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The game "Mafia". The reviews are amazing!

Do you like to spend time in a noisy company of friends? So why do not you try to play the wonderful game "Mafia"? Reviews about her are only enthusiastic.

History of the game

In 1986, Dmitry Davydov came up with the game "Mafia". Reviews about it even now amaze with an abundance of compliments. Initially, it was played in the classrooms, dormitories and corridors of Moscow State University. After some students began to leave the country as the university graduated, the game spread to different countries. For example, in the United States, the first mention of it is in 1989.

According to the author, the game is based on the cultural and historical theory of the psychologist L.S. Vygotsky. In the creation of Davydov intertwined competition and representation, the struggle for survival and show.

The prototype of the game is the European analogue "The Assassin", which was known from the middle of the twentieth century. In the "Mafia" the participants try to find a group of villains, while in the "Killer" players are looking for only one maniac.

The essence of the game

The rules are simple. All participants of this action are divided into several categories. The main ones are peaceful townspeople and mafiosi. Other characters have their own functions. The winner in this game should be either villains or civilians.

For the game you will need a deck of special cards. Ordinary can also come up, if you first discuss with your friends what the picture means. Before the game "Mafia", reviews about which are only flattering, cards are distributed to each participant with a shirt up. It is at this moment that everyone understands what role they have taken on themselves. There should be as many cards in the deck as there are participants. The leader is determined either by voting or by a lot.


Why does the game "Mafia" receive reviews only enthusiastic? Probably because during the discussion the players get to know each other from the new side and just have a good time. Let's figure out which characters are the main characters in this game.

  • Civilians. Functions as such they do not. Their goal is to answer 2 questions:
    • Who kills peaceful citizens?
    • And who among them is a mob?
  • Mafia. Mafia players kill at night townspeople. The number of villains depends on the total number of players.
  • Fallen woman. The function of this auxiliary character is a night pastime with one of the players and saving him from death at the hands of the mafia.
  • Doctor. It is clear that he saves the villagers killed by villains.
  • Policeman. His role is to arrest the suspects and track the order.
  • Maniac. It is extremely rare in the game process. He can side with the townspeople or the mafia, or he can defend his ideas. At night, it strangles peaceful people, because of what they can only be explained by gestures.

Rules of the game

It is known that the "Mafia: a game of survival" reviews receive only admired and very deserved. Therefore, it is rather necessary to understand the rules.

  • The game consists of two periods: day and night.
  • On the first day, participants come up with names, get acquainted with each other, assess behavior, make the first conclusions.
  • Night villains wake up. When they open their eyes, they get to know each other. After that, the Mafiosi make a choice. Other characters have no idea what card has fallen to.
  • On the second day it becomes clear who was killed. In the course of the discussion, following this, suspects are established. The one who was elected by ballot shows his card and retires.
  • The second night comes. When the presenter calls the participants in a certain order, they begin to perform their functions. Initially, the mafia is engaged in murders. After that, the Doctor saves the townspeople. The fallen woman chooses whom she will spend the night with. The policeman seizes the suspect. After all this, a maniac can wake up and strangle one of the players.
  • On the third day, the presenter talks about the events that happened overnight. If the victim was saved by the Fallen woman or Doctor, then his character is not disclosed. If the Mafiosi killed the muddle, then her "saved" automatically dies. The killed person leaves the game. The discussion continues. Strangled can only gesticulate, say - no.

Subtlety of etiquette

To the game "Mafia" reviews received only positive from the whole company, you need to adhere to some rules and advice.

If two participants scored the same number of votes, the remaining players could not decide on the choice of the suspect, then the discussion begins anew. To vote then it is necessary for 2 nominees selected in the first round.

You can give your vote only for one participant.

Players who have dropped out should not give out others either emotion, word or deed.

Categorically you can not spy.

At night, during the game, all participants must behave as quietly as possible.

It is strictly forbidden to disclose your character.

Oaths are not welcome, mention of the devil or god. The conditions for all are equal.

Board game "Mafia" reviews are good, because it does not have losers and winners. This is a great entertainment, thanks to which people recognize each other and show their didactic talents in practice.

It is very important to be able to maintain composure. If you lie to the player is so-so, then he should look at least calmly. Perhaps he should practice before the next round.

Reviews about the game

After studying reviews about the game "Mafia", each player will be able to make sure that such a wonderful pastime is to everyone's liking. This is really so. What kind of statements do not sound like the variation "Mafia: the game of survival". Reviews are just flattering. Rarely when a disgruntled player meets.

"Mafia is immortal!", "Excellent game for a cheerful company", "The real classics of the genre" - perhaps, these statements will most fully reflect the mood of all participants.

What conquers people in this game? Ability to show wit, think logically, the opportunity to have a great time in the company of your friends.

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