Fashion, Clothing
Stylish sneakers: description, models, combinations and reviews
Keds today are not considered sports shoes. Every year, the sport's influence on fashion is becoming more tangible. Therefore, the shoes become more simple and convenient, and annually the designers produce new and stylish models of sneakers and krossovok. So, one of the popular varieties of shoes are sneakers. Such pairs are presented in many collections of eminent fashion designers, and they are in great demand among women of all ages and clothing preferences. From season to season couturiers are offered kezhualnye updated Sneakers, complemented by chords of a romantic style, sports options and models for brutal girls.
Description of Snykers
The word "snickers" in most people is associated with chocolate bars. But in the fashion world it means a variety of shoes. Sneakers are fashionable semi-sports or sports "clothes" for the feet. These sneakers are perfectly in harmony with sportswear and outfits in casual style. They gained their popularity for a short time.
By their design, sneakers are very diverse: they can have a huge elastic band, velcro or lacing. Products are made of textiles, leather and suede. Snickers are unique sneakers. But they can not be called sneakers, as they can not be called shoes on a wedge or just sneakers. Trendy shoes made American stars, which were the first to wear them.
The sneakers of this version provide the girl's legs with a sense of comfort and ease, are great for walking, differ from other models of sports shoes by fixing the foot, special design, the ability to spring while walking and give the feet an opportunity to just relax.
The history of Snykers
From English, the word "snyk" translates as "sneaking." Sneakers on the wedge look elegant, and they can be combined with a variety of styles. They allow you to move smoothly to their owners. The history of this footwear goes back to the XVIII century. Then the shoes on the wedge were gaining popularity, and it was called "plimsola." Models resembled shoes with a rubberized sole. And around 1830 the world saw sneakers. They were made of fabric and had an extra rubber sole.
In 1892, the brand "Rubber Company" produces an improved version of the sneakers. And in 1917 the mass production of the snickers proper begins. Their developer was Marcus Converse, and they were intended for basketball players. But the popularity of shoes is not found.
The world famous snikers were couples, produced by the company Adidas in 1924. Adi Dassler developed sneakers and named them in his honor. After a while the snickers were created by the "Puma" trademark. At the beginning of the last century, such shoes were exclusively sportive. Only in the middle of the century it acquired the status of everyday, and it began to wear ordinary people.
Since the 1970s, the Sneakers have become popular among people of all ages. But they were not the same snickers we are talking about today, because they all resembled sneakers. Only in 2011, designer Isabel Marant turns ordinary sneakers into fashionable shoes. Sneakers on the wedge conquered the fashion world. All the world's celebrities supplement their wardrobe with sneakers from Isabel Marant. And it's right to call them "Sneakers Isabel Marant."
Features and Models
The main feature of Sneakers is their dualism. Sneakers, on the one hand, are ordinary sneakers, but on the other hand, these are shoes that have a sufficient lift, which visually makes the figure slimmer. The sole of the shoe is made of dense rubber, which guarantees a noiseless and comfortable wearing.
Different variations of fasteners make it easy to put on and take off your shoes. Today there are many different models of snikers, so you can choose a comfortable pair for a party or a walk. And there is something to choose from, because the following models are distinguished:
- Specialized basketball sneakers for athletes.
- Light tennis sneakers.
- Cross-country offers for walking and sports.
- Decorated high pairs, made in the evening style.
- Skate varieties.
High, low and medium versions of footwear are also highlighted.
With what to wear popular shoes
As already mentioned above, women's snickers-sneakers are combined with different clothes and styles. They can be worn with sports toilets, breeches and shorts. Skinny trousers, classic jeans and narrowed jeans are also incredibly beautifully combined with such sneakers. Pants and leggings of leather - another incredibly spectacular option to this shoe. Snickers with such clothes look simply amazing.
Many women of fashion love to combine sneakers with leather shortened jackets of various colors. Denim jackets, light sweatshirts, dresses, skirts of different lengths - these are all things that miraculously harmonize with sneakers.
Selection rules
If you want to purchase winter sneakers, the platform should be given special attention: it should be high. The shoes themselves should be made of materials that do not allow moisture. For winter it is best to buy black or white shoes.
When you are going to buy a summer model, pay attention to the fact that its sole is breathable, and the top - fabric. In such a pair it will be easy to walk and legs will not sweat.
Glamorous models are recommended to buy in the event that you plan to attend parties and discos in them. Such pairs are supplied with rhinestones, sequins and other decor elements.
Reviews and opinions of people
Sneakers for girls, boys and adults receive positive reviews around the world. Every person who has acquired a stylish couple, always speaks about her only positive things. People say that every year they buy a new model. They walk every day in their new clothes and never complain of fatigue in their legs. Some believe that only in this shoe can feel the best way, as it is convenient, practical and functional.
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