
Description of the Goat Lamanche breed. Goat Lamancha: photo

Goats have been bred by people for thousands of years. Like cows, these animals have two directions of productivity - meat and dairy. Also contained in the farms are universal breeds. From them you can get a lot of not only meat, but milk. An unusual goat - a manatee - also belongs to such.

History of the La Mancha breed

The goat Lamanca was bred at the beginning of the last century in the USA, in the state of Oregon. The breeding biologist F. Frei conducted breeding work. Parental varieties for this goat were short-eared Spanish (imported to the US in the 30s), Nubian, Swiss and some others. The breed was registered in the winter of 1958. The name "La Mancha" was obtained from the name of the province of Spain, from which her ancestors were brought.

Bred animals of this breed in countries such as the USA, Poland, Spain, Turkey, Iran, Latvia. Contain them and many Russian farmers. In our country, the La Mancha is distributed mainly in the Urals and in Kabardino-Balkaria. Also these goats are bred in Rostov and some other areas.

Unusual Goat Lamanche: a description of the breed

The color of these highly productive animals can be any. The shade of wool by standards is not regulated in any way. Goats are white, black, spotted, brown, and so on. White-collar representatives of this breed as well as horned ones can be divorced in farms.

La Mancha is a very unusual goat. To confuse it with any other breed is simply impossible. The main distinguishing feature of its exterior are very short ears. At first glance at the animal, an uninitiated person may even think that they are not at the goat at all. Due to the small size of the ears, these animals look remarkably cute and touching.

The main characteristics of the breed, among other things, include:

  • Strong constitution;
  • Wedge shape of the trunk;
  • Straight or slightly convex profile;
  • Strong strong limbs;
  • Very well developed udder;
  • Smooth short silky coat.

Goat ears: features

There are only two species of this breed:

  • Gopher ear (ground squirrel, or corrugated);
  • Elf ear.

By productivity and with regard to the technology of care, these two species are absolutely no different. Ears gopher ear in goats are not larger than 2.5 cm. In doing so, they are absolutely devoid of cartilage. But elf ear is slightly longer - up to 5 cm. The cartilage is present in them, but very small. Too long ears in both species, according to standards, are considered a defect.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the La Mancha breed include, first and foremost:

  • Undemanding to the conditions of detention;
  • Absence of an unpleasant "goat" smell;
  • Ability to lactify for 2 years without mating;
  • Multiplicity and vitality of young animals.

Ламанча - a goat (the description was given by us above), which for one okot can bring 3-4 cubs. This breed is valuable, including for very tasty milk, which has absolutely no specific smell.

The disadvantages of goats include:

  • Roman nose;
  • The difficulty of caring for small ears.

Farmers, breeding this goat breed, constantly have to ensure that the ears of animals do not get dirt and water. Besides this, because of such unusual features, the goat is very difficult to mark. After all, putting a tag on her little ears is simply impossible. These animals are usually labeled by tattooing on the hairless part of the tail.

Characteristics of character

Ламанча - the goat is very friendly and obedient. With representatives of any other species of agricultural and domestic animals, this breed gets along very well at the farmstead. To the conditions of the content this breed is absolutely undemanding. Her character, unlike many other breeds, is very calm and not hard-headed. La Mancha quickly becomes attached to her masters and loves very much when they take care of her.

Productivity of the breed

Dimensions meat and milk goats La Mancha are not too big. Males can reach a height at the withers of 75-95 cm. Goats grow to 71-75 cm. The weight of an adult male is 60-70 kg. Some individuals reach 100 kg. Females weigh 55-65 kg.

High milk production is also what distinguishes a goat. The yield from one individual per day can be 4-5 liters. Sometimes this figure rises to 8 or even 9 liters.

The taste of milk of these goats, as already mentioned, is simply excellent. Its fat content on average is 4%. In any case, the goat's milk is considered much more useful than cow's milk. Cattle on pastures feed on only fifty kinds of grasses. La Mancha can eat five hundred. Therefore, all sorts of vitamins and minerals in her milk contain much more.

Features of the content

Lamenca - a goat is very unpretentious. This is the absolute plus of the breed. However, to provide these animals with decent conditions of detention, of course, it is necessary. A shed for goats should be built dry, fairly spacious and light. If they are supposed to be planted for sale, it is necessary to arrange the premises for the matings inside and to separate the place for the producers.

Be sure to develop a balanced diet for animals. In the summer, these goats, like any others, are driven out to pastures. In addition to green forages, animals should receive concentrated and juicy. Goats should be given crushed, bran, root crops.

In winter, animals are fed mainly with concentrates, hay and straw. In addition, for the goats harvested brooms. You can feed them bundles connected to bundles, for example, trees such as willow or karagach. Birch whisks are not recommended. Such food in large quantities can lead to kidney disease.

Goat Lamanche breed : reviews of farmers

Praise the owners of the farmsteads of these animals above all for very good milk. It is sweet, saturated and dense. In terms of taste, many compare it with milk from Nubian goats. According to many owners of household plots, the manatee is the quietest breed of all grown on farmsteads. She does not notice any serious shortcomings. The only thing, many recommend the mouths of these goats apart from other breeds. Because their character is very calm, the more nimble fellow tribesmen sometimes offend them.


Well, we hope, we have told in sufficient detail about what the goat manga breed is. The description, the photos presented on the page - all this makes it possible to judge it as one of the most problem-free and productive for today. Provide your ward with proper care, and they will necessarily thank you for good milking and large weight gain.

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