Relations, Friendship
Tactile contact is a condition of happiness
Everyone has probably heard about visuals and audials. About people of tactile perception in Russian, one can not find so much information, although in the West they have been studied for a long time. A person of this type is very sensitive to sensations and needs constant touches for happiness. However, we all need to some extent tactile contact. This is a condition for the normal development of children and the happiness of an adult.
Do not have sex with one
For some people, touches are the main language of love. That is, without constant physical contact (and it's not just about sex), such a person will not subconsciously consider himself loved. Tactile contact is a touch of all kinds. In good families it is customary at the meeting to hug and kiss each other. Do not limit yourself exclusively to sex, because you can pat your beloved on the cheek, play with his hair, do a massage in accordance with various techniques. All this brings together, especially if your partner expresses his love through touch.
Location and hidden love
In a friendly relationship, tactile contact is another way to express sympathy. Not without reason in many cultures it is considered normal to shake hands. Even a strong sympathy is said by touching the shoulder. A friendly pat on the back makes the relationship informal and attests to respect. Often, love, disguised as a friendship, is expressed through the pampering of children like tickling the object of sympathy or even easy tweaking. And such games are not alien to many adults.
The Needs of Toddlers
It is important to touch and in the relationship of the child and mother. Children who are not touched or touched very often have mental retardation and a halt in development. Therefore, the child should not only have toys with a variety of textures (to touch it was interesting), but also a long tactile interaction with people who love him. Tactile means that it is carried out through the receptors on the skin.
The reason for some changes
Harmonious sexual life is impossible without qualitative touches. And the more of them, the better. Very many men go "to the left" not because they lack sex, variety or are bored with the technique of executing the act. And because the wife does not give enough tenderness. They just do not believe in love, so they look for a girl who loves touch. And, if the contrast is strong, a man can quit his family altogether.
Signals for others
Tactile contact is also an indicator of the publicity of the relationship. If you hold a partner by the hand of a partner, stroke his hair or sit with him in an embrace, it signals to people around you that you are in a relationship. If a man does not agree to a minimal expression of tenderness, it means that he does not perceive you as a serious partner. Of course, it's not about Muslim countries - there are other cultural norms.
The result
Tactile contact is a way to express love, an urgent need for the child, a means to make obvious sympathy. It can also be a method of social relations declaration, that is, signaling to others that your partner is "busy."
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