Finance, The property
The contract of gratuitous use of a dwelling premise
The contract for the free use of a dwelling is one of the main acts that is the basis for the relevant state bodies to carry out the procedure for the registration or permanent registration of a person who is a citizen of the Russian Federation for this area. This agreement can be concluded only with the direct owner of the apartment. The contract can also be signed by a person representing the interests of the owner. At the same time, an obligatory condition is the presence of a power of attorney certified by a notary who will confirm his authority.
The contract of gratuitous use of a dwelling premise can be signed for a certain period. It can also be unlimited. The validity period of the agreement is prescribed directly in one of its paragraphs.
A contract of gratuitous use of a dwelling premise, a sample of which can be found on the Internet, can be made up of yourself. In this case, a necessary condition is the observance of certain rules. At the beginning of the agreement, it is necessary to submit the parties that conclude it. In this case, the landlord and the tenant must register their passport data, the date of birth and the address where they live. After this, it is important to mention the fact that both sides are going to voluntarily conclude this agreement. The contract for the free use of a dwelling space must also contain a description and address of the location of the transferred space. In cases where an agreement is made only for a certain part of the apartment, you must specify this share. Details are subject to the area and the address where it is located. It is also necessary to indicate the owner who is exercising ownership of the part to be surrendered.
A contract for the free use of a dwelling space must contain a description of the house in which the apartment is located (private, brick, etc.), as well as indicators indicating the amount of useful and living space. The next item in the agreement is the surname of the employer and the purpose with which it draws up this transaction. The contract can be registered for registration or registration. It should also contain an agreement prohibiting the use of the apartment for other purposes.
At the discretion of the tenant and landlord, the contract may contain a clause about keeping in cleanliness and use with observance of the order of the leased area. You can also specify the party that will bear all the costs of the transaction, etc.
The agreement on the free use of a dwelling is issued in three copies. Two of them are taken by each of the signatories. The third one remains in the notary's office. You can also confirm the contract by putting the signatures of the two sides of its participants. This option is legally true.
In the event that the landlord is a legal person, the contract is certified in accordance with regulatory legal acts in two ways. This can be a seal of the owner of the house, as well as a signature of the notary. Both options are legal and legally valid from the point of view of legal acts.
It is only an individual who can apply for renting a dwelling in accordance with a contract for his free use. The owner is not entitled to enter into such agreements with various organizations. This provision is fixed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in its six hundred and seventy-first article. Legal entities can arrange an agreement on the use of the apartment in the presence of lease contracts or other legal grounds. And the use of this area should be made only for the purposes of residence. The firm has the right to transfer the apartment to its employee by signing an agreement with him on hiring or gratuitous use.
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