HealthDiseases and Conditions

Wen on the head.

The fatty gland on the head (lipoma) is a tumor located in the adipose tissue, which is a fairly soft subcutaneous seal of round shape, resembling fatty tissue, mobile when palpating. They appear for very different reasons: the pathology of fat cells, the wrong metabolism. This tumor can develop, there is always a chance of inflammation of the wen in case of damage and infection. Wenbergs behind the ears appear as well as on the head and can differ only in volume. Form and size, they resemble a large pea. They can be single and multiple.

Examination and diagnosis are carried out by a dermatologist. To establish an accurate diagnosis, in addition to the examination, ultrasound, biopsy and cytological analysis are prescribed.

A real zhirovik on the head can gradually develop into a malignant tumor, called liposarcoma. There is another education, similar to the adipose - atheroma. Unlike lipoma, which in most cases does not bother a person, atheroma often gets inflamed, redness, swelling, burning occurs. Even with a slight mechanical impact, it can burst with the release of yellow-green pus with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, when detecting such formations, they are removed, regardless of whether it is a lipoma or an atheroma. If you have an inflammation of the wart, you will need immediate surgery. This procedure should not be delayed, since the adipose on the head can very quickly increase in size and begin to press on surrounding tissues, causing unpleasant painful sensations.

When a wenenok is removed on the head, the most modern surgical means are used, which makes the entire operation process painless and short-lived.

Currently, in very many medical institutions, diagnostics and surgical removal of wen- dows are carried out using the latest surgical radio wave devices, which allow the tissue to be dissected, almost without damaging the surface of the skin. Recovery after surgery takes very little time, and you do not need to shave the hairline due to a small scar tissue.

But how to be in cases when it is impossible to perform an operation at least because there are no special medical institutions nearby? Lipoma itself is not dangerous, but it is still necessary to cure it. People's means can be very helpful here:

• Squeeze the red beets, garlic, carrots and black radish into separate containers . Pour them into an enamel pot and add a glass of Cahors wine. Stir with any wooden cutlery and pour into a jar. Then close it and put it in the refrigerator. Eat on the 1 st st. Spoon 3 times a day after a meal. This mixture not only helps to remove lipomas, but also gives relief in goiter, skin cancer, removes pain in the joints.

• In the oven, bake a small onion, still grate on a grater, mix with 1 tablespoon of crushed dark laundry soap. From the mixture obtained, make a compress on the place that hurts. Change several times a day.

• Grind the fresh leaves of the mother-and-stepmother. Then the resulting mass will have to be put on gauze or a cloth and applied to the site of the tumor. Do three times a day until recovery.

• Mix two tablespoons of honey with 1 tbsp. With a spoonful of vodka, apply the mixture on gauze, compress the wen and apply a patch. The compress should be changed several times a day until the desired result is obtained.

• Pour half a glass of chopped leaves and ivy stems, pour vodka over to the top, pour everything into the glassware of dark color, put it for three weeks in a cool place. After this mass is infused, it must be filtered, ivy is spread on the gauze, applied for the night until the wiper disappears.

However, do not take too much into self-medication and, as soon as possible, you should seek medical help for qualified help.

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