Food and drink, Recipes
Tatar azu from beef recipe - tasty and simple!
If you translate "Azu" from Persian, you will get "small meat pieces in hot sauce". This is a traditional Tatar dish. However, we can prepare the aza from beef (the recipe below) and we are with you. This will not take too much time and effort.
Traditionally, this dish is made with beef or lamb. Extremely rarely pork, preferably low-fat tenderloin.
Azu from beef: recipe
In order to prepare aza, we will need to stock up first of all the main ingredient for this dish - meat. It will be beef or lamb - it's up to you, but the main thing - meat should be at least 500 grams.
In addition to meat, for azu from beef, we need one medium-sized onion or two small, two or three large tomatoes, one tablespoon of tomato paste, three pickled cucumbers, one small carrot, greens and garlic to taste, six medium-sized kortofelins and almost full A glass of meat broth.
How to cook aza of beef? The recipe is very simple. In order to make this dish tasty, satisfying and in the best Tatar traditions, follow the instructions given below.
First, wash and dry the meat, then cut it into miniature portioned pieces. Prepare onions, as well as pickled cucumbers and tomatoes - cut the vegetables into cubes.
The next step is to fry the meat in a hot frying pan with butter until a crust is formed. Pay attention - you need to make the meat brown, but do not let the juice, so you need to fry pieces on high fire. Prepared ruddy meat pieces will need to be folded into kazanok, then sprinkle with salt, pepper and other condiments to taste.
At the next stage of cooking in a frying pan, where meat was roasted, we roast the onions (passer), after which it goes after the meat - into the kazanok. There also add prepared in advance tomatoes, broth, spices and stew for five to seven minutes. After the meat with onions and tomatoes is extinguished, add carrots to the kazanok and continue to "torment" the meat for another forty minutes, no less. While the meat will be cooked, cut the potatoes with straws, fry it in a pan, lightly pass the cucumbers in the broth.
Finished azu laid out on portions, sprinkle with chopped greens.
Azu from beef with rice - a source of protein and vitamins
Beef is not only delicious and dietary meat, but also an invaluable source of vitamins and protein, iron and zinc. In combination with rice, beef is an invaluable set of nutrients, and also has no competitors among light and hearty meat dishes.
To prepare azu with rice (as an option you can consider aza of lamb) you need one kilogram of meat (beef or lamb), one hundred and ten grams of tomato paste, two large onions, three hundred grams of pickles, eight hundred grams of rice, several cloves of garlic, a tablespoon Vegetable oil, spices to taste.
Cooking azu with rice is very simple. It will be necessary to cut the meat in small pieces, after which pepper, salt and pour broth, adding the prepared tomato paste. All this mass to extinguish on low heat almost to readiness.
Peeled pickled cucumbers cut into strips, along with onions (cut into rings), we pass in oil. Rice cook almost until cooked.
When the meat is extinguished, we add cucumbers and onions to it, after which we still extinguish not more than ten minutes, then the rice prepared with rice and spices and bay leaf will follow to the ingredients. All this mass will have to be stitched for another 20 minutes. A few minutes before the end of the preparation of azu, add the tomatoes (slice into slices), garlic. Serve a ready dish with finely chopped greens and pita bread.
As you can see, it's quite easy to make azu from beef. The recipe does not require the use of exotic ingredients or heavy labor. Enjoy your meal!
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