
Synthetic oil 5W30: reviews

The oil (synthetics) 5W30 in our country is widespread. Why is it preferred by many motorists and is it worth pouring the engine of their own car? To obtain an objective assessment, the relevant tests were carried out.

Tests of a lubricating liquid on Ford Focus

It is best to say about the quality of this or that oil will be conducted independent tests. To do this, experts select several types of lubricant, subject them to different tests, output and analyze the results, and then compare them among themselves, determining the best grade of oil.

This test was decided to be held on Ford Focus cars. All cars had a mileage of ten thousand kilometers, the volume of the engine - 1.6 liters, which has 100 horsepower. The motor belongs to inexpensive, modern gasoline units, without complicated accompanying mechanisms. Its structure includes a boiler collector, a timing belt in the timing gear and four valves for each of the cylinders.

Oil brands

Among other things, the experimentalists were interested in what is better than the 5W30 oil: synthetic or semisynthetic. Therefore, the following brands were chosen with both bases:

  • On the semi-synthetic - Total Quartz 9000 Future and Mobil Super FE Special;
  • On synthetic - Motul 8100 Eco Energy, Castrol Magnetic A1, Zic XQLS, Shell Helix Ultra Extra, G Energy F Synth EC and THK Magnum Professional C3.

All of these lubricants were tested in the laboratory before testing.

Essence of tests

A test was carried out at a hundred degrees for engine oil. Synthetic 5W30 and semisynthetic showed different results, although the gap was small. The thickest was the lubricant "Shell", and the most liquid - "G-Energy". Additives on some samples differed very much. In all the calcium oils were 2000 mg / kg and zinc with phosphorus at 1000 mg / kg. At the same time, Shell contained only 1,350 mg / kg of calcium, while in G-Energy - even less, only 750 mg / kg. Therefore, in the first group there was a high content of alkali with a large proportion of detergents and antioxidant additives. The highest amount of alkali was observed in Castrol, and the lowest in Shell.

The tests were carried out in a cyclic order, each of which lasted for an hour. The weather conditions for all cars were the same. Machines moved at a speed of 130 kilometers per hour at six thousand revolutions. This regime was followed for half a week.

A separate test consisted of parking at idle for three hours, then drove a couple of kilometers and again stood an hour with the engine running.

As a result of the nine-week test, it turned out that the cars had passed 10000 kilometers, 45 times the engine was started on a cold one and 72 times on a hot one. Motors worked for a hundred hours in a load of 6,000 rpm and 54 hours idle.

Thus, it turned out to be a very heavy regime. Therefore, instead of twenty thousand kilometers, laid in the direction of maintenance, the period of passage was reduced to 10,000 kilometers.

Results of individual tests

Darkening of all lubricating fluids was observed after two and a half thousand kilometers of run. This indicates good detergent qualities of all samples - the lid remains clean under the valve covers. The difference was significant when working at low temperatures. At a frost for twenty degrees the liquid from the probe dripped easily from all brands, except "Castrol". Problems with the launch of any sample did not arise even at a temperature lower than 27 degrees.

On the loss of expenses were the following. The first replenishment was required semi-synthetic "Mobil" after 4,8 thousand kilometers, and after 8 thousand kilometers - once again. The other semi-synthetic "Total" also did not lag far behind it. At the refilling it took about two liters for each oil. Synthetics 5W30 showed a much lower incineration. The brands "Castrol" and "Zik" took 1.4 liters, and "Shell" - 1.23 liters, while the "Total" - 1.9 liters. This result suggests that the run on synthetics can be more than half-synthetic.

Refueling of all cars was made at one station and only with high-quality gasoline. The fuel consumption was almost the same. But the most economical results were shown by oil (synthetics) 5W30 "G-Energy", and wasteful - "Shell". The difference, however, was very minimal, to 3%.

The main thing is that all oils have a good wear-resistant effect. Even after driving at the highest speeds, the chrome-plated piston rings (which are subject to the greatest wear) did not emit chrome into the oil at all. The content of other metals did not exceed the permissible threshold.

Which oil is better?

Summarizing the results obtained, we find that the best car oil was 5W30 synthetics of "TNK", "Castrol" and "Motul" brands. Outsiders here are Shell, G-Energy and Zek.

But it is worth noting that all lubricants continued to show detergent qualities, even approaching the final threshold. The parameters of high-temperature viscosity also remained within the norm.

Semisynthetic, in turn, was enviable stable: the viscosity decreased by only 3 square mm / s, that is, the same as for lubricants on a synthetic basis.


For all important characteristics, all the samples have proved their performance within 20 thousand kilometers under normal conditions and 10 thousand kilometers - with heavy loads. What kind of oil to choose 5W30? Synthetics (reviews and objective test results confirm this) with a high alkaline figure, which includes the samples "Castrol", "TNK" and "Motul", will suit especially the inhabitants of the outback, where the quality of fuel leaves much to be desired. From semisynthetics to them it is possible to carry "Mobil".

But, on the other hand, semisynthetics are experiencing the greatest fuss, because of which low cost in the end will not be winning.

But the traditional 5W30 engine oils (synthetics) Shell and Zik were not really the best ones. Therefore, it is necessary to think seriously about whether it is worth purchasing them, having weighed all the parameters that they showed. On the one hand, they had the lowest incineration, excellent additives and oil base, but on the other hand, constant refueling with high-sulfur fuel can not lead to the best results.

In addition, that fill in gasoline should only be on proven gas stations, after the factory warranty is better to use lubricants called Low SAPS, which differ in reduced alkaline content. At them the load on the neutralizer will be ten times lower than the effect of the increased sulfur content in gasoline.

The best option is to purchase inexpensive synthetics, which is worth changing more often, that is, every 15 thousand kilometers.

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