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Tonsils in the child are enlarged: the causes and the main methods of treatment

Glands (these are tonsils) are accumulations of lymphoid tissues, which perform the function of protecting the body. This organ is located in the throat, at the base of the tongue, on both sides. To feel them it is possible and outside, especially in the event that they are increased.

It is the tonsils that are the barrier that prevents harmful microbes, bacteria and viruses entering our body from food, water and air. These natural filters protect the human body from a huge list of various diseases. However, if there are too many microbes, tonsils can not cope with their functions, become inflamed and become the source of infection. This is just the reason why the baby's tonsils are enlarged . In medicine, this condition is called tonsillitis. There is a chronic and acute form of tonsillitis, the latter is also known as angina.

What are the signs that the baby's tonsils are enlarged? The most common symptoms are:

  • The appearance of difficulty and unpleasant sensations when swallowing;
  • On glands there is a whitish plaque;
  • The child himself becomes sleepy and sluggish, inactive;
  • The temperature rises;
  • An unpleasant, specific odor from the mouth.

In addition, when the baby's tonsils are enlarged , they can be easily felt even from the outside of the neck, just under the chin.

Regarding treatment, there are two main methods. To begin, let's talk about conservative treatment, which primarily involves bed rest and consumption of large amounts of liquid. A very good effect is obtained by rinsing (rinsing the throat) with a variety of herbal decoctions or a usual solution of salt and soda. As for herbs, it is best if the baby's tonsils are enlarged, those that have antibacterial action are suitable. It can be chamomile, mint, sage. Brew the broth in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of herbs to a glass of boiling water. Not bad with its task copes with a solution of furatsilina (two tablets need to be crushed and dissolved in a glass of warm water).

Nevertheless, the above measures are designed to help you deal with the problem faster, but this is not enough to completely eliminate it. In the event that your child has tonsils enlarged, the intervention of a doctor who will prescribe antibiotics suitable for age and individual parameters will be required. Typically, in such situations, macroliths are used (for example, azithromycin or erythromycin).

As we already know, if the tonsils are enlarged, the reasons for this can be covered in viral infections. If the tonsillitis is not detected in time, it can become chronic. Usually, surgical clipping of the glands is performed in this case, however, many specialists prefer to wait until the child enters the puberty period - when the body starts to globally rearrange, the tonsils often decrease by themselves.

Now you know the basic information about the causes and treatment of this phenomenon, like enlarged tonsils in a child. The photos attached to this article will help you get a better idea of this pathology and discover it in time.

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