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We compose a complex of morning exercises for the middle group of DOW

What kindergarten can I imagine without morning gymnastics? It is known that the complex of morning exercises provides the children with a charge of vivacity and activity for the whole day. In addition, morning exercises play an important role in preserving and restoring fragile children's health. In addition to charging, in the morning with children it is recommended to spend physical culture minutes, play mobile games, walk. After all, it is important to monitor the health of the child in kindergarten, before it is too late.

From this article you will find out what the morning gymnastics complex for the middle group is, and how to compose it competently with all the needs of children in motion. The desired number of repetitions of the exercise is indicated in parentheses.

Card Stock Morning Gymnastics

The average group, unlike the younger one, gets more exercises. Below are some of them:

  • "On charging!". Running one after another. Children pass to easy running. The teacher must change the direction of running and walking several times. The children are in a circle.
  • "Hands up". At the beginning of the exercise, the legs are set apart, and the arms are freely lowered along the body. They raise their hands up, look at them, lower them (5 times).
  • "Hands forward." The starting position, as in the previous exercise. We raise our hands forward, look at them, lower them (5 times).
  • "Knock on the knees." The legs, hands along the body are placed. Children bend over, kneel, straighten (4 times).
  • "We are reaching for the sun". Stretched legs, arms to the waist. Children climb on their toes, hands raise. Lowered - hands in the starting position.
  • "Springs". His legs are set, his hands are on his belt. Children slightly squat, bred their knees, straightened (4 times).
  • "On the socks". Perestroika from the circle, walking one after another, then - walking on toes, hands stretching upwards. The complex is completed by ordinary walking.

Thematic complex of morning exercises for the middle group - "Clock"

  • Walking in a circle. Easy running. Next - walking on your toes, then we go, lifting your knees high. Building in a circle.
  • "We'll start the clock." The legs are set apart, the arms in the sides. Hands bend at the elbows, rotate in front of the chest (5 times).
  • "Pendulum". His legs are set, his hands are on his belt. Tilt to the left and right with the words "tick-tak" (6 times).
  • "Broken clock." Legs are placed, hands freely below. Children sit down, clap on their knees, get up (5 times).
  • "The clock is on." The starting position is the same. Children swing their hands back and forth (5 times).
  • Rebuilding in a column, easy running, walking.

Is it possible to free the child from morning exercises?

The morning gymnastics complex for the middle group is selected so that the exercises are suitable for everyone: both low-active children who are activated after gymnastics and hyperactive, in which morning exercises are calming. If the child will regularly exercise in the morning with his peers, then on the weekend he will ask parents to do gymnastics with him.

However, contra-indications for gymnastics still exist. The child is exempt from morning exercises if:

  • The cardiovascular system of the baby works with deviations;
  • There is a disturbance in the functioning of the motor apparatus;
  • The child has a general weakness.

If none of the above is observed in your child, he can safely do a set of morning exercises chosen by the tutor . For the average group it is important to move more and sit less, so gymnastics and outdoor games are recommended to them without fail.

So, the benefits of morning exercises are obvious. Some educators believe that in the morning should also be carried out and breathing exercises in the middle group. However, this is not necessary, you can enter it into other activities.

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