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Details of what rep means in "Steam"

"Steam" - a platform that allows you to play with other users. However, it has many additional functions. For example, you can share screenshots, chat, create groups. Today we'll figure out what rep means in "Steam".


On this site one of the most common types of activity can be considered trade in objects. Users interested in successful transactions simply need to know what a rep is in "Steam". For each of them, the reputation of the person with whom negotiations are being held is incredibly important. Thanks to this, the level of transaction reliability increases. In this case, fraud on the part of unreliable traders is possible. That's why the concept of Steam rep was introduced. In fact, we are talking about a special label for good sellers.


The question, what does rep mean in "Steam", arises quite often since such a mark can be found on the pages of participants in the system. It is often accompanied by a "+" sign. It is not very difficult to understand such notation. When two users exchange on a platform, the person who contacted the merchant has the opportunity to confirm that everything went well. For this he uses the mark we are interested in.

In order to fully understand what rep means in "Steam", you should know that the term is an abbreviation of the word reputation. The latter is translated from English as a reputation.


We have already briefly described what rep means in "Steam", but for a better understanding of the principles of working with this label, it is necessary to know about some more details. If the user has a lot of "+ rep" signs on the wall from different people, then this seller can be called reliable and conduct any transactions with him. The probability of deception in this case is small.

It should be noted, however, that at present, there are a large number of accounts through which certain users are specially marked with a positive reputation. Therefore, for greater reliability, you should also check the author profiles of reviews. Their assessment can be trusted if they exist for a long time, have high activity and a large number of subscribers. If the authors of positive assessments exist only a few weeks, they have no friends, and there are no purchased games, most likely we have fake accounts in front of us. The only purpose of their creation is to enhance the reputation of a particular user. This situation is not an absolute proof of the unreliability of the trader, however, during the transaction it is worth to be especially careful.

In addition, when making an exchange on Steam, you should objectively evaluate the value of the things that the user transfers to you. In this you will help the trading platform of the system. If the user asks for expensive items, and in exchange offers cheap, such a deal can be considered highly unfavorable. It is desirable to abandon it. The best solution may be to find a merchant who can offer more suitable conditions. If you have a successful exchange, do not forget to mark the user account with which you shared the items with the "+ rep" label.

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