TravelsTips for tourists

To visit such a state as Latvia, a visa is simply necessary.

If you are going to visit such a country as Latvia, you will simply need a visa. This state is located in the Schengen area, as a result of which, along with state permits for entry, the consulate issues Schengen visas.

Schengen visa - Latvia. Basic aspects

State permission is issued by the embassy only when visa requirements do not meet the Schengen Agreement (for example, on the length of stay).

The Schengen visa of Latvia issued by the embassy is valid on the territory of all states that have signed the Schengen agreement. This permission allows you to visit 24 countries participating in the agreement. When planning a trip, you need to keep in mind that you need to apply for a visa at the consulate of the country that is considered the main purpose of the trip. That is, if most of the trip you will be in a country like Latvia, the visa will have to be registered at the embassy of this particular state. In recent years, compliance with this provision is tightly controlled, and violators may have problems with re-obtaining permission to enter any Schengen country.

In the event that travel and rest covers several different countries, and it is impossible to single out the main one, then it is necessary to issue a visa of the state that will be the first on the road. Therefore, if you enter the Schengen zone through Latvia, then a visa must be obtained from Latvia.

Visas are divided into category "C" and category "D". The validity of a single or double-entry visa category "C" is valid up to 90 days, reusable - up to 180 days. The period of presence in the territory of the state is considered according to the terms specified in the invitation or in the booking confirmation of the hotel. In the case of the opening of a two-time or multiple- entry transit visa , a single period of stay is indicated for all entries. As a rule, a tourist visa is issued within 7 - 10 days. In an emergency, it is possible to obtain an emergency visa, an international carrier's visa or a visa that is issued under international agreements.

Permission category "C" is a short-term entry permit for Schengen, issued for the purpose of transit, tourism, business trip, visit to relatives. The permission of category "D" is a state long-term visa, issued for the purpose of presence in the territory of Latvia for a period of 90 days to six months.

Transit permission is usually issued within 24 hours, but since different approvals with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Latvia and additional checks are needed, this period can significantly increase. That's why a visa is recommended to be issued 7 days prior to entry. In such a state as Latvia, a visa is subject to consular fees. For all types of short-term visas of category "C" you will have to pay 35 euros, and in case of fast registration - 70 euros. Consular fee for a single state visa category "D" is 65 euros, and for a reusable - 90 euros.

From the payment of consular fees are exempt:

- children under the age of 6 years.

- students, students and their accompanying teachers.

And it is worth remembering that while traveling in such a country as Latvia, a visa must always be present with you.

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