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The problem of globalization. The main contemporary problems of globalization

In the modern world, more and more clearly observed are some processes that unite it, blur the borders between states and turn the economic system into one huge market. The peoples inhabiting the Earth interact with each other more efficiently and to some extent assimilate. All these and many other processes are called globalization. Many experts are inclined to believe that globalization is an inevitable stage in the development of mankind, when the whole world is gradually becoming one.

However, in the course of the formation of a global society, certain problems naturally arise. The processes of globalization are so complex and ambiguous that it can not be otherwise. Before looking for a solution to these problems, it is necessary to understand the essence of globalization itself, because today it has to a greater or lesser extent affected almost all aspects of our life.

What is globalization?

First of all, globalization is a process of changing the structure of the world economic system, when the economies of individual states are integrated into the overall system. The purpose of these changes is to expand the opportunities for trade, investment, capital flows throughout the world, which are governed by a common principle for all. In fact, globalization affects more areas of human life. Mutual integration occurs in politics, culture, religion, education and in many other spheres. On the example of the European Union and other alliances, one can observe how the borders between states are blurring, and in unified countries more or less uniform standards are applied in various spheres of life.

Globalization is characterized by many different phenomena, such as the spread of information technologies and communication tools, the interdependence of financial markets and the unification of their participants, migration, the formation of a universal culture, etc. At the same time, these processes occur in conditions when individual civilizations and cultures that have their own System of values, it is necessary to integrate into the overall system. The modern problems of globalization are largely due to the diversity and dissimilarity of the participants in these processes. And according to its opponents, the processes of globalization are based on principles, the use of which very often leads to negative consequences.

Limitation of State Sovereignty

The main problem of globalization lies in the fact that its processes are largely influenced by various intergovernmental, supranational or private structures. Sometimes these institutions behave as if they have power over all and they are obliged to obey even the state. Of course, these structures can not force anyone to comply with their demands, and most often their conditions are of a recommendatory nature, but to gain access to certain resources and opportunities, governments have to make concessions.

Indeed, today one can see how governments lose control over various spheres of government. More and more criticism is heard about such structures as the WTO, the IMF or the World Bank, and transnational corporations (TNCs) have become so powerful that they can influence both individual states and the world at large. Many are concerned about the restriction of the sovereignty of countries, and this despite the fact that it is already possible to hear talk about the revision of the traditional roles of the state and government. This problem of globalization is manifested in the difficulty of defending by individual states their interests.

Concentration on the economy

The structures that have the greatest impact on the course of globalization processes are largely focused on financial and economic issues. This applies mainly to TNCs and other private organizations that may be interested in making a profit or raising financials. They are more concerned with the economic problems of globalization, leaving other aspects of it, such as health care or ecology, that are also very important.

TNCs in pursuit of profit

As already mentioned, TNCs set their priority on maximizing profits, which may run counter to the interests of society. Not to mention the fact that TNCs can act to the detriment of everything else to achieve their goals. A striking example is the tendency to transfer production to countries in which conditions more favorable for TNCs exist. In fact, these advantages are in the lower cost of labor and less rigid labor legislation, lower requirements for labor and environmental protection, low taxes and social deductions. Here there is a violation of human rights.

In addition, the transfer of industrial production to developing countries provokes too rapid growth in their economies, which has negative consequences. This problem of globalization also makes itself felt in the West, where the unemployment rate is growing due to the closure of many enterprises.

Lack of openness

Governments and other government agencies, as well as their actions, can in some way or other be controlled by voters, their capabilities, principles of functioning and responsibility are clearly spelled out in the laws. With suprastate organizations, the situation is somewhat different. They can act independently and most often make decisions that have a significant impact on the course of world processes, behind closed doors. Of course, this is preceded by lengthy multilateral negotiations, which take place both at the official level and on the sidelines. It is alarming that many very serious social problems of globalization are solved in this way, and the mechanisms for making these decisions are not sufficiently open and understandable.

In addition, international structures are difficult to hold accountable in case of illegal actions on their part.

Loss of identity

As the integration of society into a single economic and cultural space occurs, certain living standards also become the same for all. Opponents of globalization are concerned about the violation of the human right to own culture and the loss of identity by states.

Indeed, today we can observe how the whole of mankind is literally programmed, and people become faceless and similar to each other. They listen to the same music and eat the same food, it does not matter in which country or part of the world they live. A big role in this is played by globalization. The global problems of our time are not only difficulties in the economic or political spheres. Cultural traditions are forgotten, and national values are replaced by others or simply invented, which can not but disturb.

Globalization or Westernization?

Looking closer, one can see the relationship between globalization and so-called Westernization - the process of assimilation by Western civilization of the remaining less developed and to a lesser extent modernized territories. Of course, globalization is a broader process than Westernization. With the example of the East Asian countries that have preserved their identity, one can see that modernization and integration into the world system can take place in the conditions of saving their own culture. Yet globalization is inextricably linked to liberal values, which may be alien to some cultures, for example, Islam. The problems of globalization in such cases can be quite acute.

Globalization and lobby

Specialists, and some observant people, are sure that the main problems of globalization lie in the fact that the promotion of someone's interests is under the cover of integration. It can be and separate countries, basically western, and powerful multinational corporations. It is no secret that the headquarters of many international organizations are located in the United States, and although they are officially independent institutions working in the common interest, it is often possible to observe how the processes of globalization take place at the expense of developing countries.

A striking example of this is the work of the International Monetary Fund. Those recommendations and loans that the IMF generously distributes to developing countries do not always bring them benefits. Integrating into a common system, the economies of these states become dependent on credit, or even completely decay.

World government

All kinds of conspiracy theories allow the possibility of the existence of certain forces, the purpose of which is supposedly the establishment of a world government or a new world order. Indeed, the problem of globalization is that it subordinates the whole world to itself, gradually, step by step, country after country, it collects all together and turns into a single whole. One law, one culture ... one government. The experiences of the opponents of these processes are quite understandable, because many are convinced that it does not bode well.

As conspirologists say, the goal of the world government is to create the so-called Golden Billion, which will include residents of selected countries (Western Europe, North America, etc.). The rest of the world's population is for the most part subject to destruction and enslavement.


Today, many people who are concerned about the problems associated with globalization are uniting into an anti-globalization movement. In fact, it is an association of various organizations, international as well as national, as well as the mass of people, politicians, scientists, human rights defenders and ordinary citizens with an active civil position. It is important to note that antiglobalists protest not so much against globalization itself as against the principles on which it is based. In the opinion of members of the movement, many problems of the globalization of the economy and other spheres are directly related to the neoliberal principles of regulation and privatization.

Every day the anti-globalization movement becomes more organized. For example, since 2001, the World Social Forum has been held annually, where the most important issues are discussed under the slogan "The world can be different".


Globalization and the global problems accompanying it, of course, are inevitable at this stage of the development of human civilization. It is not possible to abandon it, therefore it is very important to find the right approach to the formation of a new unified world community and to solve the problems associated with it.

In conclusion, one can only quote the words of one representative of the anti-globalization movement: "Globalization is both a collective challenge and an incentive for each of us to look for new ways to become citizens of the world."

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