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Teratozoospermia - what is it? The main causes of male infertility

Male infertility is a common problem. And often the cause of inability to fertilize is teratozoospermia. What is it and why does it appear? How can I diagnose this condition? Are there effective methods of treatment?

Teratozoospermia - what is it?

In the testicles of a male, the processes of spermatogenesis are constantly occurring - it is here that spermatozoa are formed. Some of the sex cells may have abnormalities in the structure, and in such cases they are called pathological. Single sperm with defects can be present in the sperm of a perfectly healthy man. But sometimes the number of pathological cells increases significantly, which, naturally, reduces the probability of successful fertilization.

A condition in which a large number of defective spermatozoa is found in the sperm of a man is called teratozoospermia. Most often this deviation leads to infertility.

Basic forms of teratozoospermia

The diagnosis of "teratozoospermia" can only be made after a careful microscopic examination of the patient's sperm samples. In this case, various pathologies in the structure of spermatozoa can be found:

  1. In some cases, there is a defect in the head - it may have an uncharacteristic shape or dimensions. Sometimes cells with a modified acrosome and even spermatozoa with two heads are found.
  2. Changing the neck and middle part of the spermatozoon, in particular thickening or thinning of the walls, which can also affect male fertility.
  3. Phenomena of the tail are often observed. With microscopic examination, spermatozoa with excessively thick, thin or twisted tails can be found.

It is worthwhile to understand that there are many factors under the influence of which teratozoospermia develops. What is it, and what causes of infertility are considered the most common? Many men are interested in these questions.

Teratozoospermia and its causes

Most often the cause of the appearance of defective spermatozoa are viral infections affecting the genitourinary system. The most dangerous pathogens include the herpes virus.

On the other hand, almost any inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system is considered dangerous, since it can affect the formation of sex cells. The risk group includes men who have had orchitis, prostatitis, varicocele, epididymitis and other diseases.

It's no secret that spermatogenesis is controlled by hormones. Accordingly, the qualitative characteristics of sperm can also affect hormonal failures. In particular, this often occurs when treated with hormonal drugs. Disrupt the normal formation of spermatozoa are able not only medicines, but also biologically active substances that are used by athletes to build muscle mass.

Of course, the environmental impact is of great importance in this case. Unfavorable living conditions, the constant effect on the body of toxins, malnutrition, smoking and alcoholism all negatively affect a man's reproductive abilities.

Is teratozoospermia treated?

Many patients with this diagnosis are interested in questions about whether this form of infertility can be cured. With results spermogramma it is necessary to go to the urologist. Only the doctor will be able to explain where you got teratozoospermia, what it is and what therapy will be most effective.

Of course, first of all it is necessary to find out what caused the formation of defective spermatozoa and prescribe a treatment that will help to eliminate the primary cause. In addition, almost all men are prescribed folic and succinic acids, "Verona", selenium, L-carnitine, zinc, vitamin E. All these substances have a beneficial effect on the processes of spermatogenesis. Most often teratozoospermia can be cured.

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