
The drug 'Pipolphen'. Instructions for use

One of the effective antiallergic drugs, often used recently - "Pipolphen". Instructions for use are available in each box of this drug, regardless of whether it is released in dragees or in the form of a solution for intravenous and / or intravenous administration. Pulpofen's dragees resemble lentils in shape, they have a glossy surface that is light-blue in color and odorless. The solution for injections is transparent, most often colorless, but sometimes it can be with a greenish tinge, it does not smell.

Due to the fact that in each package there is an instruction for the use of the drug "Pipolphen", people can learn the pharmacological action of the drug. The active substance of this drug is promethazine. It is a phenothiazine derivative, characterized by high antihistamine activity. Promethazine quickly and effectively affects the human central nervous system: it has hypnotic, sedative, antipsychotic, antiemetic and hypothermic action, and soothes and prevents hiccups.

The drug "Pipolphen" prevents (but does not completely eliminate) the effects caused by histamine, including itching and hives. Anticholinergic action causes a drying effect on the mucous membranes of the nasal and oral cavity.

The action of promethazine antiemetic is due to a decrease in the vestibular apparatus excitability, anticholinergic central effect, mute labyrinth function and direct inhibitory effect on certain zones of the medulla oblongata.

The sedative effect of the drug is explained by the fact that promethazine inhibits histamine-N-methyltransferase and blocks the histaminergic central receptors. In addition, promethazine can block acetylcholine and serotin receptors, and, by stimulating the alpha-adrenergic receptors, indirectly weaken stimulation of the reticular formation of the brain stem. The antipsychotic effect of promethazine is weaker than that of antipsychotic phenothiazines, because it is less effective than antipsychotic phenotiazines. Their chemical structures are very different. In this regard, when taking the drug in therapeutically prescribed doses, promethazine does not have any detrimental effect on the cardiovascular system.

The instructions for use of the "Pipolphen" preparation allow you to learn that the clinical effects of this drug begin to appear after 2 minutes (if the drug was administered intramuscularly) or after 5 minutes (with intravenous administration). The effect of the medication lasts an average of 5 hours, but can sometimes last up to 12 hours.

The instruction, issued with the preparation "Pipolphen", gives an opportunity to get acquainted with the indications for the use of the medicine:

- Any manifestations of allergic diseases, including rhinitis, urticaria, pollinosis, serum sickness, itching, angioedema, conjunctivitis;

- with auxiliary therapy of anaphylactic reactions;

- vomiting or nausea caused by anesthesia or appearing after surgery;

- used as a sedative in the post- or preoperative period;

- pain that occurs after surgery;

- to eliminate or prevent dizziness and nausea arising during travel on transport.

However, it must be remembered that there are also contraindications to taking the drug "Pipolphen". Instruction for use allows you to find out about them in time:

- a condition characterized by deep depression of the central nervous system;

- vomiting of unspecified genesis, which occurs sporadically in children;

- simultaneous use of alcohol, narcotic analgesics, hypnotic drugs;

- The first two months of the child's life;

- breastfeeding and pregnancy;

- Closed-angle glaucoma.

In some cases, when this medication occurs, side effects occur. Rarely, an overdose of "Pipolphen" may occur. The feedback of people taking this medicine can bring you some useful information about such cases.

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