
The drug for pediculosis "Couple plus." Reviews of doctors and patients

Despite improving the living conditions of the population and improving hygiene culture, pediculosis is still a very common disease. Anyone can get infected, even the one that keeps the hair clean. But basically, pediculosis is a problem for children who attend a kindergarten, a camp or a sanatorium. You can also get infected with joint games, using common combs and headdresses. To facilitate infected with the fight against parasites, the drug "Para Plus" was created. The feedback about it from the doctors and patients is only positive.

Signs of lice

How can you recognize that your child or you have lice? The main sign of parasites is a strong itch, especially in the nape of the neck and behind the ears. On light hair, you can see dark dots - nits and even insects themselves. It is easy to distinguish nits from skin scales and dandruff: it is firmly glued to the hair and it is almost impossible to remove it with your hands.

Lice are carriers of some infectious diseases. In addition, if the infection is not treated in time, immunity may decrease, intoxication and allergic reactions to the skin begin. Therefore, it is advisable in time to recognize that your child has started pediculosis. "Couple plus" - this is a drug that will easily help you cope with the disease.

Action of the medicine

Earlier, to get rid of lice, emergency measures were used: kerosene, alcohol, dust, or haircut nalyso. But now the patients get the drug "Para Plus". Reviews about it show how effective its use. And it acts for 10-15 minutes, killing not only insects, but also nits. Substances that make up the drug act on the nervous system of insects, causing their paralysis, but are completely harmless to humans, since they are of vegetable origin.

Therefore, as soon as you notice the lice, go to the pharmacy and buy a "Pair plus" aerosol. Price, of course, rather big, about 400 rubles, but it's worth it. After all, having processed your hair once, you will forever forget about itching and creeping insects. You will only have to comb the dead lice and nits for some time. In advanced cases, you may need to re-use the drug in a week. Many who have been treated for pediculosis believe that the best remedy for lice is "Couple Plus".

Reviews from the medicine of those who are dissatisfied with them

However, there are those who did not like the effect of the drug. What are they complaining about?

  1. The medicine causes allergic reactions and after it dandruff may appear.
  2. The drug is ineffective, there are no lice and after a week they appear again.

Yes, indeed, this medicine, like many others, can cause allergic reactions, but it is easier to cure dandruff than to suffer from lice. In addition, when spraying the aerosol, you need to make sure that the medicine does not get on the skin or on the mucous membranes. And about the fact that the drug is ineffective, most likely, people forget that in addition to the head you need to process clothes, bedding and all the soft surfaces in the house with which the infected person touched.

If you are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as pediculosis, then you will help "Couple Plus." Your feedback on the treatment, we hope, will be positive, because it will help get rid of lice quickly and effectively.

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