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Stomatitis in pregnancy: treatment and consequences
Stomatitis in pregnancy is a fairly common disease. The immune system works much weaker than usual. About the symptoms of this disease, as well as how to cope with it, we will tell in our article.
Briefly about the disease
It is believed that stomatitis in pregnancy is very common, almost every second expectant mother. The fact is that all the forces of the body are aimed at ensuring the growth and development of the fetus. At the same time, the woman's own immunity falls, and this is fraught with various diseases. Also, the appearance of stomatitis is affected by a change in the hormonal background of girls, which regulates many vital functions.
As soon as sore sores appear in the mouth, this creates great discomfort for the future mother. Small pimples, which are located mainly on mucous in the mouth, do not allow to eat normally. If you start the first manifestations of stomatitis, it can lead to sad consequences. Only a doctor can appoint competent treatment, adjust the dosage of medications for a pregnant woman, monitor the dynamics of recovery.
There is stomatitis in pregnancy in the early stages, when the most serious restructuring of the organism occurs. There are several types of this disease:
- Candidiasis (or fungal). Very often occurs against a background of low immunity. Often, with him, a pregnant woman discovers a thrush. The principle is the same: Candidiasis appears on the mucous membranes, which become inflamed. There is a feeling of itching, rubbing. The tongue and sky are covered in white.
- Viral. This type can only get infected from someone who is already a carrier. It is characterized by the fact that it spreads in the winter-spring period, when many are avitaminosis.
- Bacterial. When germs get into the mouth, it is almost inevitable.
- Allergic. If a woman in a position is prone to allergic reactions to anything, she may be bothered by this kind of stomatitis.
Only one doctor can distinguish one species from another. However, if you have experienced this ailment before, you may be able to diagnose it yourself.
It became painful to chew food, but when carefully examined in the mirror, you saw pimples in your mouth? Most likely, you have stomatitis. This is the way many people first "get to know" with him. Still yesterday everything was excellent, and in the morning the mouth burns with fire.
Some even consider stomatitis as a sign of pregnancy, if they have never faced such a problem before. This is not unreasonable: it is not uncommon for the body to react to the appearance of a new little man in the womb of the mother.
You can suspect yourself of this disease if:
- In the mouth appeared an incomprehensible etiology of ulcers.
- The sky, cheeks, or tongue blushed.
- An unpleasant plaque is felt.
- Burns and burns in the mouth, especially during meals.
- Body temperature increased
- There was an unpleasant smell from a mouth.
- Salivation increased.
For these symptoms, you or your doctor determine that you have stomatitis. At pregnancy (approximately on the fifth-sixth week) he appears and in due course passes or takes place. Repeated unpleasant symptoms may appear in the third trimester, when the body lacks vitamins, minerals and other substances to fight it.
Why does stomatitis occur during pregnancy? There are a lot of reasons. The most common are the following:
- Poor oral hygiene.
- Presence of dental problems. The most famous is caries. Thanks to it, the bacteria in the mouth multiply, which leads to the appearance of ulcers.
- Injury of the mucosa is a cut, burn. If you accidentally bite your cheek or tongue, it can also trigger the appearance of stomatitis.
- Eating poorly washed foods. In particular, fruits or vegetables. Many pregnant women "lean" on seeds or nuts. And they in this situation are a real hotbed of bacteria.
- Presence in the anamnesis of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the intestine, pancreas and other organs provoke inflammation of the mucous membranes, including in the mouth.
- Allergic manifestations. A rash with this disease can appear on any part of the body, even in tongue and cheeks.
- Close contact with a person with stomatitis.
- Decreased immunity in women in the position.
Stomatitis during pregnancy: treatment
If you find the first manifestations of this disease in your life, do not delay. It is better to consult a doctor in a timely manner. By resorting to self-medication, you run the risk of not only starting the disease, but letting it go into a chronic form. What should I do if my stomatitis suddenly appears during pregnancy? Than to treat this illness, the stomatologist will tell.
First, it is necessary to stop the pain syndrome. To do this, any gel for teething in babies is suitable. For example, "Холисал" or "Калгель". They are safe for pregnant women at any time. In addition, these ointments not only anesthetize, but also have an antiseptic effect.
Viral stomatitis is treated with mandatory use of antiviral drugs. Since not all medicines can be taken while being in an "interesting" position, a woman needs to consult with a specialist on this matter. The most safe is oxolin ointment.
If this disease is caused by a fungus, then it is worthwhile to fight it with the help of drugs that neutralize it. These include Candide. A drop of this liquid in the mouth in a couple of days will save you from the fungus. It is believed that the drug quite quickly and qualitatively heals stomatitis in pregnancy. The patients' testimonies confirm this. In addition, it is considered relatively safe for expectant mothers.
We listed only the safest means for pregnant women. They are all local actions. However, do not use them without consulting a doctor. More serious treatment, for example, tablets or any suspensions, will be appointed only by the doctor.
Folk remedies
There are situations when this ailment overtakes the girl suddenly, when there is no possibility to go to the hospital. For example, at night. If there are no more forces to tolerate stomatitis during pregnancy, treatment at home with the help of traditional medicine can help out.
Good help rinsing broths of bark of an oak or a camomile. A tablespoon of dry herbs are poured with boiling water, insisted for three hours and rinse the mouth four or five times a day.
To reduce the burning sensation, recommend a solution of soda. A teaspoon of powder is added to warm water and used for rinsing.
Remember that no decoctions should be taken inside! Herbs are not so harmless, contrary to the opinion of many. However, rinsing their mouth, you will not do much harm to yourself or your child.
Stomatitis in pregnancy: consequences
If you do not start treating this disease in time, it can do a lot of harm. Therefore, contact your doctor as soon as possible to neutralize stomatitis during pregnancy. Treatment will help to avoid many troubles. For example, fever on the background of inflammation will negatively affect the life of the fetus.
In the case when the disease has passed into a neglected form, and the entire oral cavity has been covered with ulcers, it can affect the baby at birth. It is believed that the baby will also suffer from stomatitis.
The virus variety, which is not treated in time, threatens the fetus with various deformational changes. And this is very dangerous.
For the mother herself, this is fraught with the transition of this disease into a chronic form. Which means that with every decrease in immunity, stomatitis will be troubling again.
Pain and unpleasant sensations give the future mother a strong discomfort. The inability to eat properly sometimes provokes the appearance of vitamin deficiency.
Nutrition for this disease
Undoubtedly, every pregnant woman should adjust her nutrition with stomatitis. In the very peak of this disease, it is recommended to eat products of liquid consistency. For this purpose, oatmeal, rice, millet porridge is quite suitable. Soups should be cooked without roasting. It's better if they are low-fat, on chicken or beef broth. Acidic fruits and berries categorically can not be eaten! Not only will they eat away from the mucous membrane, they will also provoke the appearance of new sores. Therefore, for a while you should forget about tangerines, cherries, strawberries. It is better to replace them with bananas, peaches and apples.
Meat is very hard to chew when the tongue or cheeks are inflamed. The best option is minced meat, from which you can cook cutlets for a couple. Only in any case not fried, because such food irritates the mucous. In addition, it is considered harmful in pregnancy, because it contains carcinogens.
Salt and spicy seasonings should be taken away. From soda and coffee is also better to give up.
Strictly prohibited!
Future moms are interested in: is stomatitis dangerous during pregnancy? Of course. And run it is not necessary in any case. The very first signs of this disease usually remain unnoticed and ignored. And in vain: stomatitis develops with lightning speed. If you do not immediately cure one appeared sore, then immediately followed by others.
In addition, the most dangerous enemy of this disease is self-medication. It can only "drown out" the first symptoms for a while, but it will not completely rid you of this problem.
No pills, especially antibiotics, should not be taken with a doctor without a doctor.
In order for stomatitis in pregnancy never to bother you, you must follow the following tips:
- Thoroughly clean not only your teeth, but your tongue and cheeks. After a cured illness, change the toothbrush.
- Eat only washed vegetables and fruits.
- Adjust your diet. It must be rich in vitamins.
- No seeds and nuts! They contain a huge number of bacteria on the shell.
- Follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
- If you already have children, try not to kiss them on the lips until you recover.
- Avoid drinking cold water. It should be room temperature.
The result
Stomatitis is an insidious disease. If you have never encountered it before pregnancy, then you will immediately have to go to a consultation with a specialist when the first suspicious symptoms appear. If the treatment is started in time, the outcome will be positive. Remember that the negligent attitude of the future mother to this disease can negatively affect the health of the baby.
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