
The drug "Rosukard." Instructions for use

Tablets "Rosukard" - a drug that is part of the category of hypolipidemic drugs. Therapeutic efficacy is noted during the first week of treatment. At the end of the month, the action of the drug reaches a maximum. The highest concentration of the agent reaches five hours after penetration into the body. The agent passes the placental barrier. The drug is mainly accumulated in the liver. Excretion occurs through the intestine.

Medicament "Rosacard". Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for primary hypercholesterolemia, including heterozygous hereditary type, as well as in its mixed form with ineffectiveness of diet therapy and other non-medicamentous measures. The drug "Rosacard" instructions for use recommends to slow the development of atherosclerosis as an addition to lowering cholesterol nutrition. The drug is prescribed for the prevention of major complications of cardiovascular pathologies in adults without clinical manifestations of IHD. In particular, a medication is recommended for arterial revascularization, against a background of a heart attack, a stroke.


The drug is not prescribed for liver diseases of the active stage, a stable increase in the activity of transaminases of an unexplained nature, liver insufficiency. The "Rosacard" medication is not recommended for use in cases of severe kidney dysfunction, lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity to components, myopathy. Do not concomitantly take the drug with HIV protease inhibitors, cyclosporine. Contraindications include the presence in the history of data on muscle weakness, age to eighteen years, a predisposition to myotoxic complications, pregnancy, lactation.

The drug "Rosukard." Instructions for use

Medication is consumed regardless of food intake, without choosing a certain time. The dosage of the drug is selected in accordance with the nature of the pathology, age and patient tolerance. The recommended amount of medication per day is five or ten milligrams. If necessary, take a 5 mg tablet divided in half by the risk. Assigning dosage, the doctor takes into account the level of cholesterol, the likelihood of complications of cardiovascular pathologies.

Medicament "Rosacard". Instructions for use. Adverse Reactions

Usually, when taking medication, there are headaches, constipation, vomiting, nausea, peripheral neuropathy, dyspnoea, cough. The drug provokes pancreatitis, jaundice, arthralgia, myalgia, hepatitis, urticaria. To negative effects of treatment by means of "Rosukard" the instruction on application includes hematuria, myopathy, allergic manifestations on the skin (rash, reddening and others), asthenic syndrome. Against the background of long-term use, single cases of interstitial lung disease were noted. When poisoning with medicines prescribe symptomatic treatment. There is no specific antidote.

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