Education, Colleges and Universities
UrFU: specialties and faculties
The largest higher educational institution of the Urals at the moment is the Urals Federal University (UrFU). This university is named after Boris N. Yeltsin, who went down in history as the first President of Russia. The UrFU specialty is diverse. There are more than 50 thousand students studying in full-time and part-time forms. Teaching process is organized by teachers with rich pedagogical and practical experience. Some of them are doctors and candidates of science.
Structure of the institution
The principle of universality of education is embodied in the Ural Federal University. Here specialists are trained in the technical, natural-scientific and humanitarian fields. In this regard, the structure of the university is represented by various institutions.
In UrFU faculties and specialties of technical, natural science and humanitarian profiles are not the only ones. The Urals Federal University named after Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin has a training military center and a military training faculty. Here, sergeants, soldiers and reserve officers are trained.
Obtaining technical education
Graduates of which faculties are in high demand? This question is asked by many entrants who have not yet decided on their future profession. At present, people with technical education are in high demand. You can get it by choosing the appropriate specialties (in the UrFU).
Applicants who intend to enter the federal university for technical purposes, from a huge number of faculties and institutes can choose:
- Higher engineering school;
- Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science;
- Mechanical engineering institute, etc.
Higher Engineering School
In the higher engineering school of the federal university they recruit applicants for the following directions (specialties):
- Electrical engineering and power engineering;
- Management, system analysis;
- metallurgy;
- Technological equipment and machines.
To participate in the contest, the results of the USE on the Russian language, physics and mathematics are needed. Those applicants who do not have them, pass entrance examinations on these disciplines within the precincts of a higher educational institution. Those who wish can look at the UrFU lists of applicants by specialties. Rating for review is formed on the site of the university.
Persons enrolled in the specialty (directions) selected in UrFU are waiting for interesting training. Auditor classes in the higher engineering school are held in the form of presentations, discussions, conversations and laboratory experiments. During them students exchange ideas, prove their points of view.
Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science
Many applicants entering UrFU, faculties and specialties choose at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science. He appeared in a higher educational institution as a result of the merger of two faculties. Training is conducted on several programs related to metallurgy, materials science and related fields. For admission to most of the specialties, the results of examinations in the Russian language, physics and mathematics are necessary.
The exceptions are two directions. One of them is "Chemical technology". When enrolling in this direction, applicants give chemistry instead of physics. But people who choose "Technology of artistic processing" need the results of such exams as Russian and mathematics, and an introductory creative (professional) test. It is held in the UrFU (Yekaterinburg).
The faculties and specialties of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science are in demand among the entrants in connection with the high level of education. This structural unit of the Ural Federal University is famous for its huge methodological and laboratory base. Thanks to the help of partner enterprises, production and research facilities have been established in the university. That is why the students of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science are already beginning to engage in scientific activity during their studies.
Mechanical Engineering Institute
Mechanical engineering is one of the most important branches of the economy. Its tasks are to provide various branches of the national economy with highly efficient equipment and machines, the introduction of advanced technologies, the rise in the level of automation and mechanization of production. People who want to connect their future life with mechanical engineering, should choose a mechanical engineering institute.
In this subdivision of the UrFU the list of specialties includes more than 10 different directions. To enroll in any of them, it is necessary to pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. Many applicants apply with questions about which specialties in UrFU, pass points to budget places. The Admissions Committee lists the directions and cites last year's figures as an example. The current passing score can not be named, because it depends:
- From the number of applications submitted by applicants;
- The number of seats;
- The level of training incoming (USE results, entrance tests).
Obtaining science education
For people interested in science education, the federal university named after the first President of Russia BN Yeltsin offers the following institutions:
- Institute of Natural Sciences;
- Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics and others.
You can apply for admission in person by coming to the admissions office. It is necessary to have a passport and two copies of it, a certificate or diploma and two copies, as well as 4 photos. Applicants living in other cities, you can submit the necessary documents to a higher education institution by mail. But to pass the entrance examinations (in the absence of USE results) will have to come to the federal university.
Institute of Natural Sciences
In the federal university, the Institute of Natural Sciences (IEN) appeared as a result of the unification of three faculties. Now the structure of IEN is divided into three departments. This is the "Biological Faculty", "Chemical Faculty" and "Physical Faculty". In all directions, both bachelors and masters are trained.
What specialties in UrFU in the Institute of Natural Sciences? Here they number about 15 (astronomy, chemistry, metrology and standardization, physics, medical biochemistry, etc.). Students receive modern knowledge about the worldview, acquire the experience of scientific activity and research work.
Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics
Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics offers applicants to choose the following faculties and specialties in the UrFU (list):
- Mathematical modeling and mechanics;
- Applied Informatics;
- mathematics;
- computer security;
- Information technologies and fundamental informatics;
- Computer science and mathematics.
During the years of study, students learn a huge amount of information. They participate in various conferences and competitions, conduct research activities. Many graduates find jobs in their specialty. They occupy positions of teachers, programmers, scientists, engineers.
Obtaining a Humanities Education
In the federal university they receive not only technical and natural science, but also humanitarian education. For this purpose:
- To the Institute of Humanities and Arts;
- The Higher School of Management and Economics, and others.
Students receive rich theoretical knowledge and important practical skills. UrFU graduates with humanitarian education are in demand in various fields: teaching disciplines, radio, television and Internet journalism, the tourism industry, economics, management, publishing.
Institute of Arts and Sciences
IGNiI is one of the leading centers of humanities education in Russia. The deciphering of this reduction is the Institute of the Humanities and Arts. This structural unit includes such faculties as historical, philological. There are also faculties of journalism, cultural studies and art history.
In IGNiI UrFU specialty, points (checkpoints) should be specified in the admissions office. One of the most popular areas is "Journalism". The training is quite interesting. IGNI students of the federal university master various subjects, learn to collect interesting information and process it. Practice they take place on radio, television and in printed publications.
Graduate School of Management and Economics
Higher school of management and economics enjoys a huge popularity among entrants. Applicants are offered the following directions in UrFU (specialty):
- Economics (educational programs - Applied Economics and Finance, International Business and the World Economy);
- business Informatics;
- Management (educational programs - "Corporate and international management", "Investment and construction business and industrial management");
- Economic security;
- Customs business.
When enrolling in these areas (except for the "Customs"), the results of the USE or entrance tests in the Russian language, mathematics and social studies are taken into account. In the specialty "Customs", applicants instead of mathematics pass a foreign language (German, English, Spanish, French).
People who have chosen the directions "Economics", "Business Informatics" and "Management", have to study for 4 years. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree. In such areas as "Economic Security" and "Customs", training lasts for 5 years in full-time education. As a result, graduates receive diplomas of specialists.
Full-time and correspondence courses
The Federal University provides its applicants with an opportunity to get higher education in a huge number of different specialties in the most convenient form. More than 70% of people choose full-time education. This is a classic format. Full-time education has many advantages:
- All the necessary knowledge and skills students receive in lectures, classroom classes;
- The emerging questions can be asked to the teacher during classes and immediately receive answers to them;
- People who study at the expense of public funds can expect a scholarship;
- Students are in the team, can together with other classmates solve various issues and tasks, learn any material and discuss it, express their ideas.
On some directions there is a correspondence department in UrFU (specialties should be specified in the admissions office before admission). Students who choose this form of training can combine work with study. Many of them at senior courses are arranged to work in their profession. This is an undoubted plus, because such students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also the necessary practical skills. As a result, it is much easier for them to perform final qualification work.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Ural Federal University is one of those universities that you should strive to do. Students for years of study accumulate an excellent baggage of knowledge. That is why the graduates of this educational institution are in high demand among employers. Also worth noting that among people who graduated from the federal university, there are many well-known personalities who have achieved excellent success in their careers.
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