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Education Oblomov and Stolz. Education Stolz in the novel "Oblomov"

VG Belinsky said that it is the education of each person's fate that is decided. This can be attributed in full to Oblomov Ilya Ilyich and Shtoltsu Andrei Ivanovich - two main characters in the novel "Oblomov" IA Goncharov. These people, it would seem, come from the same environment, class, time. Therefore, they should have the same aspirations, ways of life, worldview. Why, then, when reading a work, we notice in Stolz and Oblomov mainly differences, not similarities? In order to answer this question, one should turn to the sources that formed the characters of the two characters we are interested in. You will see that the upbringing of Stolz and Oblomov had its own characteristics, which affected their entire future life.

Sleep Oblomov

The first chapter of the work is devoted to the childhood of Ilyusha. Goncharov himself called it the "overture of the whole novel." From this chapter we get to know in general terms what Oblomov's upbringing was. Quotations from it are not accidentally often cited as proof that Ilya's life simply could not have been otherwise. In the first chapter of the work you can find the clue about the character of the title character, the inactive, lazy, apathetic person who is accustomed to exist at the expense of the serfs belonging to him.

As soon as Ilya Ilyich fell asleep, he began to dream the same dream: the tender hands of his mother, her tender voice, the embrace of friends and relatives ... Each time Oblomov returned to his childhood when he was loved by everyone and was absolutely happy. He seemed to run into childhood memories from real life. In what conditions was his personality formed, how did Oblomov's education go?

The atmosphere prevailing in Oblomovka

Ilya spent his childhood in Oblomovka, in the ancestral village. His parents were noblemen, and life in the village went according to special laws. In the village there was a cult of doing nothing, sleeping, eating, as well as unrestrained tranquility. True, sometimes the quiet course of life was still violated by quarrels, losses, illnesses and labor, considered punishment for the inhabitants of the village, from which they sought to get rid at the first opportunity. We will also tell you about Oblomov's education. You probably already made some idea of it on the basis of what was said above.

How was Ilyusha's aspirations suppressed?

Education Oblomov expressed mainly in prohibitions. Ilyusha, an agile, clever child, was forbidden to do any housework (for this, there are servants). In addition, his aspirations for independence were suppressed every time by the cries of a nanny and parents who did not allow the boy to take a step without supervision, as they feared that he would catch a cold or get hurt. Interest in the world, activity - all this in the childhood of Ilyusha was blamed by adults who did not allow frolicking, jumping, running on the street. But this is necessary for any child for development, knowledge of life. Wrong education Oblomov led to the fact that Ilyusha's forces, seeking manifestations, turned inward and, withering, nikli. Instead of activism, he was inculcated with love for a strong afternoon snooze. In the novel, it is described as "the true likeness of death," which replaced Oblomov's education. Quotations from the text, no less striking, you can find and dedicated to good food, the cult of which turned into almost the only occupation in the village.

Influence of Nanny's Tales

In addition, the ideal of inaction was constantly reinforced by the tales of the nurse about the "Emel Fool" who received various gifts from the magic pike while doing nothing. Oblomov Ilya Ilyich will later be sad, lying on his couch, and ask himself: "Why is life - not a fairy tale?".

Ilya Ilyich is called a dreamer. But after all Oblomov's education by the endless fairy tales of nannies about firebirds, wizards, heroes, Militris Kirbiyevna could not but sow in his soul a hope for the best, the belief that problems would somehow be solved by themselves? In addition, these tales gave the hero a fear of life. The lazy childhood and upbringing of Oblomov led to the fact that Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide from reality in his apartment on Gorokhovaya Street, and then on the Vyborg side.

The attitude of Ilyusha's parents towards education

Parents tried not to burden Ilya with education, believing that studying is not worth it to miss holidays and lose health. Therefore, they used every opportunity to prevent their child from attending classes. Ilya soon realized that he liked such a languid and measured existence. Childhood and upbringing Oblomov did their job. The habit, as they say, is second nature. And the adult Ilya Ilyich was completely satisfied with the situation in which servants do everything for him, and he has nothing left to worry about and worry about. So the childhood of the hero imperceptibly flowed into adulthood.

Adult life of Ilya Ilyich

Little that changed in it. All the existence of Oblomov in his own eyes was still divided into 2 halves. The first - work and boredom (these concepts were his synonyms), and the second - a peaceful merriment and peace. Zakhar changed the nanny, and Vyborgskaya street of the city of St. Petersburg - Oblomovka. Ilya Ilyich was so afraid of any activity, he was so frightened by any changes in his life that even a dream of love was not capable of leading this hero out of apathy.

That's why he had a joint life with a good hostess Pshenitsyna, because she became nothing more than a continuation of life in the village of Oblomovka.

Parents of Andrew Stolz

The complete opposite of Ilya Ilyich is Andrei Ivanovich. Stolz's upbringing took place in a wealthy family. Andrei's mother was a Russian noblewoman, and her father a Russified German. Each of them contributed to the upbringing of Stolz.

The Influence

Stolz Ivan Bogdanovich, Andrei's father, taught his son to the German language, practical sciences. Andrew early began to work - to help Ivan Bogdanovich, who was strict with him and in a strict burgher manner. Education Stolz in the novel "Oblomov" contributed to the fact that it developed at a young age of pragmatism, a serious view of life. For him, everyday work became a necessity, which Andrei considered an integral part of his life.

Mother's influence

His mother contributed to the education of Stolz in the novel Oblomov. She looked at the methods her husband used, with concern. This woman wanted to make Andrei a nice and clean boy-master, one of those she had seen when she worked as a governess in wealthy Russian families. Her soul was aching when Andryusha returned after the fight, all tattered or dirty after the field or factory, where he went along with his father. And she began to cut his nails, sew elegant bunnies and collars, curl curlers, ordered clothes in the city. Stolz's mother taught me to listen to the sounds of Hertz. She sang to him about flowers, whispered about the vocation of that writer or warrior, she dreamed of a high role that falls to the lot of other people. Andrei's mother in many ways wanted her son to be like Oblomov, and so he gladly released him to Sosnovka.

So, you see that on the one hand, Andrei's practical training, the efficiency of his father, and, on the other hand, the dreaminess of his mother, were laid in the upbringing of Andrei. To all other things, nearby there was Oblomovka, in which there was an "eternal feast", where the work was sold from the shoulders, like a yoke. All this influenced the formation of the character of Stolz.

Parting with the house

Of course, Andrei's father loved him in his own way, but he did not consider it necessary to show his feelings. To the tears, Stolz's farewell scene with his father is piercing. Even at that moment Ivan Bogdanovich could not find kind words for his son. Andrei, swallowing tears of resentment, sets out on his journey. It seems that at this moment Stolz, despite the efforts of his mother, does not leave room for "empty dreams" in his soul. He takes with him into an independent life only what, in his opinion, was necessary: purposefulness, practicality, prudence. In the distant childhood, everything else remained with the image of the mother.

Life in St. Petersburg

He goes after graduating from university to St. Petersburg, where he takes up business (sends goods abroad), travels around the world, leads an active life and succeeds. Despite the fact that he was the same age as Oblomov, this hero managed to achieve much more in his life. He made money and a house. Vigor and activity contributed to the successful career of this hero. He achieved heights, which he could not even dream about. Stolz managed to correctly dispose of life and abilities, inherent in it by nature.

Everything was in moderation in his life: both joy and sorrow. Andrew prefers a straight path that meets his simple outlook on life. He was not disturbed either by dreams or imagination - he simply did not allow them into his life. This hero did not like to build guesses, he always kept a sense of self-respect in his behavior, as well as a sober, calm view of people and things. Andrei Ivanovich considered passion a destructive force. His life resembled "the slow and steady burning of fire."

Stolz and Oblomov - two different fates

The education of Stolz and Oblomov, as you can see, was significantly different, although both were descendants of the nobility and belonged to one stratum of society. Andrei and Ilya are people with different world views and characters, so the fates were so different. Very different education Oblomov and Stolz. The comparison shows that this fact strongly influenced the adult life of these heroes. Active Andrey tried until the last day "to bring the vessel of life" and not spill in vain a single drop. And the apathetic and soft Ilya was lazy even just to get off the couch and get out of his room so that the servants would disappear. Olga Oblomova once asked Ilya in despair about what had ruined him. To this he replied: "Oblomovshchina." NA Dobrolyubov, a well-known critic, also believed that Oblomovism was the guilt of all ills of Ilya Ilyich. This is the environment in which the main character was forced to grow up.

The role of upbringing in the formation of a person's personality

The problem of education in the novel "Oblomov" was not accidentally accented by the author. As you can see, the way of life, world outlook, character of each person develops in childhood. The environment in which the personality develops, teachers, parents - all this strongly affects the formation of character. If a child is not taught from his childhood to work and independence, by his own example not to show him that every day should do something useful and do not waste time, it should not be surprising that he will grow up a weak-willed and lazy person, like Ilya Ilyich From the work of Goncharov.

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