HealthDiseases and Conditions

The veins are swollen under the load - what should I do?

Diseases of veins and vessels are increasingly found in people of different age groups in the modern world. Such pathologies can be invisible and very dangerous. That's why with the first disturbing symptoms you need to show yourself to the doctor and get tested. Many women and men are wondering: why do the veins on the legs swell after the load? The answer to it you will receive from today's article. Also, the information provided will allow you to get acquainted with the main methods of eliminating this symptom.

The veins on the legs are swelling : what does this mean?

Disturb such a sign can both men and women. It appears in the elderly and young people. Pathology occurs among the population groups that lead an active and passive lifestyle.

If the veins on the legs are swollen , this is a clear sign of varicose veins. Pathology has several stages. The more complex the situation, the more bulging the subcutaneous vessels. It should be noted immediately that varicose veins usually affect the superficial veins. But if the pathology has passed to the deep vessels, then the matter becomes much more complicated.

Causes and Symptoms

If the veins are swollen on the legs, then this is noticeable to the naked eye. However, there are other signs of varicose veins. These include weight in the lower extremities, swelling, convulsions. Some patients experience severe itching on the surface of the skin in the place where the vessel grows.

Why are the veins swollen? The reasons for the formation and development of varicose veins are the following:

  • Heredity (often transmitted through the female line);
  • Bad habits (alcohol abuse and smoking);
  • Sedentary lifestyle (sedentary work, movement on the car);
  • Strong physical activity (weight lifting, professional sports);
  • Wearing uncomfortable and tight clothes (jeans, underwear);
  • Shoes (high heels, close shoes);
  • Overweight (in obese people, varicose veins develop twice as often and faster);
  • Pregnancy and childbirth in women.

If there are several factors, the probability of varicose veins increases. If you notice that the veins are inflated on the legs during exercise (prolonged walking, training, lifting weights), then you should see the phlebologist or vascular surgeon as soon as possible. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the degree of vascular lesion and prescribe appropriate treatment. Consider the basic methods of eliminating pathology and find out what to do with increasing veins on the legs.

Use compression lingerie

If the initial stage of the disease is determined: the veins are not swollen on the legs, there are no additional symptoms and there are no vascular asterisks, then this method is for you. Wearing compression linen will not completely eliminate varicose veins. However, such stockings compress the veins of the lower extremities, shifting the load on the deep vessels. There is an imitation of a glued or removed vein. This significantly inhibits the progression of the disease.

Compression linen has different classes. It is only the doctor who can choose the right kind of stocking. At the initial stages of the disease and for prevention purposes, the first class is selected. Later (after more complicated treatment) it is recommended to wear a second compression. The third class of pulling jersey is created for people with trophic ulcers and the defeat of deep vessels.

Conservative therapy

Those patients, in which the veins are inflated on the legs during exercise, venotonics are prescribed. These drugs are manufactured in the form of tablets, ointments and gels. Often phlebologists recommend complex therapy: topical application and oral administration. The most popular drugs are Troxevasin, Detralex, Antistax, Venarus, Lyoton, Heparin and others. Dosage and duration of treatment depend on the severity of the disease.

All venotonics remove the symptoms of varicose veins. They eliminate puffiness, eliminate pain and cramps. A positive effect is observed throughout the course of treatment. But it passes as soon as you stop using the compounds. Medications are unable to completely eliminate varicose veins. But they are an excellent means of prevention.

Minimally invasive methods of treatment: sclerotherapy and laser

If the veins on the legs are swollen, treatment can be carried out quickly and painlessly. Sclerotherapy of veins and laser action are sufficiently effective and low-traumatic.

For sclerotherapy, the doctor uses modern drugs, for example, "Ethoxysclerol." The active substance enters the vessel and clogs it. For some time, the formed hematoma becomes a connective tissue. The affected vein ceases to function and disturb you.

Endovenous laser ablation is recognized today as the least traumatic method for treating varicose veins. Note that this procedure is also expensive. Correction under the action of lidocaine. Patients can return to their usual lifestyle the same day.

Surgical correction

Often patients come to a specialist with the question: "What if the veins on the leg are swollen when I walk?". One of the ways to eliminate the pathology is recognized as surgical intervention. The operation is called phlebectomy. A few decades ago, specialists needed to make a cut along the entire length of the leg. Now the incisions are made in several sections. After this, a special instrument is inserted into the vein, which, like a stocking, turns and removes the vessel.

The recovery period after this manipulation provides for the wearing of compression knitwear and the use of venotonicks. In addition, there are limitations in physical activity. Despite this, this method accurately relieves the patient of varicose veins. The more the vein does not swell ever.

What can I do by myself?

If the veins on the legs are swollen during pregnancy, most of the above treatment methods remain banned. Future moms can wear compression stockings and use Venetonics on certain dates. But in each case, correction should be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to the described methods of treatment, what can be done with protrusion of the vein on the leg? Here are some tips that phlebologists and vascular surgeons give.

  • Watch for food. When varicose disease is necessary to eat healthy food. Prefer fruit and vegetables. Forget about fast food, fatty, fried and spicy dishes. Refuse alcohol and soda, do not overeat. Be sure to watch the regularity of the chair.
  • Let your feet rest. After a hard day's work, place the limbs above the level of the heart. This position will increase the outflow of blood from the feet. You may notice that the protruding vein has become sunken. You are in this position for several minutes.
  • Move more. If by the nature of your activity you have to sit for a long time, then go for walks more often. Give up the car and go to work. Swimming and cycling well strengthen the walls of the vessels.
  • You use folk ways. Treatment of varicose can be combined with the use of folk methods. This lubrication of affected areas with tincture of chestnut, the application of honey cakes, wiping herbs with herbs. But we must remember that these methods will not eliminate varicose veins without drug therapy.


So, if you have a swollen vein on your leg after a load, then it's about varicose veins. What you need to do to eliminate it - you already know. If you have severe pain, reddening of the compaction area, an increase in temperature, you should urgently call for emergency help. Perhaps a thrombus has already formed in the affected area. This pathology becomes life-threatening, it requires emergency treatment. Watch your health and do not be ill!

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