EducationThe science

The subject of science in the system of related knowledge

History is one of the most important humanitarian disciplines. Studying it has not only important educational, but also practical significance. The subject of historical science is the past of human society and life at the present moment, the laws of the development of social life and relations, the specific forms of their embodiment and the changes that they have undergone at certain spatial and temporal intervals. The content of history as a scientific discipline is the study of historical processes unfolding through the study of historical monuments and other sources. The obtained information gives a material about economic activity, foreign and domestic policy of the studied state and its citizens, the events of social and cultural life, the role of individual historical personalities. Thus, the subject of science, the concept of a broad and multidimensional, applied to history has a concrete meaning and embodiment.

Studying the life of human society from various angles, history as a scientific discipline is divided into a number of branches, each of which, being completely independent, is closely connected with all others. It is customary to distinguish between economic history, political, civil history, the history of the state and law, the history of culture, and so on. The subject of ethnography, also historical, is the way of life and culture of peoples. And archeology studies history on specific ancient sources - tools, household items, decorations, etc., as well as working with full-fledged historical complexes - burial grounds, settlements, treasures.

Depending on the breadth of the object under study, the subject of science can also be the whole history of the world, i.e. World history or universal. Or the history of a separate continent - America, Africa, Asia. In a narrower specialization - the history of a particular country and people or a group of peoples (the history of Russia, the history of the USSR).

In addition to the basic, in the scientific world it is customary to allocate so-called auxiliary historical disciplines. The subject of science is more narrow in nature, it is studied in detail, in detail, and this gives an opportunity to better understand and evaluate the historical process as a whole:

  • Chronology is devoted to the study of different time reference systems;
  • Paleography is interested in an old letter, manuscripts and other written monuments of different epochs;
  • The diplomat deals with historical acts;
  • For numismatics the subject of history - orders and medals, coins and other monetary units;
  • Local history is occupied with studying the history of individual localities, regions, regions, etc .;
  • Heraldry is interested in the arms of families and whole families, cities, countries.

Of auxiliary disciplines, the source study for which the subject of science is historical sources, and historiography studying, analyzing and describing the views, ideas, concepts of the authors of historical works, historian scholars, as well as the laws of the development of history as scientific knowledge, are of more importance from auxiliary disciplines.

History refers to the oldest sciences, intersecting with literary criticism, economic theories, philosophy, psychology, economic theories, linguistics and many others. At the junction of several disciplines, historical geography, the history of literature, music, etc. arose.

Political science or political science is one of the most important directions in history. The subject of political science is a variety of processes and phenomena from the sphere of politics, patterns and ways of their development and the expected results of these processes:

  • Political theories, the history of the emergence and development of political thoughts and theories;
  • Power, various manifestations and forms of power, political systems with the main mechanism of power - the state;
  • Subjects of political relations and relations - civil societies, social classes and other communities, various political organizations;
  • The political consciousness of the masses, their political culture, the main political trends and landmarks;
  • International political processes and international politics as such.

Thus, when studying history, society learns to think in historical categories, see its development, give a correct assessment of various social processes and phenomena relative to the past and predict the course of future events.

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