News and Society, Culture
Technology as part of the universal culture: the main aspects of the relationship
It goes without saying that human society can not progress without the development of appropriate technologies used in the production of material and spiritual goods. Thus, technology as a part of universal culture occupies one of the leading places in the formation of the personality and development of all mankind.
What is technology?
If we make some digression into history, the word "technology" can be interpreted from the point of view of ancient Greek understanding. The fact is that the word itself is composed of their two others: techne - "art", "skill", and logos - "skill" or "knowledge".
Thus, if we interpret the concept of technology, we can say that this is, say, the "science of mastery" or "the art of applying knowledge." The latter, I think, more corresponds to reality. Now it is worthwhile to dwell on what the technology represents as a part of the universal culture.
Main directions in the development of technologies
Probably, no one needs to explain that at the dawn of the development of any technological sphere, there was improvement in the means for the production of material goods and the creation of comfortable living conditions for the person.
Initially, technology and labor as part of universal human culture were perceived exclusively in terms of human life. It is not for nothing that primitive people first took up a stick, then built their own spears and axes, learned how to obtain fire, and a few later created tools for cultivating the land.
Naturally, all this was aimed only at the production of food for the purpose of securing oneself and the offspring. Today, technology as a part of universal culture has a broader meaning and affects not only the material, but also the spiritual sphere. What is most interesting, even the attitude towards work has undergone drastic changes. It is no wonder, that now in the person the respect respecting to it is brought up. By the way, in the same Europe there is an entrenched secret rule that any labor should be paid.
As for the evolution of mankind, physical culture (part of universal human culture) played a significant role. This is understandable, because at the dawn of his existence a man fought against the forces of nature beyond his control, and only the strongest survived. Today, however, physical education plays a rather preventive role, aimed at improving health.
The interconnection of various types of technology and human development
In general, if we look more closely, technology as a part of human culture includes almost all aspects of our life and should be perceived even as a certain engine of progress. This can be represented by the example of a spiral: the higher the knowledge of a person, the more modern and complex technologies he creates; On the other hand, the achievement of a certain technological level invariably leads to a new coil up, the code a person is trying to create something even more perfect. And so on ad infinitum. Even the use of new technologies in the field of production contributes to the protection of the environment, which was previously treated with indifference, simply without thinking about the consequences of the human factor.
Material and spiritual parts
Although, as already mentioned above, initially the orientation of any new technology was limited only to providing a comfortable existence, nevertheless today the relationship with spiritual development has become closer than ever.
It is clear that comfort and food remain a priority, because, as they say, one does not think about art on an empty stomach. The example, of course, is somewhat clumsy, but in fact, in fact, so it is.
Separately it is worth noting that recently, in the development of modern technologies, there is quite an interesting trend. First, over the past century and a half discoveries in the scientific field have been done more than in the whole previous time; in the second place, much of what was invented much earlier was predicted even by science fiction writers. Yes, remember at least Jules Verne. After all, in his time about submarines or aircraft "heavier than air" no one thought and dared not.
Of course, it can very well be that the writer did not predict all this, but invented it himself, but in this way spurred the scientists' minds to the embodiment of his ideas in the future. By the way, here is a connection between technology and literature, and it is known to be a spiritual food for a person.
Not speaking about modern tendencies of development of industrial and cultural spheres, it is possible to note, that computer science as a component of universal culture develops unprecedented, rough rates.
It penetrates almost all spheres of life, whether it be production, culture and even communication. Look, because today without knowledge of the computer at least at the initial level - nowhere. This applies even to such popular systems as "smart house". And what about the development of the Internet? The World Wide Web has girded the entire globe, not only connecting individual users, but also setting up, say, an electronic accounting or document management system. And continue this topic can be endless.
So, probably, it is already clear that technology as a part of the universal culture promotes the development of mankind spiritually, enriching it with knowledge, etc. In parallel, it can be noted that new knowledge and skills contribute to the creation and implementation of new technological developments. This is the main link.
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