ComputersFile Types

Than to open dll? Instructions and recommendations for beginners

It happens that it's like using a computer a long time ago, you know all the basic programs, even friends sometimes ask you to help sort out some application, like here ...

In general, I think that you understand a similar feeling when you yourself face this or that confusion in the computer world. Once I was stumped at the question of what to open dll.

And the fact is that at that time I did not understand much about this issue. I did not see any files with this extension, so, as you yourself probably understand, there was no question of opening a dll file.

She sat. Understood. Happened! I share my experience.

Section 1. Than to open dll : definition of concept

As it turned out, the files with this extension are a library. To be honest, if we go into the etymological sense, we learn that dll is an abbreviation that can be decrypted as Dynamic Link Library, and in our native language it means that the file of this format is really a special library containing various program codes And resources.

What is its unusual appearance? It has the feature of connecting dynamically.

Resources for such a file can serve as anything: images, text materials, audio files, and videos, and cursors, and many other elements that are used by applications installed on your computer.

But I would like to warn you right away ...

Before you set yourself such a task and try to open dll, think about whether it's worth doing it at all. Why? After consulting with specialists, I learned that you can see and change files of this kind, but, true, only with the help of special software. However, it is very cautious to do this. This can result in the complete inoperability of the program files using the data.

Section 2. Than to open dll . detailed instructions

Method one. Cygnys Hex Editor

In the computer world, there are special programs called disassemblers, and they allow not only access, but also change the code of dll-files. A completely logical question arises. Or rather, even two.

  1. Where can I find and download such a program? What is it called?
  2. Is it possible to do this for free?

I answer immediately both. There are a lot of similar applications. Personally, I use a free and very effective version called Cygnys Hex Editor. The latter came to my liking for several reasons. First of all, thanks to its simple interface, and secondly, because it does not require tedious installation. To download it, you just need to use the direct link on the official website of the manufacturer.

Download and almost immediately you can use. The information contained in the dll file will open on the computer screen in a fairly convenient way. Simultaneously and in the form of a table with a set of hexadecimal codes, and in the more familiar display - as text characters. You can read, study and, if necessary, make the necessary changes. Moreover, the amendments made to one of the tables will automatically change simultaneously in the second one. Convenient, right? No need to do any extra work.

Method two. Resource Hacker

To answer for itself on a question on what to open dll, it is possible differently. If in the files of your dynamic library you need to view and replace some resources, use some specialized program. Personally, I chose the Resource Hacker for myself. With its help, I can not only see and change the code inside the file, but also monitor the appearance of the resource, which is created with the help of the code. The interface of this program is very simple and understandable even for beginners. It allows you to replace not only the image, but also the audio or video file, on your own. And all this does not even happen at the code level, but at a higher level of objects. This application is also provided free of charge.

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