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The character of Vladimir Dubrovsky in the story of Alexander Pushkin

In the story "Dubrovsky," written by Alexander Pushkin, the main character is a young master. He is confident in himself, confident in his future. He does not think about money at all, but rather about where they come from and how much they have from his father. Vladimir for his life has never faced a lack of money.

Acquaintance with the main character

When meeting the main character, the reader learns that Dubrovsky did not know the mother's love, because he had lost his mother since childhood. And also, he was not at all attached to his father, since from eight years he was in the closed Cadet School, where he lived and studied. His father always tried to give his son so much money that he did not need anything. Therefore, after graduation, Vladimir led a life in his life - playing cards, often entering into debts, he could afford luxurious whims, was wasteful and did not care about the future, often thinking about the rich bride.

This is what we see, the character of Vladimir Dubrovsky, when his person appears before us in Chapter III. Basically, he is no different from other young people of his age and does not particularly attract the attention of the reader.

The true nature of Vladimir Dubrovsky

Watching the idle pastime of the young Dubrovsky, the reader runs ahead and already represents this person in the future with a self-satisfied, cruel and indifferent barin. But soon all the performances disappear, since Vladimir shows himself completely from the other side.

One day, Dubrovsky suddenly receives a letter from the house with unpleasant news (his father is very sick). From this day his whole life is changing, and the reader is watching new features of Dubrovsky's character . Vladimir can not be called frivolous. The protagonist was very attached to his father, even though he did not know him very well

Here Vladimir Dubrovsky is a worthy son of his father. He is just as decent, honest and fair. The time that Vladimir spent in the cadet corps did not spoil the innate, as well as positive and noble qualities inherent in his childhood.

When a young man learns of his father's illness, he, without a second hesitating, throws everything off to him. He considers himself guilty, in that he did not learn about his father's health until he wrote to him.

About the meeting of his son and father, AS Pushkin wrote only a few words, but there were enough of them to understand what kind of devoted but reserved person Vladimir Dubrovsky was. The character of the hero at this time is gradually changing to a better and better side.

Homeland for Dubrovsky

For the young Vladimir, the homeland was not just a word. The author described how the young man drove up to his father's house, examining and learning from childhood his familiar and native places. All the little things, for example, tall and branchy birches, which were planted in his childhood, the house that was once decorated with three flower beds - caused the hero to tremble, tenderness and pain.

The kind nature of Vladimir Dubrovsky is also emphasized by the meeting with his beloved nanny, whom he hugged with unconcealed love. At this moment the author shows the reader that the heart of this erratic young man is full of love, pity and compassion.

Justice and honor

After the death of his father, other traits of Dubrovsky's character are revealed. Vladimir had long been tormented by the thought of why his native man died and how Troekurov treated his father. The judges who came to take possession of the newly-made master were treated impolitely and rudely by Dubrovsky. And then the courtyard came out in his defense. A riot was ripe. Dubrovsky himself was seething with indignation, but, despite the fact that he was young, he was reasonable enough. Many respected him and listened to his opinion. The first outbreak of indignation of the peasants was extinguished, which was influenced by the firm nature of Vladimir Dubrovsky. But now Vladimir is inclined to take revenge on his enemy Troyekurov for depriving him of his own father and all his possessions.

The nature of Vladimir Dubrovsky. Briefly about the main

The character of the protagonist has a very large number of positive features. Dubrovsky is not only decent and well educated, but also resolute and honest. Also, he has the ability and courage.

Dubrovsky stands before the reader fearless, strong and courageous. To deny the existence of these traits is simply silly. But how discreet and shy this bold guy appears before readers, when the author describes Dubrovsky's meetings with his beloved Masha.

For Vladimir, love is an exalted and pure feeling, a feeling that is incompatible with deception. That's why Dubrovsky opens all the cards in front of his beloved girl, admitting who he really is. At the same time, he leaves Masha with the right to choose.

But to all this is added a kind of dual character character of the protagonist. He lets go of the idea of revenge to Troyekurov, as soon as he falls in love with his daughter Masha, even though the reason for his revenge was quite serious. In some ways, this step characterizes his insecurity, but at the same time makes the image of the hero more romantic and devoted.

Dubrovsky for everyone his

Collecting all that has been said about the main character of A. Pushkin's story, a rather attractive image develops. It was this: noble and honest, courageous and resolute, gentle, kind and sympathetic, the author wanted to present his character to the readers.
What kind of character in Vladimir Dubrovsky in fact, to solve the reader, each individually, because someone admires his exploits, and someone is touched by his feelings. And this is normal, because a true hero for all ages should be exactly like Vladimir Dubrovsky!

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