Computers, Information Technology
How to make a permanent IP?
Sometimes it becomes necessary to set a permanent IP address. In such cases, many are interested in the question: how to make a permanent IP? There is no particular mystery in solving this problem, since there is a way that does not allow your address to dynamically change. Let's figure it out.
How to make your IP permanent?
Let's first deal with a simple option. In the lower corner on the right of your desktop, where all the hidden icons are collected, you need to find the indicator of the connection to the network. Open it by double clicking. After you open a special window, several parameters will appear ahead of you. You must write the IP address parameter to the sheet, and then go to the "General" tab. In the window itself, you need to find the "Properties" button, click on it. In the list of parameters it is necessary to find a line containing the inscription "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)", for this line it is necessary to register the address that you previously recorded. In all requests of the system it is necessary to click "OK". Connection to the Internet will be interrupted for a few seconds, and then resume again. After such manipulations, the IP address of the device will become permanent.
How to make a permanent IP?
You can use a special service called It is quite natural to assume that as a result of the conclusion of the contract with this service, your address will cease to be visible on the network. However, this proposal is mostly focused on business resources, as well as on resources that need a permanent network address. This service provides the possibility of accessing your device not by its IP address, but by a unique name. Using a special DNS server, this name will be converted to an IP address. This DNS name for your computer will remain constant, but its network address will continue to change, as before. It turns out that the network will always access the computer the same way. Let's take a closer look at how to make a permanent IP?
To get started, go to There you need to find the string no-ip free, and click on the "learn more" button in it. You will see a new page where you need to click on "Sign up now". Then you will see a set of special fields that you should remember. Here you must enter your details, such as first name, last name, email address, password and its repeat, as well as other necessary information. After this procedure, you will see a page, from which you should download the Windows Dinamic Update client application, which will help to make a permanent IP. For downloading you must click "download". To the address of your e-mail, you will receive a letter, where the link will be submitted, you will be asked to confirm the registration. After you go through it, you will be registered officially.
But registration is not all that needs to be done if you are interested in how to make a permanent IP. Now install the program that you downloaded from this site. After starting the application, you must specify in it your password and the email address specified earlier. Then you should choose a special domain name. To do this, go back to the site again. You need to log in to the site. After entering and selecting the tab "your no-ip", you will have a set of links. Now you should select "Hosts / Redirects", and then click "Add". Next you will be on the page where you can select a domain name. You must fill in all the fields: Hostname - here you can enter any word that consists of Latin letters. Next Host type - you must select DNS Host (A). After clicking on "Create host" you can go to your application. There you should select "refresh host list". The window displays information about which DNS name was selected. You can make the operation of the program more convenient if you set it up a little. In the "options" menu, you can turn on the switches opposite "run on startup", as well as "run as system service", which will allow the program to run along with the system.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making a static IP address for yourself, it's just a little work.
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