Food and drinkWines and spirits

Tequila: how to drink a famous drink?

Now there are so many different drinks around, including alcoholic ones, that when you go to a store or a bar, sometimes you do not know what to take. Everyone chooses for himself what alcoholic drinks to drink and drink at all. Girls often prefer not very strong alcohol, men - more robust. And, if we are talking about strong drinks, in Russia the most popular of them are definitely vodka, cognac, whiskey and, oddly enough, recently included in this list of tequila.

Tequila - Mexican vodka, long and firmly ranked in the list of the most popular alcoholic beverages around the world. Try it at least because the national drink of Mexico is exactly tequila. How to drink it correctly? It's a whole art.

The question "Tequila: how to drink properly?" We also consider, but first it is worth talking about the history of this drink. Tequila has long been produced in Mexico. The history of the drink dates back to the eighth century and is associated with the indigenous population - Indians - who were the first to learn how to get a sticky foamy drink from the core of the blue agave , which was given the name "pulque". The strength of the drink was about 4-6 degrees. Drink Indians used only once in four years at a special celebration, dedicated to the god of fire. All the rest of the time "pulque" was drunk only by old people and patients. It is worth saying that "pulque" has long been the only drink in Mexico, which contained at least some amount of alcohol. And only the Spanish conquistadors brought with them the technology of making alcohol. It was thanks to this that tequila (or tequila wine, as it was then called) was produced, which became Mexico's national drink. Now there is a whole science that answers the sacramental question: "Tequila - how to drink?", And the beverage itself became famous throughout the world.

If we consider ways to take tequila, then we can identify several major, past the test of time, and several popular right now. Let's start with the fact that real connoisseurs have their own answer to the question "Tequila: how to drink?": They sip a drink on a sip, slowly. In this case, the drink should have room temperature, and should be served exclusively in a special pile - "a small horse", as it is called in its language by the Spaniards.

More and more popular is the cocktail "tequila boom", when tequila is mixed with a sprite, the glass is covered from above with a palm, and then with force (not such, of course, that the glass is broken) hit them on a table or bar. In Mexico, there is also a cocktail, something like a simple Russian "ruff" - a stack of tequila is added to a glass of beer.

However, the most famous and popular, of course, is the way of consuming tequila with salt and lime. How to drink tequila with salt is not a difficult question. To do this, there is a universal formula that all lovers of this drink know: "lick-over-tear-bites". At the same lick, of course, you need salt, knock over a stack of tequila, bite a lime or lemon.

To date, about 500 brands of tequila are known , and when choosing a drink in a store, one should pay attention to the inscriptions: the most high-quality beverages must have an inscription on any part of the bottle "Hecho en Mexico", which means "Made in Mexico". It is there that the real tequila is produced, the taste of which you will definitely like.

There are fewer kinds of tequila - only four: Blanko ("silver" - colorless and transparent, not seasoned), Joven ("golden" - with aromatic additives and colored by special dyes), Reposado (real, aged from 2 months to one year in special Oak barrels) and Anejo (produced on the same principle, but having a much longer aging time).

A person who does not care about the question: "Tequila: how to drink properly?" Can receive an indescribable pleasure from the use of the drink. Try it and, perhaps, you too will join a wide circle of admirers of this drink, as many and many are up to you.

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