Health, Diseases and Conditions
Mom, caution: diphtheria in children
Diphtheria can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through food and household items. Diphtheria bacillus is introduced into the mucous throat, larynx and nose and produces a certain toxin, which spreads with the current of lymph and blood.
Symptoms of diphtheria
In general, diphtheria is common. From 8 to 10 days the latent period of the disease lasts. The child has weakness, chills, headache, the temperature reaches 38 degrees. The mucous membrane of the pharynx reddens, and on it there is a patina of gray and yellowish flowers. When it is removed, bleeding occurs. Fabrics in the nasopharynx and tonsils are swelling. There is an increase in lymph nodes. Diphtheria in children causes malaise, weakness and aggravated pain. Later, there are signs of intoxication, the child is sick and vomits. Blood circulation and heart work are violated due to the defeat of the autonomic nervous system by toxin. Subsequently, sometimes there are paralyzes of the vocal cords or respiratory musculature.
Symptoms of diphtheria of the larynx
In children up to three years, mainly there is diphtheria of the larynx. In medicine, it is also called "true croup". In case of illness in children, there is a barking cough, hoarseness and noisy breathing. Breathing becomes so difficult that when the wings of the nose are inflated, the child's ribs are clearly marked.
Symptoms of nasal diphtheria
Such diphtheria in children can be of two forms, namely, pleural or catarrhal-ulcerative. In the first type of disease, the nasal cavity is lined with specific films. The catarrhal and ulcerative form differs in the allocation of nasal suckers, which have a rather unpleasant odor. During the examination, there are dark red dots in the nasal passages.
Diphtheria in children can not last long if the treatment is started on time, which should provide a favorable prognosis. When the first symptoms and signs of the disease should immediately call a doctor, obliged to write a referral to the hospital. The rapidity of the reaction is also very important if antitoxic antidiphtheria serum is to be introduced to avoid severe complications. After the arrival of the child in the hospital, the parents must provide for him suitable conditions for recovery, namely, to monitor bed rest, balanced diet, intake of vitamins B and C, as well as nicotinic acid. In the hospital, doctors do everything they can: they inject a hypertonic solution and glucose into a vein, and also provide a blood transfusion.
If the child's condition is severe, and the disease has a pronounced toxic form, he is given steroid hormones. In case of manifestation of true croup, various wraps, oxygen treatment, hot baths are used. In case of illness, the organism of children is very weak, so it is often found that diphtheria in children can be accompanied by any concomitant infection. In this situation, the doctor prescribes antibiotics that help fight the disease. In extreme cases, for example, if the child suffers from suffocation, surgical intervention is necessary.
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