Arts & EntertainmentFilms

"Wall Street: Money does not sleep." Actors of the sequel

Continuation of the picture of O. Stone "Wall Street", which became a classic titled "Money does not sleep," looks even more exciting than the original film. The merit of this is not only the efforts of the creators - director Oliver Stone and the creative group of writers who have not lost the charisma of the leading role of Michael Douglas for a quarter of a century , but also the period in which the movie has been released - the time of the global financial crisis.


The film "Wall Street: Money does not sleep" (Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps) partly repeats the structure of the structure of the first picture. As in the original film, the plot is twirled around a duet of protagonists: the ex-business tycoon Gordon Gekko (M. Douglas) who served his prison sentence and the boyfriend of his daughter Jake Moore, who was portrayed on the screen by Shaya LaBeouf. The actor was invited to the film personally by director O. Stone for an amazing external resemblance to Tom Cruise, who by virtue of age changes no longer suited the role of young Moore in the drama "Wall Street: Money does not sleep." Actors-performers of other roles were surprised by the choice of the director, in their opinion, LaBeouf is much more similar to Edward Norton. But Shia LaBeouf coped with his role - apprentice-apprentice Gekko - excellent, no worse than Charlie Sheen before him. Although compared with Douglas in charisma and charisma could not, however, this task could only be implemented by Marlon Brando in his 30 years.

Paternal-daughter line

"Wall Street 2: Money Does not Sleep" (2010) provided M. Douglas with a much larger actor's range than the first. In the original picture, the actor positioned his hero as a gambler, in the sequel to his character, not only wise man of life, but also his father, exhausted by the break with his daughter Vinnie (Carrie Mulligan). The girl blames her father for the death of her brother, who died from a drug overdose. The director uses this father-daughter line in full, wishing to attract to the "financial-exchange" film and a more emotionally receptive female audience. The task of the director is also realized by the character of Jake's mother, who was ill with credit, in the performance of Susan Sarandon. The actress created a characteristic image, essential for understanding the film "Wall Street: Money does not sleep." Actors who performed secondary roles, embodying the idea of the creators on the screen, proved their professionalism, worked together, interacting correctly.

About the plot, without spoilers

The father-child storyline develops according to the sine curve accurately calculated by the author, the periods of attraction in it alternate with the repulsive moments, until the last minutes of the picture, subtly acting on the perception of especially emotional viewers. But the financial line in which the primary meaning is the motive of revenge still has a paramount importance in the film. The main characters Moore and Gekko intend to ruin the unprincipled Bretton James (actor Josh Brolin), who in the past deliberately harmed Gordon and ruined the company in which Jake worked. This is the main intrigue of the film drama. Reviews and reviews of the movie "Wall Street: Money does not sleep" note the significant for the semantic background of the picture of the presence of 95-year-old Eli Wallach, who played the role of James's older partner. By the way, the domestic viewer first saw the veteran actor in the movie "The Magnificent Seven" (1962) as the leader of the bandits Kalvera. World fame Wallach brought Western "Good, Bad, Evil" Sergio Leone, in which he played the role of the Bad.

Advantages of film drama

The combination of the three most popular genres - family drama, intellectual action and "revenge-movi", together with the magnificent actor's ensemble make the drama emotional and literally bewitching spectacle. According to the viewers' comments, every appearance in Douglas's frame was perceived with genuine delight, the spectators were ready to shout "Bravo!" As the beneficiaries in the theater. The director uses a multi-screen montage, than pushes suspense, turning a standard "financial-exchange" drama into superstyle cinema. After filming in the movie "Wall Street: Money does not sleep," the actors believed Stone, who was amazed to tell the whole ensemble that he was often approached by spectators and admitted that they started playing on the stock exchange after they watched "Wall Street" In 1987. After the release of the sequel, they predict a repeat of the story.

Happy end

The Hippie End of the Wall Street sequel was predictable and as inevitable as the global financial collapse predicted by Gekko's protagonist. But it was not there, relaxed viewers almost in the final awaits an unexpected plot twist, which prompts to suspect that Gekko, along with the others, deceived the future son-in-law and his own daughter. However, family values will still prevail over mercantilism, the main character will return future young people money. Such a finale would probably be a failure for another picture, but in this one causes only a smile of relief through a treacherously tearing tear. This is what O. Stone planned for the end of the sequel to "Wall Street: Money Does not Sleep." The actors involved in the work on the project were glad to cooperate with the real professional of their business.

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