HealthAlternative Medicine

What is the benefit of blueberries for human health?

Bilberry is a perennial low berry bushes, which predominantly grows in humid mixed and coniferous forests of Russia. Blueberry fruits are blue-black berries of round shape, which in diameter can reach 8 millimeters. It is useful to consume blueberries in canned and fresh form. Most often, jam is prepared from it, which is very effective against many diseases. It should be noted that the benefits of blueberries for the human body lies not only in the application of its fruits, but also in green leaves, although berries still contain more useful components.

Ingredients and calorie content of blueberries

Bilberry is a low-calorie product, so it can be consumed in almost unlimited quantities. Fresh berries of the plant are rich in minerals and vitamins, especially ascorbic acid. In addition, the benefits of blueberries are the high content of manganese, iron, potassium, tannins, carotene, fructose, pectins, as well as succinic, cinnamon, malic and lactic acids. The presence of such a huge number of useful components makes blueberries an excellent preventive and medicinal product. Next, consider what the benefits of blueberries for the human body.

Useful properties of blueberries

Most often, the fruits of blueberries are used to prevent eye diseases, because the combination of beneficial components that are found in berries, contributes to the improvement and partial restoration of eye functions. The benefits of blueberries for a person is very high, regular consumption of her fruit allows you to remove visual fatigue while working at the computer, and also improve night vision. In addition, fresh bilberry berries contribute to improving blood circulation in the eye vessels and the retina, as well as normalization of metabolic processes.

Numerous studies have shown that blueberries help restore and strengthen the body's immune system by stabilizing the collagen content, a substance that protects the vascular tissues. Great benefit of blueberries in the fight against aging. Its fruits contain antioxidants and flavonoids, which increase mood, help the body resist infections and prevent the development of malignant tumors. Healing blueberry juice is indicated for various inflammatory processes, stomatitis, angina, nasal congestion. Moreover, blueberries normalize the work of the gastrointestinal system, especially it helps with flatulence.

The benefit of blueberries is the increased content of manganese, which is vital for the normalization of the process of hematopoiesis. Do not forget about the blueberry leaves, the use of which significantly alleviates the condition associated with urolithiasis. Infusion from the green part of the plant is often prescribed for the treatment of rheumatism and gout, and also used in folk recipes to combat diabetes.

Contraindications of blueberries

Like any medicinal plant, blueberries have some contraindications, but not so many. First, you should not eat fresh blueberry fruits with complicated urolithiasis, as well as with individual intolerance of some components of this plant. Secondly, when you abuse blueberries, you can sometimes experience constipation, so you need to know the measure and take more care of your health.

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