
The antrum (stomach) and its diseases. Gastritis, ulcer, polyp and erosion of the antrum: symptoms and treatment

This year, the Congress of the Society of Gastroenterology - the largest of the regular forums of the community of gastroenterologists - was held. The Society of Gastroenterology has existed for more than 100 years and is the third in the world in time of creation. Its congresses are held every two years, every time in a different university city, and attract the attention of physicians of various specialties - gastroenterologists, surgeons, endoscopists, family doctors, pediatricians, and specialists engaged in theoretical, fundamental problems of the physiology and pathology of the digestive system.

Development of new world methods for the treatment of gastritis

The main goal of the congress was continuous training of doctors and raising their professional level - lectures were lectured and acquainted doctors with the current level of knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system, national, European and world action instructions needed in case the patient is hit by the antrum department (stomach). More than 1500 specialists took part in the congress. Among others, the congress was attended by a group of endoscopists from Russia.

Helicobacter pylori ( Helicobacter pylori ) - a frequent cause of gastritis

Since the vast majority of adults are infected with Helicobacter pylori (therefore, it has at least morphological signs of chronic gastritis), in many Western countries the diagnosis of chronic gastritis of the antral stomach is not considered clinical. This is a morphological concept, and in the case of clinical signs of pathology, it is considered as functional (non-ulcer) dyspepsia. The favorite localization of Helicobacter pylori, as is known, is the antrum (stomach), so chronic Helicobacter pylori begins usually with lesions of the antrum.

Given that there are no main and parietal cells in the antrum of the gastric mucosa, it is clear that gastritis is not accompanied by hypoacidity. Conversely, Helicobacter pylori is able to stimulate G cells, increase gastrin production, cause the polyp of the antral part of the stomach. It is for this reason that antral gastritis is often combined with a duodenal ulcer.

However, the persistent persistence of Helicobacter pylori in the antrum leads to atrophic changes in this area, and the helicobacteria gradually move in the proximal direction, which causes the ulcer of the antral part of the stomach. This leads to a gradual atrophy of the epithelium of the body of the stomach, which manifests itself, in particular, by a decrease in the number of the main and parietal cells, and consequently, of the gastric secretion.

Given the above pathogenetic aspects, it is clear why the conventional classification of chronic gastritis is Sydney-Houston, 1996. The main form of chronic gastritis is non-atrophic (antral) gastritis, when the antral section (stomach) is affected and secretory deficiency does not arise.

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis - chronic inflammation, damage to pancreatic tissue with destruction of its parenchyma, fibrosis and in later stages - destruction of the endocrine parenchyma. The frequency of chronic pancreatitis, when the antrum (stomach) is affected is 6-9%. Chronic pancreatitis becomes such if the pathological process lasts more than 6 months.

Classification: pancreatitis of alcoholic etiology, chronic recurrent pancreatitis, infectious, hereditary, idiopathic, autoimmune.

Etiology: alcoholism; Violation of diet (fatty, fried foods); Periodic hypotension with cold sweat, fainting; Paresis of the intestine; Syndrome of compression of neighboring organs: jaundice, duodenosis, splenomegaly.

Diagnosis: general blood test: leukocytosis, acceleration of ESR, eosinophilia.

New directions of treatment of chronic gastritis

Among the truncated directions in the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis is substitution therapy, but it is difficult to carry it out today because of a shortage of drugs for correcting the inadequacy of gastric cell production of pepsin and hydrochloric acid (one of the drugs of this kind is Acidin-Pepsin - recently Rarely you will find in pharmacies). One of the components of chronic gastritis therapy with low acidity is enzyme preparations, which to some extent compensate for digestive disorders. They are effective in the erosion of the antrum of the stomach. These include the "Panzinorm". To treat such patients, drugs are used that normalize the motor function of the stomach. Individual patients to improve the cytoprotective properties of the epithelium of the stomach are prescribed "Sucralfate" ("Venter") and bismuth preparations. In the case of the appearance of dysbiotic changes, eubiotics or probiotics are added.

Treatment with gastric drops

Today, the use of antioxidants, in particular preparations of vitamins A, E, and C, is a promising treatment for patients in gastroenterological departments. However, for today, not broths or tinctures, but ready phytopreparations prepared from mixtures of medicinal herbs, are recommended to patients. Among them, the drug "gastric drops" deserves attention. There are several varieties of it (choleretic, cardiac, calming, etc.). One of these varieties in the form of gastric drops is intended for treatment of patients with chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency and erosion of the antral part of the stomach. The drug "gastric drops" consists of 4 plant components. The two components (the roots of the gentian yellow and the herb of the gold-bearing mill) are bitter, 2 more (flowers of chamomile and cumin seeds) have an antispasmodic effect.

Where is the antrum (stomach) treated?

Gastroenterology department performs medical diagnostic, advisory and organizational and methodological work on the provision of specialized inpatient care for patients with gastroenterological profile. Provides emergency assistance to patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

Carries out a complex of rehabilitation measures aimed at social and labor adaptation of gastroenterological patients. Introduces new achievements in clinical practice in the provision of medical care for diseases of the digestive system and conducts an analysis of the effectiveness of their introduction.

Prepares and conducts scientific and practical conferences, seminars are aimed at introducing the results of scientific research into the practice of the gastroenterological service. The organization of the department's work is determined by the regulations on the gastroenterological department.

Scheduled hospitalization in the department is performed in the direction of gastroenterological cabinets, district therapists, general practitioners of family medicine of the city.

Patients with chronic diseases of the digestive system are sent to the department. Hospitalization for emergency indications is conducted in the direction of ambulance teams, the doctor on duty.

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