
Vascularization is the formation of new blood vessels

Vascularization is the formation and proliferation of blood vessels, which leads to the appearance of various diseases. A person without an abnormality in the thyroid gland by blood is supplied with an artery and a vein. The artery supplies the blood and oxygen to the isthmus and the upper zone of the lateral parts of the gland, as well as the lower part of the bilateral parts and the part of the isthmus located below. With the development of vascularization, vessels appear that branch off from the central artery and vein.

Causes that contribute to the development of pathology

Doctors have long found out what vascularization is. It is the growth of additional bloody ramifications in the thyroid gland, which are very quickly formed from tissues with vascular deficiency. Metabolism in this zone becomes stronger, and this leads to an increase in the organ.

This is facilitated by the following reasons:

  • A rapid increase in the body during puberty;
  • Infections and viruses with complications;
  • Diseases of a physical nature;
  • Hypertrophy of the organ;
  • Long-term medicamentous effects on the body;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Appearance of goitre of thyroid nodal species;
  • Malignant neoplasms.

Also, doctors believe that the vessels can grow because of injuries of various nature and abnormalities of blood vessels.

Types of Vascularization

Doctors distinguish two forms of the disease.

  • Increased vascularization - is the acceleration of the body, which leads to an increase in the number of hormones produced. In this case, the person begins to manifest hyperfunction, and the number of hormones TTG and T4 increases in two or three times.
  • Reduced vascularization is a decrease in the thyroid function, which helps to reduce the level of hormones produced by the gland. This leads to the fact that in the human body begins hormonal "starvation."

For human health, both increased and decreased vascularization is dangerous. These two forms of the disease are capable of provoking the appearance of various diseases that pose a danger to the body.

Symptoms of vascularization

Recognize the disease is not difficult, because the signs of vascularization are expressed and easily determined. But this does not mean that you can independently diagnose yourself, for this you need to see a doctor.

Vascularization can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent chills;
  • Slight pain and discomfort in the joints and muscles;
  • Strong brittle nails and hair;
  • Decrease or increase in body weight, not related to nutrition;
  • Drowsiness and fatigue ;
  • Violation of sexual functions;
  • A sharp drop or an increase in blood pressure;
  • Frequent colds.

In addition to these symptoms, people who have fallen ill have memory loss and attention is being broken. This leads to absent-mindedness and forgetfulness, as well as to a violation of concentration. If one or more symptoms are found, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis with the help of tests and examinations.

Danger of disease

Medical terms "hypervascularization" and "vascularization" are known to doctors for a long time. They also know what kind of threat they are and how dangerous they are to the body.

During hypervascularization, blood vessels form in a large number , this leads to the growth of the organ and an increase in the production of hormones. This, in turn, provokes the development of certain diseases.

These include:

  • Thyroiditis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the thyroid gland, rapidly flowing into a chronic form;
  • Goiter diffuse, multinodular, sporadic and polyprofiliruyuschego species;
  • Hypothyroidism.

Also, doctors report that with increased vascularization, the risk of developing malignant tumors increases.

Diagnosis of the disease

When referring to a doctor with characteristic complaints, the thyroid gland undergoes examination . Vascularization is easily determined by performing an ultrasound diagnosis of the organ. It allows you to detect the formed vessels and determine their number. Ultrasound is performed by scanning the thyroid doppler. In this case, the doctor determines the echogenicity of the tissues, the contours of the organ and its size.

A blood test for the number of hormones that are produced by the thyroid gland will help determine the disease. If their content in the blood exceeds the norm two or three times, then this will indicate the presence of abnormalities in the gland.

It is most informative to use both methods of disease detection, so doctors often use them together.

Treatment of the disease

Vascularization of thyroid tissue is diagnosed and treated by an endocrinologist. He uses drugs that contain iodine and potassium iodide for disease therapy . These drugs can be used only with an increase in the gland without complications. If the doctor finds out the nodes during the examination, the treatment will be carried out with the help of thyroid hormones. If drug and hormone treatment does not bring the desired results, the nodes continue to increase and expand, then surgical intervention is required. During surgery, partial or complete removal of the gland is possible. This leads to the fact that the patient will have to use all his life hormonal preparations to maintain the necessary amount of them in the body. It is also necessary to regularly visit a doctor and monitor the level of hormones in the body.

If the medical terms "hypervascularization" or "vascularization" are written in the card, do not be afraid. The disease is well treated with the help of modern medicamentous and hormonal drugs, as well as the partial or complete removal of the organ.

Vascularization is better defined at the initial stages of development, it will help to quickly cure the organ and avoid complications associated with a malfunction in the production of the necessary amount of hormones. To do this, you need to listen to the body and monitor any changes, visit the doctor at least twice a year, take tests and undergo examinations.

Be healthy!

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