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What are proverbs and sayings?
Before talking about proverbs and sayings, let us turn to the notion of aphorism. In Greek, this means a "short saying". Unlike the usual sentence, the aphorism is a complete, deep, generalized and refined thought, which is unexpected and expressive.
What is common between aphorisms, proverbs and sayings?
If you want to know what proverbs are, you should understand the notion of aphorism. They differ slightly from it in form, going back to folk folklore, but, in fact, also remain brief finished thoughts.
According to VI Dal's definition, the proverb is divided into two parts, the first of which is a proposition, and the second is its interpretation. Its artistic quality and extraordinary expressiveness was emphasized by AS Pushkin expressing his admiration. Many of the proverbs reflected ancient rituals, features of the old ways of life and were forgotten. As N. Gogol said, the Russian man had to wriggle out under the burden of a difficult life, which found expression in his accurate and precise dictum.
A distinctive feature of the proverb is that it, rather, expresses an emotional judgment about the essence of which one must guess. It is also a folklore. The proverb often omits interpretation if the proposition is obvious. This is said in the dictionary of V. I. Dal, where he no longer divides it into two parts. He believes that the proverb is a parable, a teaching, a kind of popular verdict. The boundaries between these three kinds of sayings are very blurred. Quite often interpretation is hidden behind folklore, which is understandable only to the people. Many statements are combined and published together on many websites, giving the reader the opportunity to understand what proverbs and sayings are, and also aphorisms.
The urgency of short sayings
Proverbs allow you to find the shortest paths in achieving a goal in the process of communication. No one can object to them, as they do not require proof and are taken for granted immediately. How can you dare to oppose popular wisdom? Acting on the subconscious of the interlocutor, proverbs warn his objections. In doing so, they contain the preferred line of behavior of the interlocutor, which is determined by interpretation. A proverb is just a hint, and it is not known how a person will act in this. The proverbs of the people often had a class connotation. The authorities did not like this, and they excluded them from publications. But most of the wisdom of the people has been preserved through communication and retelling from generation to generation.
Proverbs reflect different points of view, sometimes completely opposite. This is due to the fact that people have different ways of living, and this attitude is manifested through sayings. It is possible that they are all correct if applied to the appropriate situation. In one case, you should do this, and in another case, do it differently. What are the proverbs? The main themes of proverbs are work, friendship, books and money.
Love and friendship
What are the proverbs about friendship and love? The theme is very popular. Such relationships can have multiple interpretations: "Without the misfortune of a friend you do not recognize," "A bad peace is better than a good quarrel," "With some of them, one can sit in nettles". The first proverb says that a true friend is experienced in difficulties. The second means that it is better to live in peace, not in a quarrel. In the third proverb it is suggested not to be friends with everyone in a row, otherwise there will be trouble. Proverbs about love: "Love of all ages are submissive", "There would be a neck, a yoke will be found," "You can not force love." In these three sayings, a whole palette of relationships is gathered. There is also the hope of finding a loved one at any age, and the fear that marriage will take freedom, and the lack of hope that tender feelings will be reciprocal. And in other situations, these same proverbs will acquire other shades. It all depends on how skillfully they are used. In some cases they will be helpers in communication, but in others they will turn against.
Money and what is associated with them
Money means wealth, comfort, prosperity, prestige. This topic is always the main one. For a long time it was not customary to talk about them, nor about sex. At the same time, money enters the economic and social life. The economic approach creates and regulates the framework of human behavior. What are the proverbs about money? Attitudes to them are different for each era, but, in fact, for people, the state is of paramount importance: "Money is paving the path." Now time is especially appreciated. This corresponds to the saying: "Time is money". With them the roads are open everywhere: "It's good for everyone". Here, next to it, there is human greed: "The money is rowing with a shovel." The theme of money is always accompanied by fraud and deception: "Whoever is lying, he and money takes." Poverty and wealth are always determined by money: "Woe is licked belly," "And there are teeth, but there is nothing to eat," "We are relatives, and our money is strangers." A Russian person is always prudent: "A penny preserves a penny".
Patience and work
The people who are used to count only on themselves, the theme of work always comes first. What are the proverbs about work? They exist in a variety of forms. Since childhood, it has often been necessary to hear adult sayings about work, craft, craftsmanship. Work has always been valued and respected. The true masters of their business knew how difficult it was to achieve a good result. This is what folk proverbs say: "Skill and work will all peretrut!", "There is patience - there will be a skill", "Income does not live without hassle".
Popular popular saying "Do not waste time in vain." Cases have always been given most of the time, and people left very little to entertain.
The people did not like loafers and people, heavy on the rise. No one wanted to do the work for them. Above them, they laughed and found all sorts of shortcomings: "To ride on the Dames' side," "Laziness and work gets pulled up."
The modern saying "The work of fools loves" has a multifaceted interpretation. On the one hand, she sets out the position of the slacker, and on the other hand, she warns that one should not take up a haggling job. Similar meaning has the saying "From work horses are dying". For a stupid person or an unreasonable animal, work is only harmful. Many folk sayings have an acute social orientation, reflecting real events.
What can we tell about the book ...
What are the proverbs about the book? Now difficult times have come for her, and it is not known what will happen next with this wonderful source of knowledge. Most likely, paper data carriers will lose memory to the Internet, hard disks of computers and external carriers. Without them, it is impossible to obtain knowledge: "An empty work is to fish without a hook and learn without a book." The expression "I read a lot, but I did not consider it" may mean inattentive study of the text or the fact that the reader has not yet reached the point of this work.
The people warn: "Reading books, remember the deeds." Everything is a measure.
In the process of reading, you are getting closer to realizing reality. Very popular expression: "The mouth of babies is true."
What do the books say?
In books, it is often written about truth and lies, happiness and sorrow, justice, destiny. What are the proverbs on the topic of truth? Many see it, but they do not want to recognize it, if it does not benefit them: "Lies do not bring good," "Lie every lie to yourself."
If you are not lucky for a long time, in the end, luck comes: "There would be no happiness, but grief helped."
Much is said in the books about justice: "What you sow, you will reap," "They carry water on the offended". An empty discontent will lead to nothing good, but only exacerbate the situation.
On a complex situation we can say this: "God will judge." Do not yourself make hasty decisions, but rather wait until life itself puts everything in its place.
Brief sayings invade our life, helping and helping out with its depth, ambiguity and profound philosophical meaning. They laid the general wisdom of the peoples of the world, which gathered for centuries. You just need to learn how to properly understand and apply them. Read proverbs, sayings and aphorisms. This spiritual food is an excellent dessert to the material.
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