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Tar is ... Tar birch: application, reviews

Birch tar is an oily, dark, viscous liquid with a very sharp odor. It is produced by distillation. The word "tar" is translated as burnt or burnt.

The principle of its extraction has been preserved since ancient times. At the moment, for the production of tar, special boilers are used. There, the bark is added, after which the containers are heated. In ancient times, the substance obtained was used for a variety of purposes. Tar is a means by which shoes are even lubricated so that it becomes waterproof.

Application for medicinal purposes

Most of all, it is popular in traditional medicine. It was used as a cure for worms, it made it possible to quickly heal wounds, in addition, it was one of the best remedies for tumors. To date, it is not so much in demand, although it is still valued in pharmacology. So, from it produce a huge amount of medicines.

Beneficial features

Tar, whose reviews can be read in this article, contains phenol, bitulin, organic acid, xylene, phytoncides, toluene. With the help of it, atherosclerosis is treated particularly effectively. In this case, you need to take half a spoonful of tar, dilute it in a glass of warm milk. The course of treatment in this case lasts a month and a half.

Birch tar is a substance that has a huge amount of medicinal properties. It has an antimicrobial and antiseptic effect. It is based on the Ointment Vishnevsky and Wilkinson, as well as tar soap, which has a reducing, antiparasitic, drying, anesthetic effect. With an inflammatory, purulent process, it is possible to easily restore the skin covers, so you can get rid of itching and acne.

Rules of admission

With the help of this tool, you can normalize the pressure, improve metabolism, strengthen the heart muscles. It's good to do it in the morning before breakfast, before dinner in the daytime, before going to bed in the evening. With the help of this remedy you can cure a purulent cough, dropsy and fever. Birch tar is used inside when cleaning the body of toxins and toxins, in addition, it helps to improve the liver, intestines and pancreas. After a while a person feels relief in the stomach, intestines. The remedy heals ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

Therefore, birch tar is one of the best means for treating various diseases, especially skin diseases.

Tar water

It is necessary to take 500 g of tar, 4 liters of spring cold water, mix thoroughly with a wooden stick. The vessel should be tightly closed for 2 days so that the composition is standing. Remove the foam carefully, drain the clear liquid, then store it in a closed bottle. That tar, which remained, no longer has medicinal properties, water is used for various household needs. It is transparent and resembles a grape dry wine.

Dosage for consumption is as follows: 100 g in the morning adult 20 minutes before breakfast; 50 grams of children for the same time; Infants 2 teaspoons twice a day after meals.

Thrombophlebitis, diabetes, stroke

Tar (the instruction to its use is applied to each package) is used to treat these diseases. Drink every day, every day, drop by drop, increasing the dose. You need to start with 1 drop per spoon of carrot juice or milk. Beginning with the 10th drop, the dose should also be gradually reduced. Take once a day for half an hour before meals.

Tar birch: application, instruction for the treatment of hemorrhoids

You need to take half of the red brick, it should be heated on an electric plate or gas. Put it in an iron empty bucket, drop a couple of drops of tar into it - smoke is formed. Bare solder on the bucket for 20 minutes. You are unlikely to sit more, because the ferry will be very warm. This procedure should be done before bedtime in the evenings. In the morning wake up - the pain will disappear. And after 6 days all your buds will dissolve.


And in the treatment of psoriasis birch tar is used. Application (the instruction is in each package) in this case is very simple - to lubricate the purified substance, mixed with ash birch, all the sore spots. The proportion is as follows: 1/4 of ash and 3/4 of tar.

Trophic ulcer

In equal parts, take the Kalanchoe juice and tar. Mix everything. Bint wet in the product and apply as a compress on the ulcer. The ulcer is completely tightened after 3 procedures.

Urinary infection

The use of tar inside will help with infections of the genitourinary sphere. Berestovy tar is drunk in the same way as in the first paragraph. In addition, it is necessary to prepare water from the substance. In general, tar water has proven itself for the treatment of small children, as well as people who do not tolerate the smell of tar. With her help treat asthma, constipation, hair loss, water sickness, smallpox, skin pigmentation, face, gangrene, leprosy, scabies.

Cancer of the stomach, throat

I found tar in the treatment of these diseases. You need to drink it with boiled warm milk. From the very beginning, one drop of substance should be added to the milk. The next day - 2, then - 3. Thus, bring to twenty drops. Further, the tar intake is reduced, gradually bringing up to 1 drop.

Nail fungus

Wash feet and steam in soapy warm water, cut your nails. Wipe your feet dry, especially between your fingers. Wrap the cotton wool with a match, moisten it with tar, smear the nails, while trying to push the means under the nails. After 10 minutes, remove it with cotton wool. Over this period of time, he already absorbed into the skin, which means he began to fight with the emerging fungus. You just need to wash your feet with soap - tar is almost completely washed from the skin and from under the nails.

Wash your feet as often as you want. But do not forget to grease them with tar. If there are cracks and itching between the fingers, then it is not necessary to smear the substance, but proceed as follows: take 3 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil and a fly-fly. All the mix and carefully put between the fingers, clean after 20 minutes.

  • Smear, then rest for 2 days. Then apply the product for two days, 3 - break. And in the end to smear one day, rest - 3 days. So to do or make up to the extremity or end of 1-st month.
  • 2 nd month: apply once a day with a 5-day break.
  • 3 rd month: according to the same scheme, but the pause is increased to 10 days.

In addition, disinfect all old shoes: in it fungi can live very long. Infection is completely killed if a piece of tar-gauze or cotton wool is put in a shoe.

Diseases of the joints

Pour a little tar in the palm and smear it with a sick joint. After he begins to tingle or pinch, immediately remove the product with a soft cloth. It will take about 15 minutes. After an hour, wash the joint with a washcloth and soap. Tar has already done its job, namely, it broke salt deposits.

The next day, on the diseased joint, apply clay (blue, white, red), the main thing is that it should be sticky, without sand. It must be diluted to the consistency of sour cream. After that, lubricate the affected joint. After a while, it will begin to dry, thus tightening the skin. So the joints are drawn out of the joint. Clay should be kept as much as the patient can withstand, as severe pain may appear.

Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 1 day is treated with tar; 2nd - clay; 2 days break; 5th - we put again tar; 6th - treatment with clay; Three days rest; 10th day - treatment with tar; The next day - clay. After this, there should come a recovery or at least relief.

If a person has a small redness after removing this substance from the skin, or it becomes wet, a couple of hours after that, a zinc water mixture or zinc paste should be applied .


Birch tar should be drunk from 1 to 40 drops, increasing the dose daily, then reducing it from 40 to 1. After 2 months, the course should be repeated. You should drink tar with milk.

Tar for children

Children often suffer from diathesis - an unpleasant allergic disease. Birch tar can cope with such problems. Traditional medicine advises to lubricate sore spots with baby cream or butter with the addition of this substance.


It should be noted that this substance has contraindications. So, allergic irritations can appear on the skin, including dermatitis, if you use birch tar. Application (feedback on this can be found in the article below), it is possible to use it only as a remedy after consulting a doctor. It is not recommended to use it during exacerbation of various chronic skin diseases. With dermatitis, acute eczema, folliculitis, exudative psoriasis, it should be used with extreme caution.

Applying it over time to large parts of the skin can lead to intoxication of the kidneys. Nausea, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, dizziness may occur.

In patients after the application of the substance, burning is observed, although the itching disappears. If the burning sensation stops after 15 minutes, then you can continue the treatment. Before you start using birch tar you need to test the tolerance on a small area of the skin.

Tar birch: application, reviews

Tar has found application in the treatment of various diseases, as we have already discussed in detail. Today you can find a huge number of reviews of people who happened to try this curative substance on themselves. So, many of them say that with his help they managed to get rid of the fungus, urinary tract infection, hemorrhoids and even psoriasis. Negative responses include discontent with a large number of contraindications.

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