Spiritual development, Mystic
The meaning of the name Lolita. Strong female names
What do you know about strong female names? The name Lolita itself screams about its power and authority. Pascal declension - Lola, Loli, Lita, Lolo, Lolia. What is the meaning of the name Lolita? Now we will talk about this.
Origin of the name Lolita
It is believed that this name is Catholic. The history of its appearance goes back either to Spain, or to Rome. Opinions are twofold and never converge on one. In one words, it comes from the Spanish word "grief", on others - from the Roman field grass Lolli. There are also versions that the name is only a derivative of Dolores. And over time it became separate. The name is popular more in the west, and rarely used in Slavic countries.
Lolita: characteristics of the name
- The sign of the zodiac is cancer, a lion.
- The planet is Mars, the Sun.
- Color - red, purple, white and orange.
- The stone-talisman is jasper.
- Totem - a fly, a falcon, a scarab.
- The plant is a rose, a mistletoe, a laurel, a lemon, a cedar.
- Day is Sunday.
- Metal is gold.
- Element - fire.
Lolita - a name that is not mentioned in Orthodox saints, but according to the Catholic calendar, the Day of the Angel is celebrated twice: on May 30 and September 15.
Parents who decide to name their daughter Lolita, the secret of the name will be extremely interesting. The complex nature of its owner can lead to problems in communicating with people or co-workers. In the family, everyone knows that behind the stubbornness is an vulnerable person. It is very sensitive and takes what is happening close to the heart in relation to native people, but the criticism of strangers can safely ignore. In fact, quick temper is her "Achilles' heel," because of which she may even develop self-doubt, because it is because of her that she often loses her friends.
What else will tell the meaning of the name Lolita? She is modest, but self-assured, knows her own worth and, if necessary, she can stand up for herself. These qualities help her to get a job in high positions. She simply communicates with the authorities and subordinates, while she is taken seriously, but friendly.
Since childhood, Lolita learns to live on her own and achieve everything that she needs, as a result, already in her youth, she is firmly on the ground, confidently striding to her dream with leaps and bounds. Thanks to a good intellect, he knows how to find simple ways. At the same time, she does not know the risk, something new, not tested, rather scares, that justifies the choice of the beaten path, tested by years and many people.
Defeats and failures in life perceive calmly, without making a serious catastrophe out of this. Bodra, energetic, able to push anyone to feats and unscheduled travel. On the spot does not sit, preferring active rest to a quiet home atmosphere.
A negative feature of the character is that she is angry very seriously. It's hard to anger, but if it happens, it will cool down for a long time.
Power Engineering
Like karma, Lolita's energy depends on her actions, what she likes, what she's going to and what methods she uses to achieve her goals. Negative side of the name like selfishness, prudence, quick temper can spoil her life and health. A strong-willed character, kindness and love for work, communication, on the contrary, are able to inspire the conquest of new peaks.
Love and relationships
How does the meaning of Lolita's name affect her relationship with the opposite sex and destiny? She cherishes the feelings: love, relationships and just friendship for her are very important, and they will not exchange them for trifles. Communication does not cause difficulties. With people it converges easily and at ease, making more and more friends and acquaintances. Although it is worth noting that she chooses close friends carefully. The secret of communicating with her is simple, one must be able to stay in the sector of integrity and not enter into an aggressive environment. Lolita does not like quarrels, but if they do, it takes a very long time, until the relationship breaks down.
Love for Lolita is very important, she can strongly attach to the second half, but to let someone off expensive does not know how. It's not just a beautiful woman, but a lady, passionate and sexy, who knows a lot about fashion. She knows how to submit herself in any situation. Work, home, higher society - is for her, rather, a game. So that men are not indifferent to it, however, the very one, as a rule, is searched for a long time. She can often come across simple guys, but Lolita needs a man who understands and supports her.
Family relations largely depend on values and upbringing. Lolita prefers harmony. And if the husband wants to stay at home and will deal with children, and in her own career growth and a good salary, she will happily give way to her husband. But if before marriage she did not decide on a career, and her husband does not mind that she was sitting at home, then she would not be eager to work. In this case, she does not fight for leadership, giving her husband care about money and problems. The household will take a significant place in her life. He loves children and can spend a lot of time with them. Her husband prefers to choose for life. Distinguished by devotion and honesty. Does not change and always quite frankly expresses claims, if they are.
Health and talents
Lolita's health can be envied. Since childhood, little sick, strong, hardy. But with age, you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, skin or respiratory system. In addition, a strong temper can lead to psychoemotional problems and disorders in the nervous system. To avoid this, it is worth giving yourself a break, from time to time relax, go on vacation or from childhood to engage in meditation. It's also a good idea to choose a sport, yoga, swimming or jogging.
An innate sense of decency can be attributed to the person's obvious talents. It is most clearly manifested in crisis, critical moments of life and emergency situations. In addition, Lolita has an enviable intuition, plans always in advance and tries to fulfill the intended results with precision. And given that everything usually happens exactly as she expected, then all possible plans and plans of it are easily realized.
How can the meaning of Lolita's name influence the choice of her profession? Since childhood, she has been paying attention to various areas of activity. Such girls love art and music, but they can stop on more complex sciences: international relations, literature, mathematics.
Lolita is hardworking and intelligent, can become an indispensable worker, but under certain conditions of work. Laziness does not accept in any of its forms and if she has chosen any field, she will try to reach the maximum of career height. The most acceptable profession, where you do not need to work around the clock, but pay good money. These women prefer freedom of action, for which they pay well and on time.
In terms of money, this person is very prudent, but comfort for her is important. To work on three jobs for a decent salary will not, but having a good education, will find a prestigious area where there is a lunch break and the opportunity to drink a cup of coffee during the working day.
Of the professions the best choice will be medicine and pedagogy. He will also achieve high ranks as an actress, an artist, a small businessman or musician. Not many other strong female names are able to give their owners the same interesting and rich life.
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