Law, Regulatory Compliance
Student leave: order of granting and sample
To improve their skills or gain additional knowledge, many try to combine work and study. It's good for those who decided to study close to home, because the learning process does not affect the work of such a student, but those who entered the boundaries of their city, it is much more difficult. After all, if some installation lectures can still be missed, then failure to attend the session threatens with expulsion. Therefore, many are trying to solve the problem through the use of basic leave, sick leave or sick leave. But not everyone knows that for such students to pass the session and take exams, the employer must provide a student leave, and paid.
The right to leave for such leave is provided by the Labor Code, however, as everywhere, there are a number of limitations when providing it:
- Student leave is granted only at the main place of work, and if a person has a part-time job or works part-time, the issue will have to be decided privately. Otherwise, if the provisions on leave are agreed in advance in a contract or contract.
- The training should not coincide with other types of vacation. For example, if a woman is in maternity, then to give her a vacation for study it will be necessary to interrupt him. By analogy, the issue of annual leave is decided. However, with one exception - student leave can be attached to the main. In this case, you just need to write an additional statement about their overlapping.
There are cases when an employee is trained not in one but in several educational institutions, in such a case all guarantees and compensations are paid only in connection with training in one university.
The same requirements apply to the provision and payment of leave for the session, as well as to the main one, except for the provision on the sick leave sheet. In the event that a disease of any severity occurs in the period of the granted leave, the sick leave sheet is not paid, and the number of vacation days does not increase.
In addition to paid vacation, an employee may demand a return trip to his or her school. If the employee is a university student, the road is paid in 100%, if he receives a secondary special education, then half of the ticket cost is paid.
In order to get a student leave, it is necessary to observe certain conditions:
First, the educational institution in which the worker is trained, should receive state accreditation. However, the employer, at his discretion, can neglect this point.
Secondly, such leave is granted only to those who receive the appropriate education for the first time.
Thirdly, not only a full-time employee, but also an employee who is on probation, can qualify for academic leave .
Fourth, the employee must present a certificate from the university about the successful study and the absence of "tails" for the previous sessions.
Registration of study leave
To do this, you need to write an application for student leave with an attachment to it of a certificate-call from the place of study. In such a reference, the reason and the period for which the leave is to be issued shall be indicated.
Application for student leave. Sample
Name of company
From: Name of employee
Position of the employee
Please give me paid leave from December 28, 2012 to January 20, 2013 for the session in (name of the university).
In order to confirm the passage of the session, it is necessary to present a confirmation certificate upon return to the workplace. This document is an indisputable proof that the employee was actually at the session.
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