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Volleyball technique and tactics: description, features and interesting facts

At present, sport is an integral part of life for almost every one of us. We all like to relax in nature, and the best option for such a holiday is sports games. To one of these entertaining pastimes should be attributed to everyone's favorite volleyball. And even this, at first glance, simple game, has its own characteristics. Classification of volleyball tactics, features, the most important safety rules and the necessary equipment - this article is just about that. After all, to conduct the game you need to know all these important aspects, as well as observe the technique of this sport. Remember that volleyball is an amazing game, in which it is not necessary to be a professional, but you need to have at least the slightest idea about the basics.

Tactics of the game

Let us begin, perhaps, with this question. The concept of "volleyball tactics" is divided into two main elements: defense and attack. Many believe that an attack plays a more important role than protection. However, this is fundamentally wrong. On the contrary, defense is much more responsible actions of the players, and in general, during the game, the most important is the team's coordination and its mood, because even minor mistakes and mistakes can lead to defeat. Of course, the attacker in the team has a wider range of actions and different techniques, but if the defenders are very attentive to the game, then their actions can be more effective.

Protection tactics

Let's consider in more detail the tactics of protection. All the actions of the team directly depend on the location and direct interaction of players in cases of blocking, insurance, innings and attacks from the attackers. All participants must have a certain location on the game field. It depends on which zones the opponents are attacking from.

The sequence of mastering and developing complex tactical actions in the team defense is to demonstrate the initial position and a certain area on the field, or rather, to determine where each player should be located. In addition, the tactics of volleyball in defense remind players of what is included in the analysis of the actions of each participant as an opposing team, as well as their own group of players. Tactical actions in defense are divided into two strategic groups, which include the movement of players on the field and the rack, as well as ways to counteract. Next, we will look in more detail at each of these groups.

Moving and blocking in protection

During the game, participants can move around the field in any convenient way - there are no restrictions. The only thing that should be noted is that running, jumping or other actions should be faster, in comparison with the actions carried out during the attack. Sharp stops, instant change of directions, sudden transitions to attacks or jumps - this tactic of volleyball works great in defense. Remember that low racks will also come in handy. To do this, spread your legs to the sides, slightly tilt the body forward, and place your hands at the level of the belt and bend them at the elbows. To block the path of the ball forward in front of the grid, it is advisable to use the blocking method. You need to start it with moving, then jump, after taking out and placing the hands directly above the grid. The technique of receiving the ball is important, because it's a game of volleyball. The tactics of playing defense, or rather its compliance, is one of the most important rules for achieving victory over an opponent.

A common method of catching balls

The most popular way is to catch the ball from below with the help of straightening both hands. The trunk of the player can be slightly tilted down or in an upright position. This method is recommended for strong impacts and planning feeds. Receiving the ball from above is more suitable for weak innings, when the ball flies more or less calmly. The tactics of volleyball, of course, is of great importance, but one should not forget about the equipment of players in defense. Although the outfit (armlets, knee pads, etc.) and costs a lot of money, it fully justifies itself, providing a quality and maximally safe game.

Tactical actions during the attack

Briefly examining the tactics of actions in defense, you can go to the rules of attack. The main goal of the team in this case is to create conditions for filing and winning points. There are several systems to implement the attack: from the second transfer by the player who is on the first line, as well as from the second transfer by the participant who comes out from the back line. It is also possible to attack from the first transfer, which is directed at once to strike.

The planning feed is the most common, and individual tactical actions in this case are built on a clear awareness of how and in what direction the ball should be thrown at the moment. Here it is necessary to be able to direct it to the weakest places on the opponents' site. For example, it could be a player who does not have enough knowledge of the pitching methods, or a player who plays as a substitute for another. The result of the pitch will be very high if the throw is sudden for the opposing team. And to achieve this, you must change the method of filing or dramatically change the trajectory of the throw. It is very effective at the same time to rotate the ball in your hands to somehow confuse the opponent - this tactic of playing volleyball in an attack works in most cases.

Volleyball technique - important points

Techniques for filing and throwing, blocking, transferring the ball to the players of the team, the ways of receiving it, teamwork, and, in general, the technique of sword ownership in general - all these are important enough nuances. Professionals note that athletes with good physical training and knowledge of tactics often fail. And all because players who with special perseverance hone each element, in most cases are more prepared. That is why you first need to get acquainted with the basics of this sport, and only then go deep into such aspects as tactics of protection in volleyball, tactical actions during the attack, etc.

Safety during the game

Volleyball, like other sports, with an illiterate approach can be quite traumatic game. Before the start of the competition it is necessary to understand that the probability of obtaining various injuries is very high, so it is very important first to study at least the most basic provisions of the game. Even at world championships, participants who do not know these rules receive punishment in the form of disqualification.

So, the first and most important thing is the presence of the coach during the competitions. His responsibilities include checking equipment and related equipment. The correct technique and tactics of playing volleyball, that is, the way of giving and receiving the ball, is the first thing a coach must train his players. Often, technology is given more attention. After all, as a rule, the very first injuries are just connected with the fingers. To avoid such incidents, it is necessary to strengthen the brush and provide a strong grip, for which the experienced coach conducts simple exercises, the meaning of which consists in throws and catching light balls.

What every person who is keen on volleyball should know about

We will not enumerate the various exercises here, since specially trained people should do this. We just remind you that sportswear of volleyball players also plays a big role. As practice shows, it's best to play volleyball in light clothes, namely in a T-shirt, shorts and some lightweight but firm shoes with a granular sole. It should also be noted that during the game it is strongly recommended to remove all ornaments like jewelry and other small items, as they can harm the health and even cripple.
If you just decided to play volleyball in the open air, then in this case it is very important that at least one player clearly knows the rules of its conduct. In addition, of course, it is necessary to have a first aid kit and to observe the appropriate form of clothing.

Interesting facts about volleyball

Now, probably, there are no such people who would never have heard of a sport like volleyball. Tactics of the game in attack and defense, compliance with techniques for filing and receiving balls - these topics are in most cases interesting only to professionals. However, not everyone knows about the details and various surprising facts that amateur players may be interested in. That's why in this section I would like to tell only about the most interesting. For example, the Volleyball Federation consists of 218 countries and holds a leading position among other associations of world sports.

Another no less interesting moment concerns the famous ball of Wilson. Watching the movie "Outlaw"? If you understand what is at stake, then for sure remember the main character of this film, which used in games only this ball. And now the most important thing: this legend ball was sold at auction for a mad amount - 18,400 dollars!

Surprisingly, the Brazilians are world champions in this game, and indeed, they were the first to demonstrate the incredibly beautiful ball delivery technique developed in 1984 for playing volleyball. Learning the tactics of the game is a rather complicated thing, but for this people there is nothing impossible in this sport. In Russia, volleyball was first talked about in 1923, and on June 28 of the same year it is rightly considered the official birthday of this most interesting and fascinating game in our country. But volleyball has gained great popularity not only in the countries listed above. If we believe the conducted research, now this sport is fond of almost 1 billion people living on our planet. And even this figure can not be considered a limit.

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