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Study of ctg in pregnancy

Study of CTG during pregnancy is carried out almost every future mother. Currently, the test lasts 30 minutes and, if necessary, can be continued up to 1 hour. It is absolutely safe for both mother and child and does not entail any risks. After 28 weeks, doctors recommend taking a CTG test, with a pregnancy rate of 8-10 points. These points are obtained as a result of summing up the assessments for the five main indicators.

The CTG test in pregnancy allows for an early diagnosis of hypoxia in the fetus and, consequently, to avoid subsequent violations in the child. Indications for carrying out are any pregnancy and childbirth. Intrauterine growth retardation, premature birth, perinatal complications, pregnancy hypertension, polyhydramnios or hypochlorism, fetal abnormality , multiple pregnancy, intrauterine infections, rhesus conflict, third trimester bleeding, severe maternal diseases - here are some points in which carrying out this test even Necessary.

The goal of CTG during pregnancy is to record data for a certain period of time. The graph shows the study of the heart rhythm of the fetus and uterine contractions. In the description, the main frequency and periodic changes are noted.

Cardiotocography includes tocography and cardiography. Tocography allows you to register uterine contractions through electrodes placed on the abdomen of a pregnant woman or by recording changes in pressure in the uterine cavity.

Cardiotocography can be done in two ways - through internal or external monitoring. The external study, which is most commonly used, is a non-invasive method that does not cause pain or risk. A pregnant woman (or giving birth), lying on her left side, puts two sensors on her stomach, which are fastened with fasteners. One of them fixes the fetal heartbeat, and the second measures the strength and duration of the uterine contraction. Both sensors are connected to a monitor that displays the measurements. The apparatus for CTG is also equipped with a start button, which the pregnant woman can turn on when she feels the child move.

Internal monitoring is used for possible threats to the baby. Electrodes that are used to assess the heart rate of the fetus are connected to the cervix closer to the head of the baby. This type of CTG is possible only when the amniotic fluid burst, and the cervix has opened at least 2 cm. The strength of the uterine contractions is measured with a sensor that is located on the abdomen. In connection with the introduction of a sensor into the body, such a study is painful and carries a small risk of infection. It is used very rarely and only in case of emergency.

Conducting CTG during pregnancy allows doctors to determine whether a child receives enough oxygen, especially during labor. When pregnancy and childbirth go without complications, uterine contractions do not cause disturbances in the flow of oxygen and the heart of the child works stably. Normally, fetal heart contractions should range from 120-160 beats per minute. However, in some cases, with a reduction in the uterus, the oxygen level may drop, and the heart begins to work with interruptions.

KTG data during pregnancy are transferred to a computer, and the results are printed on paper in the form of curves. Decoding of the results can be carried out only by an experienced gynecologist. In case of getting low scores, the test is repeated. If the record remains identical, the doctors decide to have a cesarean section, taking into account the gestational age of the fetus, the development of the lungs and the stage of maturation of the cervix.

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