LawHealth and Safety

What are the norms of work?

Article 159 of the LC RF is the guarantee basis for the rights of employees in the system of labor standards. First and foremost, it guarantees full state assistance to the creation of a system organization for the regulation of labor. Labor standards established by the relevant government agencies are a guaranteed minimum, which the employer has no right to lower.

Also, employees have guarantees that the system of labor rationing will be determined by the employer only taking into account the established collective agreement or with the appropriate support of trade union bodies. From this it follows that the representatives of the collective have the full right to participate independently in the development of normative acts concerning the standardization of labor at the enterprise. They can also file an action to create unlawful acts in the justice system without obtaining a power of attorney from the employee whose rights have been violated.

There are several types of labor norms:

- rate of output. This indicator determines the number of products that a worker produces for a fixed period of time while ensuring normal working conditions;

Is the norm of time. This indicator determines the amount of time an employee needs to produce one unit of output;

- standards of service. They designate the standard for servicing the provided mechanisms, established for each employee;

- the norm of the number of employees. This indicator determines the number of working personnel necessary to perform the given work front in their own production area;

- Normalized production task. It is established exclusively with the use of time norms and development, assuming the definition of the full amount of work that each worker is required to perform for a shift or a day.

The norms of labor also differ in the spheres of application and are divided into the following types:

- Typical;

- single;

- branch;

- intersectoral;

- local.

The standard labor standard must be developed and approved in accordance with the procedure established by the government. It is developed exclusively by certain federal bodies of executive power, after which it passes to the approval of the Ministry of Labor.

Typical standards are the minimum established by the state for each branch of the economy. The employer can depart from the officially approved norms only in favor of the employee.

The local labor standards are taken directly by the employer in accordance with the opinion of the representative body of the working team. Plenipotentiary representatives have the right to demand the cancellation of existing local normative acts in court, if their opinion was not taken into account when creating them.

Accurate and strict adherence to the established norms of labor is the direct duty of the employee. Thus the employer has the full right to demand observance of the prescribed norms. But all labor standards can be observed only when the employee is provided with normal conditions for a fruitful labor process. For this, the condition of facilities, premises, machinery and equipment must be in good order. The timely provision of technical documentation should also be ensured , and materials and tools for the execution of work must be of proper quality.

This list of conditions should determine the rules and regulations of labor protection in the enterprise. If one item is not observed, the employee has the right to apply to the authorities and demand that the necessary conditions for normal fruitful work be provided. If the employer does not ensure this, the employee may be released from the obligation to comply with the prescribed standards. At the same time, idle time should be paid according to the staff schedule, as the stoppage of production occurred not through his fault.

Occupational safety standards are the basic document for the whole enterprise, therefore it is necessary to strictly adhere to the established procedure.

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