The Internet, E-commerce
Socpublic: reviews, prospects and earning opportunities
The project "" is an active advertising service that allows Internet users to earn money without special knowledge and financial investments. This is a kind of intermediary between performers and advertisers.
The site has been around for a long time, but has changed a lot lately. The project developers changed the interface and even its domain name (in the past it was a WMPuplic resource). Until recently, the money earned was paid only in dollars, now more than a year all incomes are in rubles. Last year the site administrators changed the Socpublic project globally. Feedback from users about the innovations - positive, many say that it is now even easier and easier to earn. This mailbox is included in the top of the best active advertising sites.
Registration and features of the project
In order to ensure the integrity of the Socpublic project, user reviews can easily be found on the site itself, specialized resources (such as Otzovik), on forums or personal blogs.
In order to increase your earnings from the very beginning, you must choose a good referer. Competent reflowers reward the best employees with generous bonuses and conduct regular competitions. For lovers to compete in the amount earned and just participate in such competitions - a direct road to Socpublic. You can select your referrer on the earnings forums - by registering on his affiliate link, or after authorization on the project - by joining the team in his profile.
The standard registration on will not take more than five minutes, after filling in the profile questionnaire, you need to confirm the e-mail address and log in to the project
The site has a career ladder, which stimulates to make more money, and offers many bonuses for certain successes.
The project administration conducts permanent global competitions (between all project participants) for an increased amount of earnings or attracting more participants to the site. But even without competitions it is advantageous to invite new referrals. For each of them give a percentage of their own earned (it can multiply in the case of receiving points for additional actions). - earnings without investments
There are several ways to organize income on this site. Payment directly depends on the complexity of the work. The bulk of visitors to the site earns by simply viewing advertising sites and performing paid assignments.
A good profit is possible on a large referral network in the Socpublic project, the feedback of owners of such teams is proof of this.
For example, the status of "Grandmaster" will give an income from the initial level of the referral of 60% (for simple surfing, reading letters and visiting specified sites). But it's not enough just to bring a participant to the site, it's necessary to motivate him to work - the referrer's income depends on this. As a motivational tool, you can use a personal example, bonus awards and generous competitive prizes.
Prospects of income
A great opportunity to find out how much you can earn on Socpublic - user reviews. The average performer of simple click assignments is able to earn from 100 to 500 rubles a day for 1-8 hours of work, with breaks for a small rest and lunch. Of course, for Socpublic assignments are for any choice, from simple husky and joining the group in a social network, to registration with the subsequent activity and the passage of games to a certain level, the achievement of which can take more than one day.
The easiest way to earn money
As well as in any mailbox - viewing of advertising sites through reading of letters, automatic or manual surfing.
The payment for such actions is, of course, low, but the efforts from the performer require a minimum - to open the site, after the end of the time timer, enter the verification code. After money for viewing are credited to the account balance.
Income from performance of paid actions
Several thousand paid assignments are available daily on the site. This is the biggest income on the Socpublic website. In order to quickly find a suitable job, the site organizes a convenient search for jobs with the necessary parameters. There are even tasks with an automatic payment system, after which, the participant can receive money immediately, and not within 5 days.
What tasks to perform? There are no standard recommendations. Someone specializes only for actions in social networks, likes, joins and invites friends to groups, someone exclusively clicks on advertising on web resources and video channels, others earn on voting or commenting. Any user, having tried himself in all kinds of work, will find for himself the appropriate option. The main thing is to carefully read the condition of the assignment and adhere to a clear plan for its implementation, otherwise you can get the task for additional revision or even refusal to pay. According to users who have long been active on this project, if you give such work a few hours of free time per day, you can go on an additional income of 5000-8000 rubles.
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