
Inoculation of plum on the plum. How to properly plant a plum?

Plum belongs to those fruit plants that grow on the territory of our country. This tree is famous for its excellent, juicy and fragrant fruits, the use of which positively affects the state of human health. After all, the berries contain not only vitamins, but also trace elements, as well as nutrients that allow normalizing the work of all systems in the body and maintain good health.

What is the inoculation of a plum on a plum?

Most gardeners grow plums on their plots. However, their expectations are not always justified. Some trees bear little, and some even do not bear fruit because of certain diseases. What to do in this case? In this situation, the plum will be vaccinated for draining. This procedure is one of the varieties of vegetative reproduction of trees and shrubs. Grafting is carried out by joining two parts from different drains.

It is worth noting that such procedures, although seemingly simple at first glance, require certain skills and knowledge. Inoculation of plum on a plum is a complex process that does not tolerate rush and frivolous attitude. A gardener should clearly understand what a similar procedure is. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a positive result.

What should I vaccinate?

It is possible to plant exceptionally healthy cuttings and only on a healthy tree. Otherwise, the branch may not settle down or bear fruit. In addition, it is necessary to consider the compatibility of rocks. It is better, of course, to implement a similar procedure between trees belonging to the same variety. For example, grafting a peach on a sink can be successful. After all, this plant also belongs to the type of stone fruit. But ideally, it is better to plant a sink on the sink. In this case, the probability of coalescence with the stock of the cuttings is very high. It is extremely rare to inoculate a cherry on a plum.

According to biologists, this tree was obtained as a result of crossing the plum and the turn. That's why grafting the apricot on the sink gives a positive result. What can not be said about cherries or cherries. It is possible to plant a plum and a cherry plum - this is the best option. The stalk in this case will take root very quickly. As for the turn, it is popularly called a prickly plum. To this plant, it is also possible to inoculate varieties of stone fruit.

Apricot is another quality stock. The main thing is to choose the right place on the tree. In this case, it is worth remembering that some parts of the trunk and branches may be damaged by a tinder.

Experts do not recommend combining those varieties that are very different from each other. For example, grafting a cherry on a plum may not yield results, since the chance of coalescence here is minimal.

When can I be vaccinated?

The time factor in this case plays an important role. It is worth considering that when the vaccination is carried out, the timing is important. After all, each time of the year has its own characteristics.

Usually the plum is inoculated in the spring, since it is during this period that the circulation of juices in all plants is at a high level. If the maximum contact of the stock and the cut was created in the process, successful cohesion is ensured. If this could not be achieved, then the procedure can be repeated more than once.

If the inoculation of the plum in the spring failed, then it is carried out in the summer. Carefully selected cuttings still manage to settle down and grow together with the stock. There is a possibility that for a warm period new twigs can grow up a bit.

Experts recommend that the vaccine be given in the autumn with extreme caution. In this case it is necessary to take into account that the cooling in this period of the year can start unexpectedly. The begun frosts are capable to do much harm to cuttings or to ruin them irrevocably, not having let even to get accustomed.

Inoculation with cleavage

At the moment, a variety of methods of vaccination are known. Some may seem quite amusing and non-standard, and some - it's simple. It is better to resort to the most common ones, which provide the maximum percentage of cuttings' survival. Here is the simplest. Conduct grafting with a cleavage only in the case when the diameter of the branch to which the workpiece will be attached is only several times larger than the diameter of the cuttings. In this case, it is necessary to make an even cut, forming at the same time a small split not more than five centimeters deep. After this, the stalk must be placed in the prepared groove. It should be ensured that the workpiece is tightly compressed. At the end of the procedure, the place of vaccination should be carefully wrapped with electrical tape, and then gently treated with garden wax.

Inoculation with kidney and handle

This is the simplest method of vaccination. On the tree, as well as on the cuttings, it is necessary to make the same lengths and cuts. Then connect them to the place where the slices were made. The stalk must be tightly attached to the tree branch. It is worth remembering that this method is appropriate only for young trees, which have not yet developed the trunk.

Inoculation of the apricot on the plum can also be carried out by a slightly different method - a cuttings. The branch of the scion should be equal in diameter to the branch of the stock. It is necessary to connect the stalk to a part of the tree with cut off areas, and then tightly connect this site.

What should I do after inoculation?

Carrying out the vaccination procedure is only part of the case. The most important thing is to save the cutting. For this, several important steps should also be taken:

  1. Immediately after the procedure, all the grafted cuttings must be additionally wrapped with electrical tape so that it covers all sections of the slices.
  2. If in the process on the tree formed voids, cracks and holes, then they must be carefully and carefully covered with garden varnish. This substance can be made on its own or purchased in a specialized store.
  3. If the inoculation was carried out in the spring, then all the cuttings should be covered with paper bags. This will give the kidneys a little more sleep. In the summer, this procedure will save the stalk from direct sunlight. Growth in this case will be guaranteed.

What else is necessary to know about the procedure?

Inoculation of the plum on the plum requires care and accuracy. The final result depends on how the work will be done. In addition, experts recommend harvesting cuttings in advance: about a year before their application. In this case, they should be stored in certain conditions. This may be a pit in the yard, a cellar or a cellar. The most important thing is that in the place where the cuttings are stored, it was damp and necessarily cool.

All tools that will be used in grafting should be sharp and clean. Only in this way it is possible to carry out the procedure qualitatively and quickly.

It should also be remembered that any cut on the tree oxidizes fairly quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to plant the tree with great speed.


If you are new to gardening, then do not rush when grafting plums. Remember that in this matter, accuracy is of particular importance. If the vaccine is done correctly, then the fruits from the grafted cuttings will not be completely lost in quality. The main thing - in time to stock up on everything you need.

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