
The gums hurt? What to do?

Surely, you sometimes had to feel pain in the mouth. Most often this is due to pain and gum disease. And then the question arises: sore gums, what to do?

It all depends on the degree of neglect of the problem. If you are just beginning to develop an ailment, you can do only therapeutic toothpastes, based on herbs, as well as ointments for gums. But if the pain haunts you for a long time, and you just now turned to the doctor, then alas, but you have a long and expensive treatment. In any case, you can not leave everything as it is.

First of all, you need to understand the following: if the gums hurt, what to do is not necessary. Do not drink too hot or, conversely, ice water - this can cause severe pain. Try not to touch particularly problem areas.

How to be treated? In fact, there are two topical ways. The first is medication, it was mentioned above. This method will require a lot of patience from you, and considerable investments, because the drugs are not cheap now. Prepare for frequent visits to the dentist.

If during the cleaning of teeth, you have a bleeding, change the toothbrush to softer, and use pasta with herbs. In addition, you will need to carefully distribute the cleaning of teeth on the morning and day. In the morning, you will brush your teeth with usual paste, use medical treatment in the daytime, and next day change their order in some places.

In addition to this method, there is another, more folk, if I may say so. Usually such methods are simply amazing with variety. Very effective and popular is the way to caress the mouth with lemon juice diluted in water, as well as infuse herbs and ointments. If you have the opportunity to buy propolis, then it's just a find: it helps a lot with such a disease - take it in a dilute alcohol solution. All the methods are good, when the gums are hurt, what to do and how to heal - there's really no choice. Remember: the main reasons for which the gums ache are weakening of the gums, the reproduction of bacteria on them, the development of periodontitis and not regular examination.

It is possible that the gums hurt because of the wisdom tooth crawling. What to do in this case? In fact, there is no particular choice - you, almost always, will have to get rid of it. Most often, the wisdom tooth very early deteriorates and falls out. Most often it has to be removed, otherwise it gives a lot of inconvenience, in particular because of it the gums ache. What to do when the growing wisdom tooth prevents you from eating and sleeping normally? There are cases when due to him it is necessary to cut the gum and extract surgically. The procedure is extremely unpleasant. Total wisdom teeth are four. Sooner or later they become inflamed and spoiled. So be patient. Wisdom teeth are also dangerous because they can damage a number of growing, healthy teeth. Thus, if the wisdom tooth grows, what do you already know.

The ideal way to prevent pain in the gums is, of course, prevention. Regularly you need to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening, use dental floss and mouthwash. Remember, the gum itself is not inflamed. Almost 90% of cases - this is a consequence of the fact that teeth (namely their roots) become unusable. You need to use a special toothpaste and brush to reduce the likelihood of the appearance of periodontal disease. This disease slowly but surely leads first to loosening, and then to the loss of all teeth. The whole process is accompanied by pain and bleeding gums. In addition, regularly, at least once every 2-3 months, visit the dentist in time to begin treatment if necessary, and then you will not have to think about what to do when the gums ache. Remember, the better you look at your gums and generally behind your teeth, the less likely that you will experience the skill of a dentist!

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