
The Great French Revolution: significance, causes, main events, results

The 18th century is considered to be the century of the Great French Revolution. The overthrow of the monarchy, the revolutionary movement and vivid examples of terror overshadowed even the bloody events of the October Revolution of 1917 in its cruelty. The French prefer to shyly conceal and in every way romanticize this period in their own history. The significance of the Great French Revolution can not be overestimated. A vivid example of how the most bloodthirsty and terrible beast, rushing into the robes of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood, is ready to thrust its fangs into anyone, and its name is the Revolution.

Preconditions for the beginning of the revolution: socio-economic and political crisis

Entering the throne in 1774, Louis XVI appoints Robert Turgot the general controller of finance, but the wide range of reforms proposed by this politician was rejected. The aristocracy strenuously clung to their privileges, and all the duties with duties fell heavily on the shoulders of the third estate, whose representatives in France were 90%.

In 1778, Turgot replaces Nacker at his post. He abolishes serfdom in the royal domains, torture during interrogations, limits the expenses of the court, but these measures were only a drop in the sea. Absolutism did not allow the capitalist relations that were brewing in society to develop. Therefore, the change in economic formations was only a matter of time. There was a deepened economic crisis, manifested in the growth of prices in the absence of growth in production. Inflation, painfully struck by the most disadvantaged segments of the population, was one of the catalysts that spurred the growth of revolutionary sentiment in society.

A perfect example was shown by the US War of Independence, which inspired hopes in the revolutionary-minded French. If we talk briefly about the Great French Revolution (and about the prerequisites that have matured), we should also note the political crisis in France. The aristocracy considered itself located between a hammer and an anvil - the king and the people. Therefore, vehemently blocked all innovations, which, in her opinion, threatened liberties and preferences. The king understood that it was necessary to undertake at least something: France could no longer live in the old way.

Convening of the General States on May 5, 1789

All three estates pursued their goals and objectives. The king hoped to avoid the collapse of the economy by reforming the taxation system. Aristocracy - to maintain its position, the reforms it was clearly not needed. The common people, or the third estate, hoped that the states would become the platform where their demands would finally be heard. Swan, cancer and pike ...

Fierce disputes and discussions, thanks to the tremendous support of the people, were successfully resolved in favor of the third estate. Out of 1,200 seats, 610, or most, were given to representatives of the broad masses of the people. And soon they had the opportunity to show their political power. On June 17, on an arena for playing ball, the representatives of the people, using disorder and vacillation among the clergy and aristocracy, announced the creation of the National Assembly, vowing not to disperse until the Constitution has been drafted. The clergy and part of the nobles supported them. The third estate showed that it must be reckoned with.

The capture of the Bastille

The beginning of the Great French Revolution was marked by a landmark event - the capture of the Bastille. The French celebrate this day as a national holiday. As for historians, their opinions are divided: there are skeptics who believe that there was no take: the garrison-de self voluntarily surrendered, and everything happened because of the frivolity of the crowd. At once it is necessary to clarify some points. The capture was, and the victims were. Several people tried to lower the bridge, and he crushed those unfortunates. The garrison could resist, it had guns and experience. There was not enough food, but history knows examples of the heroic defenses of fortresses.

Starting from the documents, we have the following: from the Minister of Finance Nekker to the deputy commandant of the fortress of Puzu, everyone spoke about the abolition of the Bastille, while expressing a general opinion. The fate of the famous fortress-prison was predetermined - it would have been demolished. But history does not know the subjunctive mood: July 14, 1789 took the Bastille, and this marked the beginning of the Great French Revolution.

A constitutional monarchy

The determination of the people of France forced the government to make concessions. Municipalities of cities were transformed into a commune - an independent revolutionary government. The new state flag was adopted - the famous French tricolor. The National Guard was led by de Lafayette, famous in the US War of Independence. The National Assembly began the formation of a new government and the drafting of a Constitution. August 26, 1789 was adopted "Declaration of the rights of man and citizen" - the most important document in the history of the Great French Revolution. In it, the basic rights and freedoms of the new France were declared. Now everyone had the right to freedom of conscience and resistance to oppression. He could openly express his opinion and be protected from encroachments on private property. Now everyone was equal before the law and had equal obligations before taxation. The significance of the Great French Revolution was expressed in every line of this progressive document. While most European countries continued to suffer from social inequalities, born of remnants of the Middle Ages.

And although the reforms of 1789-1791. Much changed radically, the adoption of the law on the suppression of any insurrection was directed against the poor. It was also forbidden to unite in alliances and conduct strikes. Workers again deceived.

September 3, 1891, a new Constitution was adopted. It gave the right to vote only to a limited number of representatives of the middle strata. A new Legislative Assembly was convened, whose members could not be re-elected. All this contributed to the radicalization of the population and the possibility of the emergence of terror and despotism.

The threat of external invasion and the fall of the monarchy

England was afraid that with the adoption of advanced economic reforms the influence of France would increase, so all the forces were thrown to prepare the invasion of Austria and Prussia. The patriotic French supported the call to defend the Motherland. The National Guard of France advocated the removal of the king's power, the creation of the republic and the selection of a new national convention. The Duke of Braunschweig issued a manifesto in which he set out his intentions: to invade France and destroy the revolution. After being learned about it in Paris, the events of the Great French Revolution began to develop rapidly. On August 10, the rebels went to the Tuileries and, after defeating the Swiss guards, arrested the king's family. Luminous persons were placed in the fortress of the Temple.

War and its impact on the revolution

If to characterize the Great French Revolution briefly, it should be noted that the mood in the French society was a rattling mixture of suspicion, fear, mistrust and bitterness. Lafayette fled, the border fortress of Longvi surrendered without a fight. Purges, arrests and mass executions were initiated on the initiative of the Jacobins. The majority in the Convention were the Girondins - they organized the defense and even won victories at first. Their plans were extensive: from the liquidation of the Paris Commune to the seizure of Holland. By that time France was at war with almost all of Europe.

Personal disputes and squabbles, a decline in the standard of living and an economic blockade - under the influence of these factors, the influence of the Girondists began to fade away, which the Jacobins took advantage of. The betrayal of General Dumourie served as an excellent occasion to accuse the government of aiding and abetting the enemy. Danton headed the Committee of Public Salvation - the executive branch was concentrated in the hands of the Jacobins. The significance of the Great French Revolution and the ideals it defended lost all meaning. Terror and violence swept France.

The Apogee of Terror

France experienced one of the most difficult periods in its history. Her army retreated, south-west under the influence of the Girondins raised an uprising. In addition, supporters of the monarchy became more active. The death of Marat so shocked Robespierre that he craved only blood.

The Committee of Public Safety passed the functions of government - a wave of terror swept France. After the adoption of the decree of June 10, 1794, the defendants were deprived of the right to defense. The results of the Great French Revolution during the dictatorship of the Jacobins - about 35 thousand dead and over 120 thousand who fled emigration.

The policy of terror so swallowed its creators that the republic, becoming hateful, perished.

Napoleon Bonaparte

France was extinguished by civil war, and the revolution weakened its pressure and grip. Everything has changed: now the Jacobins themselves were persecuted and persecuted. Their club was closed, and the Committee of Public Salvation gradually lost power. The Convent, while defending the interests of those who were enriched during the years of the revolution, on the contrary, strengthened its positions, but its position remained shaky. Taking advantage of this, the Jacobins staged a mutiny in May 1795, which, although harshly suppressed, accelerated the dissolution of the Convention.

Moderate Republicans and Girondins created the Directory. France is mired in corruption, depravity and a complete fall of morals. One of the most prominent figures of the Directory was Count Barras. He also noticed Napoleon Bonaparte and promoted him through the ranks, sending military campaigns.

The people finally lost faith in the Directory and its political leaders, which Napoleon used. On November 9, 1799, the regime of the consulate was proclaimed. All executive power was concentrated in the hands of the first consul - Napoleon Bonaparte. The functions of the other two consuls were only of an advisory nature. The revolution was over.

Fruits of revolution

The results of the Great French Revolution were expressed in the change of economic formations and changes in socio-economic relations. The church and the aristocracy finally lost their former power and influence. France embarked on the economic path of capitalism and progress. Her people, seasoned in battles and tribulations, possessed the most powerful battle-worthy army of that time. The significance of the Great French Revolution is great: in the minds of many European nations, ideals of equality and dreams of freedom have been formed. But at the same time there was also a fear of new revolutionary upheavals.

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