Self improvementPsychology

Syndrome of a duckling. Syndrome of the ugly duckling

Sometimes we meet people who are like a tank on barricades. They are defending their position with foam at the mouth. Of course, plus someone who has a personal opinion: this indicates an intellectual development, education. But to listen to what others say is not superfluous. After all, truth is born in the discussion. And only by analyzing and comparing the facts can we come to the only correct decision.

The Essence

Psychologists will make an unmistakable conclusion: in the above-described individuals, it is possible to diagnose a duck's syndrome. "What it is?" - you ask. Explain this feature of the human psyche can be an example of the usual life situation. People suffering from such a disorder in each sphere distinguish the leading, in their opinion, product, service, opinion, judgment, conclusion, and so on. Usually this is the object with which they first encountered in this area.

Consider the situation when the girl, becoming the wife and mistress of the house, went to the store for utensils for her love nest. Without a doubt, she bought ceramic cups and plates, because such were her mother's or grandmother's. With similar dishes, she ate for the first time in her life, so she does not even perceive the opportunity to buy something else. First, she basically does not want to do this. Secondly, a woman is 100% sure that the choice of ceramics is the only correct and indisputable one. In a word, the duck's syndrome is a psychological phenomenon, when a person, knowing a new one, can fixate on it until the end of life.

Why duckling?

If to be extremely honest, then the syndrome should be called goose. In honor of ducklings it is called because of an error in the translation from German into English. By the way, it is not surprising that Germany became the birthplace of this disorder: only pure Aryans are so principled, accurate, unswerving, pedantic and conservative. And this common trait of character is traced in all members of this race.

The name of the disorder came from an interesting zoological phenomenon. Duck's syndrome in the natural environment was discovered by Australian scientist Konrad Lorenz, who wrote more than one book on ethology - a science that studies animal behavior. So, he discovered the amazing property of newborn goslings: they perceive for the mother of anyone who first caught their eye after birth. That is hatching from the egg and seeing a moving object, whether it be an ostrich, a cow or a clockwork toy, they unquestioningly begin to repeat his behavior and actions. For this reason, it is often the deep affection of geese to humans, dogs, cats or other pets.


Duck's syndrome ... What's this? Psychologists say that the disease can not be called the above-mentioned phenomenon. They tend to believe that, rather, this is one of the types of wrong thinking, when the subconscious mindset is confused and dictates to the individual a particular line of behavior. There can be several reasons for the occurrence. And the main thing is conservative upbringing. Often children who grew up in families with strict rules, try to rebel against established traditions. After leaving the parents' home, they radically change the hated life until now and try to at maximum taste all the joys of existence.

But there are also children with weak psyche: parents have so crushed their personal desires, that they already simply do not know what they want and how to do it. Therefore, unconsciously duplicate the actions of the mother and father. "Did they always eat oatmeal? Oh, yes, nothing better can be invented for the morning meal. Yogurt, toast with tea? No, no, what are you? "- this is how people who earned a duck's syndrome think about it. Also, the causes of its occurrence can be experienced stress, psychological trauma or nervous shock. In any case, this disorder is not congenital, but always acquired.

How to get rid?

If you carefully work on yourself, you can cope with the syndrome. The incentive may be the other half, loving you wholeheartedly, but not planning to live solely by your rules. Such a relationship smacks of tyranny. Yes, and surrounding friends may turn away if you constantly dictate your opinion, considering only its correct and appropriate. Therefore, in order not to waste old age alone, analyze: why do you think so, and not otherwise? Read the articles on this topic, find out the conclusions of professionals, ask what the close people think about this. Only by comparing the existing versions, you can choose for yourself the best option.

People who have a duck syndrome are sometimes called "victims of advertising". And indeed it is. Seeing the movie, praising the clothes of a certain brand, they are able to fixate on the manufacturer, while forgetting about the existence of his competitors. We all want to try what is shown on TV, but there are also other products. Do not be a programmed robot. Overpower yourself and try all the analogs: only then can you stay on the one that you liked more. But even using the favorite product, it is still from time to time, the psychologists advise him to change. For a change.

If the duckling is nasty

These two phenomena are often confused, although they are fundamentally different from each other. The nasty duck's syndrome is an alienation of the individual from society: families, friends, acquaintances. Developing usually in a deep childhood, he makes the kid a stranger, a white crow. The reasons can be very different: unusual appearance, extraordinary thinking, lack of material benefits. Often in nasty ducklings turn minors raised in dysfunctional families. In addition, the constant employment of parents or their indifference, the inability to find an approach to the heir, the reluctance to talk with him heart to heart and thereby rid himself of complexes, make the child a real outcast.

These children are actually thrown to the mercy of fate. Well, if you become an adult, a person will be able to perceive their shortcomings as a manifestation of their own individuality. And if not? In this case, he will continue to drag on a lonely existence. Disconnected from society, individuals often can not do without the support of the therapist.

Tips for parents

One oriental sage said: "I was indignant that I do not have shoes until I met a man without legs." This phrase should become a postulate for each individual. Usually, children consider themselves not to be like everyone else because of their appearance. If this is not a serious flaw, amenable to adjustment, for example, excessive fullness, tell the baby that you will help him to correct the defect. Sit together on a diet and go in for sports: in any case, do not leave the child alone with the problem, do everything you can to solve it.

Syndrome duckling, ugly and all abandoned, can occur when the baby was born an invalid or is behind in development. Peers are cruel and often tease him, so it's better to write the offspring in a specialized school. Support it, say that it is for you, despite the problem, the best and the beloved. Demonstrate this with actions and behavior. Highlight the dignity of the child: maybe he paints beautifully or sings. Develop these skills, improve talent. Realizing that he has some gift, the kid will cease to be withdrawn, find friends and be able to independently socialize.

The result

We all remember the tale of the great Andersen about the duckweed rejected by society. But we forget that it ended with a happy ending: a feathered, awkward creature turned into a beautiful swan. Focus on this episode of history. But remember: for such a transformation to take place with you, it is necessary to show at least minimal efforts.

The duck's syndrome in people, ugly or simple, arises from lack of attention. A person deprived of the support of a close circle of people often himself imposes non-existent complexes and psychological problems. If you notice that you are also liable to negative effects, find yourself an exciting lesson. The new hobby will bring you back to life, take leisure: there will be almost no time left for sad thoughts and mental suffering. If you can not overcome the problem on your own, ask for specialized help. An experienced doctor will give good advice and relieve you of a mental disorder, which is easy enough to say goodbye.

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