
The drug "Trombleuss": instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues. Can I use "Trombleus" in pregnancy?

Most women sooner or later face such a phenomenon as varicose veins. For most of the fair sex this manifests itself in adulthood, but young girls can also manifest themselves as veins. Quite often this trouble is found in pregnant women, because the load on the legs during this period is growing, here the veins become bright and often very noticeable. Many women closely follow the beauty of their feet and try to stop the further development of the disease.

Solution found

The assortment of anti-varicose veins in pharmacies is very wide today, and it is quite difficult to understand the variety of medications. But there is one drug that has earned the respect and love of consumers. In this article you will find detailed information about the gel "Trombleuss": instructions for use, price and opinions of customers. The above medication is considered an effective anti-thrombotic drug, that is, it is used against the formation of blood clots. It is produced in the form of a gel, which is in aluminum tubes. The main component of the drug is heparin sodium. In appearance, the gel is completely clear, colorless, it has a barely perceptible spirit flavor.

How and for what use this drug?

"Trombles" gel, the instruction for which is applied to each package, is a medicine for external use. Its action is aimed at reducing inflammation, improving the ability of blood to coagulate, getting rid of swelling of tissues, wounds and bruises, and even from painful sensations. Absorbed in the skin, it speeds up blood circulation and tissue metabolism, so that blood clots and bruises dissolve faster, inflammation passes, and pain disappears without a trace. The highest concentration of the main component of the gel - heparin sodium - is formed 7-8 hours after the application of the above agent to the skin. This medication has a fairly long-lasting effect, its effect lasts about half a day.

Gel "Trombleuss": instructions for use and recommendations of doctors

This gel is prescribed for external use in such diseases as:

  • The risk of thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, which is observed in most cases after varicose veins on the legs. This is accompanied by inflammation of the vein itself and the formation of a thrombus. Recognize this disease can be by external signs - redness, swelling of the tissues near the vein, pain. In the presence of a thrombus, the vein becomes denser to the touch, which can be seen on examination.
  • Subcutaneous edema, bruises and bruises (appear after injuries, bruises, wounds).
  • Violation of blood clotting.

When applying this medication to the area of bruising or bruising, it reduces swelling and eliminates redness and swelling. It has a gel and a freezing effect, so after application the pain instantly disappears.

Use of gel for mastitis

The aforementioned drug also helps young mothers, with mastitis. When breastfeeding sometimes occurs such a phenomenon as stagnation of milk. It manifests itself in the form of edema and redness of any part of the female breast, painful sensations when touched. In combination with the main methods of fighting mastitis (pumping, massage), the gel "Trombleuss" is effectively used to get rid of pain, eliminate edema, as when breastfeeding the baby for its use there is no prohibition. This drug should be applied to the skin in the place of injury, rub it with light massaging movements. It is recommended to do this three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician, but in general the course of treatment should be at least a week.

Overdose of the drug, side effects

Like all kinds of medications, this gel has side effects. So, the drug "Trombleuss", the instruction for use confirms this, can cause reddening of the skin, if you use it longer than the specified time. If after the application of this product there was redness or itching, the use of the gel should be urgently stopped and another tool of a similar action should be selected.

Cases of overdose with the above drug was not detected, because it is used only locally, without getting into the body, and absorbed into the blood only a small amount of the active substance. Information on the interaction with other therapeutic agents of the gel "Trombleuss" instructions for use also contains. When taking tetracycline antibiotics or antihistamines, this gel should be applied with caution, after consulting with the doctor in advance. It is not recommended to simultaneously use the gel "Trombles" with similar drugs and other topical medications (creams, ointments). If other medications are prescribed for you other than the above, then the interval between their use should be at least an hour.

Use of gel by pregnant women, drug analogues

The drug "Trombleuss" during pregnancy is allowed, no negative consequences were found after this. This gel has passed all the necessary tests and for the mother and baby is absolutely harmless. During breastfeeding, it can also be used. Has a gel "Trombleuss" analogues - medicines that have the same effect on veins. To such preparations concern: "Lyoton" -gel, preparations "Heparin-Akrigel" and "Trombofob". The drug "Trombleuss" is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. You can buy it in almost every pharmacy. Its cost is about 300 rubles per package of 50 grams. Before buying this drug, it is advisable to read the consumer's feedback about it.

What the customer says about the product - gel "Trombleuss", positive feedback

Most reviews about this tool are positive. It is used mainly by women, and they note that after a week of using the gel, the veins on the legs became less noticeable, the fatigue of the legs disappeared. Especially it is useful to those of the fair sex who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes. Those ladies who used this gel for prophylaxis claim that they did not have varicose veins. The drug "Trombleuss", the instruction for which confirms that it can be used for breastfeeding, has helped many mothers get rid of milk stagnation in the chest. They rubbed him in the chest with massaging movements and then did not remember mastitis again.

Negative feedback about the drug

There are gel "Trombleuss" and negative reviews, but in most cases they are associated with an individual intolerance to the drug - when consumers have redness on the skin. Such a reaction can arise with the use of absolutely any drug, apparently, this gel was not suitable for patients. Some women note that this drug did not save them from varicose for good, but made it less noticeable. But you need to take into account the fact that varicose veins are a rather complex phenomenon that is not completely cured.

Recommendations of buyers

Most reviews about it are still positive. The ladies appreciated the incredible effectiveness of the drug "Trombleuss": the ointment works great for tired legs, they claim that it quickly relieved them of edema, in addition, many helped to eliminate swelling in the period of carrying the child. Many consumers characterize this drug as the most effective tool in the fight against bruises and abrasions, which makes them less visible, and when properly used eliminates altogether. Important is the fact that this drug is domestic, its composition includes proven components. Women who used different creams and ointments, note that the gel "Trombleuss" very softly affects the skin, has an easy effect of freezing and therefore quickly relieves pain in the legs. Most buyers say that this domestic drug is not worse, but even better than imported analogues. In addition, it is required to apply a thin layer, while it is consumed sparingly, and one tube is enough for a long time. Those who tried this medication once, no longer use any other remedy.

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