy for the advertised drug.

Bacterial candidiasis

Allocations at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy can be associated with the activity of this fungus, common and familiar to the entire female half of humanity. It is quite simple to distinguish it, although each disease has its own way. First of all, it speaks of an unpleasant odor. If the selection has acquired a curdled form, then it is urgent to take tests, and then undergo treatment.

If the disease develops quickly, then soon you will feel an itch and burning sensation in the genital area. This disease is not harmful to the health of the mother, although it is unpleasant. However, it is very important to cure it before delivery. The fact is that the mucous membranes affected by Candida become loose, which promotes ruptures during labor. In addition, this fungus enters the mouth of the baby in the process of birth, which is fraught with its own troubles.


Yellow discharge at 35 weeks gestation can mean the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina. The causes are various microorganisms: streptococci, staphylococci, mycoplasma, hemophilic rod. If the abundant secretions at 35 weeks of pregnancy become a source of an unpleasant smell, acquire a purulent hue, then, most likely, there is erosion of the cervix.

The disease is very serious, which threatens the most serious consequences. At an early stage of pregnancy can lead to a pathology of fetal development and miscarriage. Colpitis often becomes the cause of infection of amniotic fluid and premature birth.


This disease is non-inflammatory, which is characterized by a change in the microflora of the vagina, death of the lactoflora and the colonization of mucous anaerobic microorganisms.

This ailment can develop during pregnancy and lead to complications during childbirth. At the same time it is diagnosed rather difficult, since there are no bright symptoms. The nature of the secretions is practically unchanged, but they acquire the smell of rotten fish. If you are sensitive to such nuances, then catch the changes at the very beginning and in time consult a doctor.

Genital herpes

This is another reason for the appearance of abundant discharge. During pregnancy, immunity weakens, which means that this disease has all the chances to prove itself. In addition to abundant discharge, the symptoms of herpes are rash and sores on the genitals, as well as itching and burning. The probability of infection of the fetus is great. In case of detection of the disease at a later date, it will most likely be offered obstetrics by caesarean section.

Allergic reaction

It may seem incredible, but it is the white secretions that are often caused by the sanitary napkins that we carry every day. In this case, the probability of developing an allergic reaction is greater if they contain a variety of plant extracts and supplements. Therefore, it is better to choose proven hygiene products, without perfumes.

Be sure to buy yourself a set of natural linen. It is useful for you throughout pregnancy. Avoid wearing synthetics. At least twice a day take a shower, these simple measures can reduce the likelihood of many diseases.

Ambulatory water or urine leakage

The last trimester of pregnancy is your chance to enjoy a small miracle in your stomach. Now the baby is already big, his head presses on the bladder, so when coughing, sneezing and laughing, there are watery discharge. This has nothing to do with the amniotic fluid. Simply, the baby presses on the bladder.

At 35 weeks, watery discharge can be amniotic fluid. They have a yellow tinge and a sweetish smell. It is very simple to confuse with occasional urination. However, if you feel pain or discomfort, then always call an ambulance. The hospital will make a special test and establish the nature of this phenomenon.

All described above is subject to correction, most importantly - on time consult a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, because this affects the health of your baby.

When you need to seek help urgently

Today we want to conduct a brief excursion so that you know exactly which secretions (35 weeks of pregnancy, as we see, are inherent in almost their complete "set") are a warning signal that can not be ignored. The future mother should not hope for the case, and with every problem, contact a specialist who will assess the state of health. However, clear, as well as white discharge - it is often a variant of the norm, even if they are accompanied by an acidic smell, they still do not pose a threat to the life and health of the baby and mom. But the change in color almost always indicates a pathological process that needs immediate correction.

Greenish selection

This is a sign of a bacterial infection. They can bubble or have the appearance of a thick dough, but in any case it is an alarming symptom. Often, secretions are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. To determine the cause, the doctor must take a smear for analysis. This is an alarming symptom, so do not delay the visit to the doctor in the long box. This phenomenon is typical for a number of problems:

  • It is inflammation of the genitourinary system (tubal tubes, appendages, vagina or cervix);
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Bacterial infections;
  • Disturbances of microflora.

Only knowing the nature of the phenomenon, you can give recommendations about treatment, so we will not stop, and consider what other options may be.

Yellow selection

It is not always a clear sign of the inflammatory process. Doctors say that leucorrhoea may have a yellowish tinge. If the pregnant woman does not experience discomfort or pain, then, most likely, nothing terrible in the body does not happen. The cause of this change can be hormonal disruptions, stress or depression.

Copious yellow discharge often speaks of allergies. If you are inclined to such reactions, then you need to look at your diet, as well as change your hygiene. Strong yellow discharge with concomitant pain can be a sign of an inflammatory process in the ovaries or fallopian tubes.

Yellow discharge at 35 weeks gestation is most often indicative of the passage of the mucous plug. This does not mean that it's time for you to go to give birth. You can go a few more weeks until the body finishes the last preparations. However, at the nearest consultation, tell the district gynecologist about your observations.

Pink or beige leucorrhoea

Every pregnant woman knows that if the traces on the underwear are scarred, then you need to immediately run to the doctor. And what is meant by barely pink discharge? 35 weeks of pregnancy - this is the eighth month, that is, you can calm down. Even if the birth begins right now, doctors may well go out to your baby. However, it is necessary to understand what this phenomenon means.

In most cases, it is a jam. It is her mucus that stains the discharge in a gently pink or beige color. There is no danger of this phenomenon. If the intensity of the color does not change, the woman does not experience pain, then calmly take care of your time. The cork can depart gradually, some give birth after that only at 42 weeks. But now you need to be on your guard, as labor can begin much earlier. It will not hurt to inform the doctor.

Brown selection

This is an alarming sign that may foreshadow premature births. Of course, the child is already viable, but it is better if he stays in the womb a little longer. The natural delivery at this time, the doctors call pathological. Therefore, brown discharge at 35 weeks of pregnancy should be the cause of an immediate call of an ambulance. Doctors will try to delay the onset of labor activity for a few more weeks. However, the future mother will have to remain in the hospital until the most attempts.

Brown allocation at 36, 38 and 40 weeks are expected precursors of childbirth, which are a consequence of the removal of the cork. However, an immediate examination of a specialist is necessary. Similar discharge can accompany placental abruption, damage to the cervix and a number of other disorders. Do not risk your health.

Bloody issues

This is the most formidable symptom that should cause immediate hospitalization. This phenomenon is extremely dangerous for the life of the mother, not to mention the baby. Bloody discharge at the 35th week of pregnancy can signal a placental abruption. In this case, you should not do anything yourself. Try to lie down and relax, as well as immediately call a team of doctors. Any stress or excitement can cause an increase in the uterine tone, which will only worsen the condition.

Instead of concluding

As you can see, the allocation for 34-35 weeks of pregnancy can be very different. A woman should carefully monitor herself, as well as constantly inform the doctor. If you notice a change in the discharge, but this does not affect your health in any way, then you can wait until the next day and contact a consultation. Otherwise, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. But to sit and wait that the problem will pass, definitely not worth it.

Self-treatment is no less dangerous. Those diseases that provoke discharge not only cause you discomfort, but also threaten the health of the child. In addition, untreated infection in time can have a number of unpleasant consequences. It is very important to undergo a full course of treatment before the onset of labor. The fact is that before the cork disappears, the baby is protected from the influence of the external environment. Consequently, all infectious diseases so far affect you. As soon as the cork departs, which can happen a few weeks before the birth, the child immediately becomes open to all infections.

Moreover, when passing through the woman's vagina, the baby can pick up untreated infections. Summing up, I want to say that any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Therefore, take care of your health, in time, contact your doctor. Allocations for 34-35 weeks of pregnancy are the optimal diagnostic tools to use.

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