Education, Languages
To the Question of the Typology of Errors and Disadvantages in the Foreign Speech of Students
In the scientific literature great importance is attached to errors as an indicator of the level of knowledge of students. The analysis of mistakes made by students gives grounds to determine how much they know the language. Thus, the study of the problem of the number and nature of errors has a dual purpose: diagnostic and prognostic. Diagnostic is the ability to learn about the level of students' knowledge during the educational process, and the predictive one - suggests the way of correction of the educational process for solving the main current problems of students.
Errors are easily corrected by the teacher, but their reasons are not always equally explained, so this topic is very relevant for both theorists and practitioners. In the proposed work, we try to find out what happens when we encounter errors, and find ways to correct typical mistakes of students when learning English.
This problem has not been sufficiently developed both in domestic and in foreign science, but primary school teachers have an acute need for the results of their research, forcing scientists to pay attention to it. Deeply in their work this topic is revealed by such researchers and teachers as O. Bigich (Kiev), G.Malkovsky (Odessa), V.KARPOV (Sumy), A.Petrenko, V.Osidak (Zhitomir), V.Chmskiy, D . Richards, D. Corder and others. In their works, they try to classify speech errors and offer the teacher the most effective ways of correcting them. The periodic occurrence of errors is not accidental and educators have a purpose to find its reasons to draw conclusions about what exactly it is necessary to draw the attention of the teacher and students in the performance of the task.
The main methods of investigating this issue are observation, comparison of student work, conducting tests, tests, and their analysis. You can successfully teach a foreign language only when the teacher knows what mistakes the students can make and how to correct them. In this case, this is the purpose of our study.
We consider typical errors in the study of English during all types of speech activity and the ways of their correction. Errors of schoolchildren are divided into productive and receptive. Productive errors are those that appear in the speaker's statements, and receptive errors are those that result from a misunderstanding of others' speech. It is not new that sometimes a person can understand others' speech better than speaking independently.
It is easier to see productive than reproductive errors. The analysis of productive mistakes is based on the speaker's statements. Reproductive errors can be detected by the behavior of students. Judging by how they behave, we can find out whether they understand or not. Strange and unexpected reaction to statements is often a sign of misunderstanding.
Comparing with spontaneous speech, the planned broadcast allows you to use more linguistic knowledge and, as a result, make fewer mistakes. Students with a poor knowledge base need more time to reproduce the language material, since they have little control over their own linguistic consciousness. The linguist of Krashen believes that the control of students, that is, their ability to create utterances in accordance with the learned rules, is manifested through time, focus on form and knowledge of the rule.
There is a difference between oral and written assignments. Those who study a foreign language tend to make more mistakes in oral spontaneous speech than in writing. This phenomenon is also associated with what is available for planning the task.
Thus, when studying this problem, we came to the conclusion that in order to correct the error, it is necessary to find exactly where it is located and to find out the cause of its occurrence. Errors must be corrected, only they appear, so that they do not become a habit. But the teacher must necessarily know at what stage it is better to make corrections, and remember that for each type of speech activity there are different rules for correcting student errors. For example, when a student recites a poem, retells the text, the teacher can correct during the story only those errors that interfere with understanding the main content. Other errors the teacher should write down and discuss them with the student or with the whole class after the answer is over.
For us, as future teachers of a foreign language in primary school, it is very important to learn how to find and correct student errors. Even a small mistake has not been fixed in time, in the future very often it turns into a big problem, which is difficult to overcome, therefore it is always much easier to teach a child to something new than to retrain it.
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