
Vigna vegetable: description and variety

Vigna Vegeta is a unique representative of leguminous plants, delicious and medicinal, by external features very reminiscent of beans. It is characterized by a high stalk, reaching 3-4 meters, and very long (about one meter), serpentine pods, hanging gorgeous green waterfall. Leaves of the plant are triple; Flowers are pale yellow, purple and white, located on long pedicels. Vigna vegetable is grown only in culture; In the wild does not occur.

Varieties of Vigna Vegetable

The plant is divided into bushy and curly varieties. Bush forms are inherent in early varieties, such as Mash, Katyang, Korean, Azuzuki. The size of the young pods is 6-12 cm.

In semi-bush varieties (Makaretti, Darla), the length of green beans varies from 30 to 40 cm.

Late varieties are mostly curly, they look very elegant and rich, they are ideal for vertical landscaping of fences, terraces, arbors and balconies. They need a stable support. Bright representatives are Vigna Vegetable Countess, Chinese, Japanese, Long-bodied black. The length of thin pods varies from 60 to 100 cm.

One plant of cowpea, otherwise known as "cow peas" and "lobia asparagus", is able to give about 3 kilograms of high-quality juicy beans. Seeds are not large, from light coffee to black shades.

Description of some varieties

  • Vigna vegetable Macaretti is characterized by medium maturity (about 65 days after the emergence of large numbers of sprouts). Beans are stiff, the length of the main stem is about 3 meters. Ripe beans have a curved shape, green color. The taste is very juicy and tender. From the 1st quarter. M it is possible to collect about 2 kg of elegant pods, the average length of which is 30 cm, width - 1 cm. The seeds of the plant have a rich brown color, a kidney shape. 1000 pieces weighs about 150 grams.
  • Vigna Vegetable Countess. The cultivation of this early high-yielding variety is possible even for a beginner in the garden business. The main thing - to properly plant, in time to feed, several times to water and manage to harvest, provided that the use of cowpea is planned in the stage of dairy maturity. The first beans, whose yields from 1 square. M is 2.5 kg, can be removed after 55-60 days from the appearance of young shoots. The plant intensely curls. Height - from 2.5 to 3 meters. Mature seeds are smooth and smooth. Pods about 50 cm long and 1 cm wide. Weight 1000 pieces - 200 grams. Vigna Vegeta Countess, cultivation of which does not cause any difficulties, is very tasty and useful in soups and salads.

A small historical reference

West Africa is the birthplace of cowpea, cultivated 6,000 years ago, along with African millet and sorghum on the territory of this country. Then the plant spread to China, India, to the Middle East; Is widely grown in Brazil, USA, Nigeria, Australia and Haiti. The warm and light-loving Vigna, cultivated earlier in hot countries, is now successfully cultivated in the middle latitudes.

Growing Vigna Vegetable is a process that does not deliver any global troubles, but more bringing aesthetic joy and hope for a high yield. The best predecessors for such garden crops are tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers.

Features of planting Vigna Vegetable

To plant the cowpea in the fall it is required to prepare a plot. The location of the garden culture should be well lit, without drafts. The soil needs deep digging (about 25 cm deep) and 2-3 kg of humus, 20 grams of potassium fertilizers, 30 grams of superphosphate per square meter. In the spring, the prepared area should be fed with urea at a rate of 10-20 grams of the drug per square meter.

Seeding of the asparagus bean is desirable in the last decade of April, when the air warms up to + 15-20 o C, and the soil - up to +10 o C. It is recommended to water well before planting the hole, you can cover mulches with the top to save moisture. Seeds before sowing it is recommended to soak in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then necessarily rinse with water.

The most optimal way of sowing Vigna Vegetable is ribbon three-line. The distance between the plants should be 8-10 cm, between the lines - about 25 cm, between the bands - about half a meter.

Vigna vegetable is a thermophilic crop and is very sensitive to frost. Therefore, at first, before the arrival of these warm days, it is recommended to cover shoots with a polyethylene film. Stronger bushes can be obtained by planting vegetable seedlings for a period of 30-35 days. Optimum for landing is the air temperature is not lower than 17 o C. Lower values threaten the plant with death.

Vigna Vegeta Countess: cultivation, reviews

Variety Vigna Countess is drought-resistant and does not require careful care. The plant is important to feed in time, in the dry season, watering and in the period of fructification loosen the soil.

According to experienced gardeners, in the process of growing cowpea there is an active build-up of green mass. Therefore, garden crops should always be provided with a good, stable support. The carrier wire should be located approximately at a height of 3 meters. Also, consider the high sailiness of the asparagus beans and plant it on the leeward side.

Vigna in the garden

Vigna Vegeta Countess, reviews about the taste and commercial qualities of which are encouraged to acquire such a variety on their site, is characterized by huge activity in growth. In the open ground it develops to the first frosts, increasing the green mass and forming new fruits. In addition to the main shoot on the cow, there are many lateral ones, which also intensively bear fruit. Curly varieties are grown in crops with corn, which is an excellent support for them.

When to harvest?

Vigna vegetable is a self-pollinating plant and is capable of undergoing cross pollination. Therefore, it is better to plant different varieties separately. The approximate period of vegetation is 150 days, while the shoulder blades can be used to prepare various dishes after 60 days. Seed ripening lasts about 90 days. Their collection is carried out in the most developed, yielding plants, on which the beans are left until fully ripe. Storage is similar to storing beans.

Harvesting of asparagus beans begins a week after the appearance of the ovaries and the seeds reach the size of wheat grain. During this period, the beans are incredibly delicious, fleshy and very juicy. The more the young pods are harvested from the asparagus plant, the more vigna vegetable (see photo in the article) will acquire new fruits.

The use of Vigna in folk medicine

Vigna is characterized by a rich chemical composition and is successfully used in folk medicine. Broth from the seeds and leaves of the plant has a diuretic effect, it is recommended to take it with diabetes. This is due to the high content of arginine - a substance whose action is identical to insulin and maintains blood sugar levels.

Flower decoction helps with the formation of kidney stones and the treatment of diseases of the bladder.

Vigna vegetable is an indispensable product of dietary ration for rheumatism, gout and inflammation of the kidneys. With gastritis, effective mashed potatoes are cooked from the seeds of the plant. This bean is useful for anemia, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas diseases. Harmonious content in sodium and potassium pods allows using this product in swelling: beans help to remove excess liquid from the body. Vigna is also used to restore and normalize the cardiovascular system and get rid of excess kilograms.

The magnesium contained in the product provides the resistance of the nervous system to stress and irritation. Therefore, it is recommended to use vignum for people with severe nervous activity. Poultices based on flour from cowpea effectively help in the treatment of boils.

Vigna in Cooking

Vigna is a very popular product in the kitchens of many countries of the world and is included in the recipe of various dishes. Young beans of milk maturity (having a grain size not exceeding wheat) together with the pods can be boiled, stewed, frozen, canned, salted, dried. By the way, pods of Vigna in terms of the content of useful microelements are more valuable than fish. Very tasty salads, stews, side dishes, casseroles, soups - dishes in which one of the components is Vigna Vegetable.

Mature beans contain in their composition a large number of vitamins, mineral calcium salts, proteins, iron. Well boiled. Characterized by a pleasant aroma. They are an important ingredient in soups and snacks.

Vigna Vegetable: recipes

Vegetable Salad with Vigna

Young pods should be cut into small cubes, boil in salted water until soft. Combine with pre-boiled and chopped eggs, potatoes and carrots. The amount of vigna in the salad should be at least half of its total volume. As a dressing, you can use vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise.

Light soup with Vigna

Cut 300 grams of Vigna vegetable pods. Separately fry the root of parsley and onion in combination with a small amount of flour. Ingredients boil in salted water to soften the asparagus beans, adding there are 200 grams of tomatoes and fresh herbs.

Vigna vegetable with eggs

It is required to boil the cut pods of Vigna Vegetable, put in a frying pan, there also add whipped egg whipped with sour cream. Bake in the oven.

Georgian lobio with cowpea

Boil for five minutes vigning vegetable, pre-cut into small pieces. Fry. With tomatoes, pretreated with boiling water, peel. Combine with onions, beans and liquid, in which the latter was cooked. Stew. During cooking, add onion, garlic, pepper, salt to taste. Lobio can be used as a garnish for meat, and as an independent dish.

Vigna vegetable in Chinese

300 grams of asparagus beans cut into small cubes, boil in salted water for about five minutes. Strain, dry, fry in vegetable oil, adding a clove of chopped garlic, a tablespoon of sour cream and a teaspoon of flour, diluted in 100 ml of water. Stew under cover for 5-7 minutes. The dish is ready.

Interesting facts about Vigen Vegetables:

  1. Among the available two hundred varieties of Vigna there are varieties with the aroma of fungi: Ad Rem, Akito. They are so unpretentious in the care that even under the most unfavorable harvest season, they are actively fruit bearing.
  2. Studies have determined that people in the UK eat as much cowpea as the inhabitants of other countries combined. Maybe, because the English are so reserved, because the green beans perfectly calms the nervous system.
  3. From the Greek language the bean name sounds like "faseolus", which means a long narrow boat, to which a useful vegetable is very similar.

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